Persher Code

Yo! ??? I wish I knew the name of that "well-known researcher" alluded to in the first part of this thread... Confederate Knights sounds correct... KGC sounds correct... ???.
What if... it is REALLY Pesher Code? Pesher is old way of saying "from the Bible". And then, you have Pesher John... or something like that. Nahum Pesher?!? ???

Bob Collins said:
Just as I thought no one can offer any real proof of the Pesher code because it was made up by some KGC Treasure Hunter and not real.

I rest my case again.

There is no Persher code.

Sorry boys that old BS don't fly here.
I'm only thinking what Bozo is trying to pass off this code as real.
Bob Brewer maybe?
Could sell a lot of books I guess if you fall for it.


Have it your way, BC.

Rebel - KGC said:
Yo! ??? I wish I knew the name of that "well-known researcher" alluded to in the first part of this thread... Confederate Knights sounds correct... KGC sounds correct... ???.
What if... it is REALLY Pesher Code? Pesher is old way of saying "from the Bible". And then, you have Pesher John... or something like that. Nahum Pesher?!? ???

best known researcher of the pesher codes is an aussie lady named barbara thierry. If you do a google for "pesher code" you will find reviews of some of her books of pesher code findings. Don't know if this is the researcher referenced above. exanimo, siegfried schlagrulei

Greetings friends,

I don't mean to be ultra-skeptical, I don't even like playing the skeptic. However I do prefer solid leads whenever possible, and it appears that where the KGC is concerned, solid leads are going to be next to impossible to nail down.

Without something "solid" we are forced into making assumptions, which can work out alright or it can lead to a terrific waste of your time and abilities. I guess investigating history is never a waste of your time or abilities, regardless of what turns up or fails to turn up.

So many treasure legends have layers of fiction added to what was a real event, that it is often difficult to sift out the kernels of truth among bushels of chaff. Don't "file" me in with the super-skeptics who believe there are NO lost treasures or lost mines, in fact based on what I have researched, people might be surprised how many really are based on facts, not fiction. Those danged "treasure" writers are guilty of having distorted the truths and adding on layers of BS to so many reports it is a shame really. (Yes I write too, but I do make the effort NOT to add on layers of BS like some do.)

Yes seeing twin peaks is rather a teaser for old hunters of the Lost Adams, in fact that photo looks mighty familiar for some reason. By any chance is that photo shot in western New Mexico....just curious of course I cannot go off on another search any time soon.

Thanks and I hope you all have a great day!

your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

that "simple system any child could do" is best known as the Atbash Cipher. You simply reverse the alphabet and use A for Z; B for Y, etc. It works in any language and was said to be used in the Bible and was known to have been used by the Knights Templar. siegfried schlagrule

Yo! ;D (".High-Test" coffee - regular... grin); THANKS, Floyd! Didn't know it was HBB; I am a BIG fan of YOUR site, and have copied it for my KGC "file". The Ancient American Treasure web-site was ATTACKED years ago and MANY "threads" were lost; and I had forgotten what else was on the KGC "thread"... I was doing research on KGC, Confederate Knights, Rebel Spies, Knight Templars, FreeMasons, Beale Code(s)/Treasure, Treasures in Virginia, Pershur/Pesher Code back then... ALL at the same time... HA! Will read "sources" you lead me to and re-read HBB's "Blog", when I can (on rainy days...) :D

the blindbowman said:
Siegfried Schlagrule said:
that "simple system any child could do" is best known as the Atbash Cipher. You simply reverse the alphabet and use A for Z; B for Y, etc. It works in any language and was said to be used in the Bible and was known to have been used by the Knights Templar. siegfried schlagrule

that is not what the templars used ,, if you see this code and how it works . you would out right know that on the spot ...

that was a childs code, this is everything but ...

we are talking 40 digits at random that change placement with each new sequence , that is 10's of thousand of posable combinations, with thousands of sequence starting pionts mix in the 26 letters and there goes your life time .....

You have no idea of the magnitude of this code , it appears at first glance to be simple and basic, that is its misleading nature, that is what makes this code so un- breakable, it leaves you to believe it is simple, when it approaches the upper realms of known advanced mathematics.... I've been doing codes all my life, , my father was an advanced ham radio and keying 370 the words a minute,.... I believe this qualifies me to give my opinion of what this code is capable of...

In the history of codes that rate 4 or 5 on the over all scale, of this is an out right 10..... I have never in my life scene a code this advanced. Nothing even close...!

i will add ,what ever this treasure is . there is one thing for sure ... it is beyond priceless ... These individuals protected this code with their very lives. For this location to have that code and the key present would suggest in my humble opinion that this may be the resting place of the templar knights movement..

