Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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I think he is just fine.

But in the interim, care to fill the rest of us in on what the "treasure" is at this site and the story behind it?


I told you, it's gold and silver in an iron container. It is not bars of gold, it is coins. We even threw in the depth for "good measure". You want the story, ask ECS, that's his department. In the interim my remote guy thinks I have been a little hard on ECS and should try to offer him some sort of out. My remote guy is nicer than me. He has dealt with skeptics for a lot longer time. We are not on here to hurt or humiliate anyone. I have tried to tell the truth since joining TNET. Sometimes the truth hurts.

BDD,I provide the historical references to counter your alternative Florida history where the living is easy,fish are jumping and the cotton is high,every daddy was rich and there mama goodlooking.
A mission for your remote man-dowse in the NE of Marion county,Florida,where Orange Creek meets the Oklawaha River.If accepted and his findings are posted here,I will relate the local lore concerning this site.

Local lore, please.

Pics or speculation?

You ask a lot of questions for someone sitting in the popcorn gallery. There is a scientific explanation for all of this. I don't want or need to know how it works anymore than I need to know how a smartphone works.

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Guess I'll take it as speculation.

ECS has now had all night to come up with his reply. Perhaps he needs Dr.vor to help put some spin on it. I asked him from the start to PM me if he wanted a demonstration. He dug his own hole, he had his own rope, he got himself a can of worms. I do not know how to help him out on this. It was his idea. Somebody better go check on him.

ECS probably has a life outside of TN. Be patient he will be back soon Im sure. He may not have expected a result so early. I certainly did not expect you BDD to have an answer for ECS so quickly. Your man may appear to have made a decent guess or maybe he had it on paper already as a known site. Or maybe he passed the test. We will have to wait and see if it is indeed the same coordinates..

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I think he is just fine.

But in the interim, care to fill the rest of us in on what the "treasure" is at this site and the story behind it?

ECS has the story and Im sure he will tell it when he gets back. BDD's remote guy only sees treasure like gold, silver and diamonds. He does not see any of the history. In this case its gold and silver coins in an iron container somewhere in the NE of Marion county,Florida,where Orange Creek meets the Oklawaha River.

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Please stop the insults now.....No one is required to prove anything and that goes for both sides....


My remote guy found the GPS number quite interesting. This was because he had already located this spot. He looked in his records and there it was. ECS did not give me a number that was in the "general area", the GPS number he listed is where the treasure is. My remote guy says it is gold and silver in an iron container. It is at a depth of 44 feet down in the water deep into the mud. My remote guy is convinced that ECS had been given this location sometime in the past. This is no coincidence. We think ECS thought he would throw my remote guy off by giving the exact location thinking my guy would obviously pinpoint somewhere else... We are really interested in what you will have to say about this. Keep it honest.
First off,to keep it honest,I PM'd Salvor6 and related the lore tale before these findings were posted.
THE LOCATION:This was the site of CSA Capt J J Dickinson's Sunnyside Plantation and CSA Fort Brook,where Dickinson launched many of his raids against the Union.
THE EVENT: May,1865,CSA Sec of State Judah P Benjamin,CSA Sec of War John C Breckinridge,CSA Capt John Taylor Wood(Jeff Davis nephew) escaped the Union by way of the St Johns River on board CSA Capt Hubbard Hart's JAMES BURT rinerboat,which they boarded somewhere around Black Creek,with part of the remaining CSA treasury(from Chennault Plantation,Washington,Ga or Abbeville,SC ?)and made their way down the St Johns to the Oklawaha River to the Landing at Silver Springs.On the way,they gave CSA spy Lola Sanchez,Palatka,$500 in Mexian silver dollars from a small keg,and Hart was paid $4500 in gold coin.Benjamin,who was Yulee's cousin and had two cousins in Ocala,knew this area well,and Wood's grandfather,Zachery Taylor served as commandant of Fort King (Ocala) during the Seminole Wars was also familar with the area,and was the reason for this escape route,free from Union forces since March 10,1865,when Dickinson repelled a raid by the Union 3rd Colored Infantry.Also during the flight,CSA President Jefferson Davis's baggage train was on its way to Yulee's Cottonwood Plantation at Archer,Florida,which involves another treasure story.
THE LORE: The keg with the remaing Mexican silver dollars was said to be buried at Fort Brook.
After delivering Benjamin,Breckinridge,and Wood at the landing at Silver Springs,Hart's JAMES BURT was never seen again.
Local tales claimed that it was scuttled on an Oklawaha offshoot with a small part of the CSA treasure.
In the 1960's was the time of building the CROSS FLORIDA BARGE CANAL,and the course of the Oklawaha was effected.
44' under water in the mud is a very interesting statement considering the aforementioned lore and history.

