Persher Code

I would be less inclined to worry about the possibility of any KT treasure after the KT were dissolved by the Pope. The majority of the KT transitioned into the Knights Hospitaller Order, all the KT property and monies were ordered transferred to the Hospitallers as well. What is not known is what did the Knights Hospitallers do with the monies from the former KT's banking ventures. The KH order became quite wealthy after the KT transfer, but no mention of what they did with it or where it has gone.

The KT banking venture was shut down at the transfer of the KT property, but all the proceeds from that and the monies from the donations by the wealthy families and kingdoms around Europe has never been explained or found. The KH were a monastic order same as the KT and the Cistercians, so the orders were self sufficient. Sure the KH built many buildings and other projects, but they were doing it before the KT transfer. The number of projects did not significantly increase to account for the spending of the monies.

It could be that the KT were almost broke as well. They may have spent all their monies in the crusades. Not likely tho.

The reason the french King pressured the Pope and had the KT in France arrested, was he was severely in debt to the KT. There could be other kings in the same position, but no other kings had the KT from/in their country arrested. There was only a few KT members killed in France, the King only wanted the senior members of the order imprisoned/killed.

The place to look for the KT monies would be with the KH. The KH did transfer/sell many of the properties they received from the KT throughout Europe.

The monies I am referring to is the silver, gold, jewels, plunder and other treasure the KT received thru donations of their faithful supporters in Europe, and spoils of war.

What exactly did the original nine KT remove from their excavations of the Temple Mount, and then take back with them when they just suddenly left the Temple mount and returned to Europe. Somewhere, there is going to be an inventory of what is was and where they took it. We know of one item, the wooden artifact they carried into battle. Everything else is unknown, they kept detailed journals of their exploits, so this would be out of character for them to not record their exploits at the Temple Mount.

There is speculation of what they removed, but no concrete proof. What they took and where it went would be the true treasure. France, England and Scotland are three possibilities.

;D Old SR "system" of degrees (25) was known as RITE OF PERFECTION; "communicated"/conveyed in FRENCH (HINT: KT from France :o) Various historical sources indicated FreeMasonry "evolved" from Knights Templarism in Scotland. Scot Masters of the 25 degrees "system" LATER became MASTERS OF THE ROYAL SECRET of the 32 degrees "system" of SR. "Google"... "Ecossais Lodge",
"Rite of the Royal Secret", "Chapter of Clermont", "Rite of Heredom", "Stuart FreeMasonry". I suspect the "old" degrees utilize KT PERSHER CODE, adapted fom Sufi Abjab/Adjab (ORIGINAL KT) of "story within a story". As it is a system of morality, veiled in allegory, illustrated by symbols... stories within a story for EACH degree; THAT is the PERSHER CODE "via" FRENCH Knights Templar "system" in Scotland "via" Sufi Abjab/Adjab. ANYWAY, it is snowing out...
:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: HOT Wassail? :wink: :read2:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D YUMMM! Only 2 inches and LOTS of BLACK ICE! >:( Broke my rt. ankle on BLACK ICE, last year before X-MAS... surgery, 3 screws and a metal "strip"; "BEEP!" :o "No sir... I have NO shoe bomb!" LOL. ANYWAY, MORE R & I (Research & Investigation)... LATER. :read2: :coffee2:
:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: ;D Sunday... PRAISE DA LORD! :hello2: :hello2: ;D

The King of France accused "during the Crusades, the Knights Templars were accused of collaboration with Saracen Sufis."

This is just one of the many accusations alleged by the King of France. During the subsequent investigation by the Pope, the KT were cleared of all charges and pardoned. There was no proof they collaborated with the Sufis, it was proven they were in fact not in collaboration with the Sufis.

The "Sufi Adjab" is a tri-consonantal language expressed by using consonant letters to express the words. This is called the Sufi cipher, which it is not a cipher in the true sense of a cipher, just a way of speaking and thought.

Here is an exerpt from:

T. E. Lawrence and S. A. – The Puzzle Solved Betty McKenzie 2002

The Way of the Sufi

x GI The (Sufi) poets were the chief disseminators of Sufi thought, earned the same reverence as did the ollamhs, or master poets, of early medieval Ireland, and used a similar secret language of metaphorical reference and verbal cipher. Nizami the Persian Sufi writes: "Under the poet's tongue lies the key of the treasury. This language was a protection both against the vulgarizing or institutionalizing of a habit of thought only proper to those that understand it. . . Ibn El-Arabi, summoned before an Islamic inquisition at Aleppo to defend himself against charges of nonconformity, pleaded that his poems were metaphorical, the basic message being God's perfection of man through divine love. (WOW! Ibn El-Arabi re love in Aleppo. Divine love - love carnal, love divine. Cypher -- the key -- protection of privacy (not give myself entirely away). Oh Wow, what Lawrence reference.)