Treasure comes and goes that happens in all civilizations, these people had the intuition that fate would rob them, they protected their most valuable treasures. By sending them to unknow land faraway. I can only assume in the days and hours of their demise these stone tablets were made to protect their vast treasures as well as this complex code and its very unique key....

for exsample ..

you could give 100,000 people the best computer made and start them at one piont in time to solve this code . they would all live and die at the keys 24/7 ...and you might find 1 or 2 of the digits and you may not .. it would be a 50 /50 chance at best after they were all dead and gone ..IMHO ..

look at the good news ..

you would only have 38 more digits to go if they get to that piont , if you can get another 3,800,000 people at the keys you got a 50/50 chance of brakeing the code ....


Oroblanco said:
... Yes seeing twin peaks is rather a teaser for old hunters of the Lost Adams, in fact that photo looks mighty familiar for some reason. By any chance is that photo shot in western New Mexico....


Yo! ;D STILL doing research... Floyd DID "point me" in the correct direction, and here it is... NOT a NEW AGE book; THE TOMB OF GOD by R. Andrews & P. Schellenberger has PESHER CODE listed in the Index... pg. 383, 399, 487. SO! It WAS a MIS-SPELLING... HBB alluded to it in the "posts" that Floyd indicated... check it out, folks! ;D ;)

I thought I saw where the HBB blog announced that the name was going to change and then shut down a few months ago. what is the new name? siegfried schlagrule

Yo! ;D HA! The 1st 2 "addies" did NOT work, so I will just share what I have... (TAKE THAT!! COMPUTER NAZI GESTAPO "CONTROL-FREAK"!!!)... the 1st: was "Knights Templar
Ciphers, written by Dan Thomasson... on Atbash, Christian Cross, Futhark (Runic), Templar, Rosicrucian, Freemason, and Knight Tour Cipher(s). Yes, it is from a Chess Club web-site... Chess utilizes... KNIGHTS!!! The 2nd was "Templar Cipher" by Grand Lodge of British Columbia & Yukon; it had the alphabet & St. Andrew's Cross, how to use & all. My "sense" is these ciphers MAY help in deciphering Treasure(s) "clues". We use 'em here in Virginia, when we can... :D ;)

Excuse me BC---but where in my post did I state that I "endorsed" or even thought that Persher Code was a FACT, etc ?? I merely directed people to the origin of Springfield's original post. Looking back at several of your posts I see the pattern that you like to twist other people's words around to fit YOUR agenda.

I merely posted a reference point for others to look at & judge for themselves.

Floyd Mann

Springfield wrote:
Quote from: Oroblanco on Yesterday at 09:54:41 PM

... Yes seeing twin peaks is rather a teaser for old hunters of the Lost Adams, in fact that photo looks mighty familiar for some reason. By any chance is that photo shot in western New Mexico....


Ah Springfield you devil! :o You DO know how to get an old treasure hunter's wheels spinning! The sort of thing that makes a fellow start getting ideas again! ;D

Good luck and good hunting to you, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Oroblanco said:
Ah Springfield you devil! :o You DO know how to get an old treasure hunter's wheels spinning! The sort of thing that makes a fellow start getting ideas again! ;D

Good luck and good hunting to you, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

I haven't thought much about the LAD for years, but you're right - certain words/images can instantly transport one right back to the hunt. I've had a lot of fun with this puzzle. I'm about to change residences too (I'm only moving 8 miles), and when I unpack my stuff, maybe I'll sort through all the LAD stuff again.

the code frist shows up in the bible . and most likely was used for secercy in times of war ... the templar IMHO translated it and used it to find the treasure of the temple mount ... the reason why it most likely was lost at all was because of war . often in war the code keeper refuse to give up the code key and were killed for it . thus the code becomes lost
untill it is broken again ... in this case the templar broke the code IMHO and noted it was a vast code for its time . and used it ....

the idea it would hide vast treasure would be logical in fact ... in war most treasure is hiden and the code is the way they would protect it . often the code could be found , but brakeing the code most often never happend by the other waring part ...

thus the treasures were safe....and could be latter recoverd by the code key ... this is where i am at with the Persher code ... IMHO ...

it may leed to nothing . but it is a matter of histroy that thus codes do in fact often hide vast treasures , for the reason i have just stated..

let me add one piuont to this ...IMHO this is why the priest would work on the codes . often 10 or 20 thousand priest would work on one code . at a time .. and some times they would work on a small peice of the code ata time . thus years would go into one code ...

these priest would spend their lifes working on part of one code ...

this is way most people look at part of the code and never see even the smallest part of the part of the code ... its like laquages . you would see it as no more then ink on the page ...

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