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VOR said: "I've....been mean spirited here."

Well vor, you finally admitted it.

First off,to keep it honest,I PM'd Salvor6 and related the lore tale before these findings were posted.
THE LOCATION:This was the site of CSA Capt J J Dickinson's Sunnyside Plantation and CSA Fort Brook,where Dickinson launched many of his raids against the Union.
THE EVENT: May,1865,CSA Sec of State Judah P Benjamin,CSA Sec of War John C Breckinridge,CSA Capt John Taylor Wood(Jeff Davis nephew) escaped the Union by way of the St Johns River on board CSA Capt Hubbard Hart's JAMES BURT rinerboat,which they boarded somewhere around Black Creek,with part of the remaining CSA treasury(from Chennault Plantation,Washington,Ga or Abbeville,SC ?)and made their way down the St Johns to the Oklawaha River to the Landing at Silver Springs.On the way,they gave CSA spy Lola Sanchez,Palatka,$500 in Mexian silver dollars from a small keg,and Hart was paid $4500 in gold coin.Benjamin,who was Yulee's cousin and had two cousins in Ocala,knew this area well,and Wood's grandfather,Zachery Taylor served as commandant of Fort King (Ocala) during the Seminole Wars was also familar with the area,and was the reason for this escape route,free from Union forces since March 10,1865,when Dickinson repelled a raid by the Union 3rd Colored Infantry.Also during the flight,CSA President Jefferson Davis's baggage train was on its way to Yulee's Cottonwood Plantation at Archer,Florida,which involves another treasure story.
THE LORE: The keg with the remaing Mexican silver dollars was said to be buried at Fort Brook.
After delivering Benjamin,Breckinridge,and Wood at the landing at Silver Springs,Hart's JAMES BURT was never seen again.
Local tales claimed that it was scuttled on an Oklawaha offshoot with a small part of the CSA treasure.
In the 1960's was the time of building the CROSS FLORIDA BARGE CANAL,and the course of the Oklawaha was effected.
44' under water in the mud is a very interesting statement considering the aforementioned lore and history.

!. The fact that you PM'd the details to Salvor6 is irrelevant because he and I had no discussions about this.

2. I read this post earlier today and you mentioned that the tale said that it was gold coins in a barrel. Why did you decide to edit out this info?

3. The location my guy said the gold/silver is at is in part of the river which is now a lake. When you look at Google Earth and go downstream a little ways there is a dam. Couple this with the fact that this is more or less a swamp it would not be hard to believe that a very heavy object like gold would sink to the hardpan or bedrock. 44' underwater makes sense to me.

4. I am curious as to how you came up with the GPS numbers. Were they randomly picked? Were they given to you? Do they have any special meaning to you?

I really would like to continue to talk about all this in a civil way.

VOR said: "I've....been mean spirited here."

Well vor, you finally admitted it.

And to think that I have never even addressed you on this or any other thread. :dontknow:

Let's keep it civil here lest we find this thread locked.

And to think that I have never even addressed you on this or any other thread. :dontknow:

Let's keep it civil here lest we find this thread locked.

It appears he was giving you an example of how a post on here can be "editied" to change what the original intent was.

2. I read this post earlier today and you mentioned that the tale said that it was gold coins in a barrel. Why did you decide to edit out this info?

I think because we now know that it is in a metal container. :sunny:

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In a previous post vor said:

"I.......know nothing."

Well thank you vor for being honest but we already knew that.

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