x, xi GI Graves equates "an ancient and familiar Western habit of thought with Sufic type thinking. Druid sacred plant, mistletoe = an emblem of Druid's way of thought -- a tree that is no tree, but fastens itself alike on oak, beech, pine, (etc., see whole quote). The symbolism is exact, if we can equate Druidic with Sufic thought, which is not planted like a tree, as religions are planted, but self-engrafted on a tree already in existence; it keeps green though the tree itself is asleep, in the sense that religions go dead by formalism; and the main motive power of its growth is love, not ordinary animal passion or domestic affection but a sudden surprising recognition of love so rare and high that the heart seems to sprout wings. (T.E.L's love rarified.)

xii GI Graves notes "the curiously Persian or Arabian forms of ninth-century Irish poems. Certainly a well-known ninth-century Celtic cross is distinguished by bearing the Arabic formula Bismillah er-Rahman, er-Rahim (In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful) as proof that Sufism is consistent with both religions.

Healing, especially of psychosomatic disorders, is practiced by Sufis as a natural love duty (though not until they have studied for at least twelve years. The ollamhs were also healers and studied twelve years in their woodland schools.) The Sufi physician must not impose his own will on the patient, as most modern psychiatrists do; but having put him into deep hypnosis he must make him diagnose his own disorder and prescribe the cure. (Me: what Lawrence set out to do in his key chapters in SPW.)

xiii GI After their conquest by the Saracens beginning in the eighth century A.D., Spain and Sicily became centers of Moslem civilization renowned for religious austerity. The northern scholars who flocked there to buy Arabic works did not however demand orthodox Islamic doctrine but only Sufi literature. . . The songs of the troubadors -- the word is unconnected with trobar, "to find," but represents the Arabic root TRB, meaning "lutanist" -- are now authoritatively established as of Saracen origin.

. . . during the Crusades, the Knights Templars were accused of collaboration with Saracen Sufis.

xiv GI (Graves is here quoting a letter to him from Idries Shah): Sufis speak . . . of themselves as blind to things which are important to the unregenerate. Like the bat, the Sufi is asleep to "things of the day" -- the familiar struggle for existence which the ordinary man finds all-important -- and vigilant while others are asleep. In other words, he keeps awake the spiritual attention dormant in others. That "mankind sleeps in a nightmare of unfulfillment" is a commonplace of Sufi literature.” (See Lawrence's word from SPW on the dreamers of the night, and those of the day.)

xiv GI Graves also refers to Sufi's covert use of metaphor reassuring allies that one is one of their fraternity. Also states that many thousands of writers have made play with the associated meanings of Arabic roots. (It is amazing to me that, with all his intensive study of Lawrence, Graves never came up with any of this in relation to him.)

Sufi Adjab method of thought and expressing of these thoughts through language was popular in many parts of the world, as early as the fifth century. This method is what we would now call "an expression of thought through the use of metaphors."

The KT were a devout monastic order true to the church in Rome, they were the church's standing army. The church was at war with Muslims everywhere, and the KT were charged with carrying out the battles of the church. The KT did not collaborate or disseminate the Sufi Adjab into their own order. This would have violated the decree from the Pope that created the order. Yes there were similar methods in the Christian religions at the time, a "story within a story" as told in the bible. This is not the Sufi Adjab as practiced by the Sufis, the Sufis were the scholastic and think tanks of the day.

The Sufi Adjab was a method of expressing a series of words through the first letter of the words, using a three word combination. (See examples above.) This is not a method of a story inside a story.

A classic example of the Sufi Adjab is the use of three letters for U.S. Govt organization abbreviations: i.e. CIA, FBI, IRS, USA, INS, TSA, NSA, ASC, ANC, CGS, etc.

Of the popular social media abbreviations: lol, brb, cyl, etc.

The order(s) of Free Masonry evolved long before the advent of the KT. There is evidence that the FM was a sort of professional order of Masons dating from the early to mid Egyptian Pharaoh period. The Masons were an exclusive group (think Union) that had various levels of apprenticeship. It took approx ten to fifteen yrs for a Mason apprentice to progress through the many levels to become a Master mason. This method of apprenticeship evolved along with the Masons order/union. The individuals who built all the cathedrals, churches, buildings throughout Europe, think of Rome, Greece, Spain, etc., were all professionals/apprentices of the Mason order. This group eventually went underground due to the persecution by the church and various kings due to the secretive methods the Masons used in their craft. Many of the KT members were in fact Master Masons, they were the ones who built all the grand churches in Europe attributed to the KT.

The Masonic order was still considered a secret society several hundred years later, the signers of the Declaration of Independence were Masons.

The Masonic Order from the very beginning had their own secret language they used to teach their trade to apprentices, this secret language still continues today, though the words/meanings have changed considerably.

