This is gold ore. .20 - .25 oz per ton.
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90% of the gold mined in the United States is mined from this type of decalcified sedimentary deposit. All of the gold is invisible and can only be proven through chemical testing.
This is a mineral specimen.
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Mineral specimens are most often associated with ores. This specimen contains no gold but it could easily bring more money on the market than the gold ore sample above.
This is high grade lead ore.
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About 50% lead with no gold or appreciable silver content.
This is very high grade silver ore from the Comstock lode in Nevada.
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Courtesy of my friend Chris Ralph. Check out nevada-outback-gems dot something to see the great mineral collections and information Chris has put into his website.
This is a specimen of silver Proustite crystals.
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Silver is rare in a pure native form but it can be very valuable as a specimen. Do not use a rotary wire brush on silver nuggets if you find them when prospecting. (ask Silver Dog Doug why

Ore is the rock you process to get the valuable minerals from. Specimens are the occasional discoveries of the purest mineral crystal forms desired by collectors. Ore sometimes contains specimen grade mineral crystals that usually have a market value far in excess of the refined metals in the same ore.
This is a fairly modern distinction because 150 years ago a beautiful crystal mineral specimen usually ended up in the crusher along with the regular ore. Today there is such a high demand for good mineral specimens that, even if they are microscopic, crushing ore for the mineral value could lose you most of the market value of your deposit.
Times have changed and confusing collector grade specimen material for common ore can be an expensive mistake.
I have a friend that owns one of the most famous gold mines in American history and despite being a former lead geologist for the worlds largest gold miner he only mines specimen grade material for sale to collectors from that mine. The billion dollar copper camp mines in Jerome have been mined by the owners for 60 years for their collectable minerals only. I'm sure some day they will get back to bulk copper mining but in the meantime specimen collection by a few individuals bring millions of dollars per ton of specimen material.
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