The Masonic Order we know of today did come out of the closet, in a matter of speaking, in Scotland where the KT were held in a more favorable light and where the members were of the Nobility, it was considered to be an exclusive club for the select few. Only the Nobility were allowed to be Knights, and only some of the Nobility were schooled in the art of masonry.

In the known writings of the KT and early Masonic order, there is no evidence of them using or practicing the Sufi Adjab method of thinking, living, and writing.

Yes, the majority of the Leaders of both sides of the Civil war and the predecessors and successors of the KGC and the CSS were of the Scotish Rite. The North and South both protected the property of the opposing side SR members. The CSS and the KGC used the method of publishing a story without publishing anything, a sort of secret code. The secret code was in fact specific words in the story.

What I am saying is, there is no evidence of the KT using or adopting the Sufi Adjab method/cipher. The masonic Order was in existence centuries before the creation of the KT, yes many of the KT were Masons. The Masonic Order(s) we know today came about long after the demise of the KT. The Masonic Order(s) we know of today are/were not of a Monastic origin.

The KT, Knights Hospitallers, and Knights of Malta, were all Monastic Orders formed by and approved by the Church in Rome. It took a Papal Decree to start the order and also to dissolve the order. When an order was dissolved, the order and it holdings were merged into another monastic order.

Even when the King of France, and the Pope under pressure of the King, denounced and/or had the members of the KT arrested (only in France), the KT were still faithful to the church. It was a matter of pride for the KT. The knights of the KT were extremely devout religious people, who pledged all their property and holdings to the order, they vowed to give their lives to the order, and many did. They thought it a matter of pride and devotion to die in combat defending the church and their religious beliefs.

If you look at the Monastic orders, and the Masonic Orders, they are nothing alike in their beliefs and structure.

There is no evidence the KT ever used the Persher code or Sufi Adjab, no evidence in their writings (church correspondences, journals, etc.).

The Masonic orders in France, England, Germany, Scotland, originated from the old order of the Masons (rock masons) who were forced underground due to their secret methods of training and working/building. Think the Dark Ages, when anyone who was not willing to openly share their learning were prosecuted.

These orders came ot of hiding only after the age of persecution was over, many of the Rights or Degrees of the Masons are based on the Kaballa and the levels of apprenticeship of the old Mason Order/Union.

The KT in France was a openly persecuted group thanks to the King who spread malicious lies and rumors about the KT. The KT in France was the same group who had members from what is now the areas of Germany, England, France, Scotland, and Italy. They were able to cross borders at will due to the Papal Decree from the Pope. The same decree gave the tax free status of all monastic orders. They received their wealth thru the land grants of the member Knights and the Nobility; expected donations of gemstones, gold and silver from the wealthy nobility, plunder from the escapades of the KT. All the land, wealth, and members were transferred to the Hospitallers at the termination of the KT by the Papal Decree.

The only thing that the KT, the Masonic orders of 13th through 21st centuries, and the KGC had in common was, they are all members of the descendant groups of the Mason Stone Worker's heritage dating back several thousand years.

The Scottish Rite may have included some of the Muslim Sufi Adjab version practiced in the Scottish area dating back to the seventh, eighth, and ninth centuries. There is no hard evidence of this either. By the time the Scottish Rite and other masonic based orders were created in the late 13th and 14th centuries, Scotland was a Christian state for a couple of hundred years by then. The version of Sufi Adjab was not practiced in Scotland or the rest of Europe by time the creation of the Masonic orders came about in Europe.

I don't discount the fact that the Freemasons are a descendant of the KT order. They are not a direct descendant tho. The KT order was disbanded by Papal Decree, and most of the members and all the assets were transferred to other religious orders. A few pf the senior KT members left the KT order during the transfer of the KT membership. These few ex-KT members would have been the ones to introduce the rites and passages of the old KT order to select members of the royal and noble members back in their original home countries. This is the likely birth of what is now known as the Mason Traditions.

The KT and all subsequent papal recognized orders, were barred from joining, starting, or participating in outside organizations. As a result of this "rule" of the church, the Masonic traditions were not recognized by any formal religious and royal authorities. The Masonic Traditions had to hide from the authorities for several centuries, due to the persecution of known Masonic members.

As for any treasure, a few items were spirited away to somewhere in Europe as the sky was falling on the KT during the initial attacks and arrests of the senior members. This has been proven to not be a wealth of treasure as is inferred by numerous individuals, but the items would be of significant historical value, this would be a treasure in itself just not the kind most people think of.

The remainder of the wealth of the former KT order was transferred to the Hospitaliers by Papal Decree by the Pope, all members of the order were transferred to the Hospitaliers by the same Papal Decree. A few hundred at most left and created the Knights of Malta. They never had any of the treasure of the KT order, only what they could get from their families and the communities in which they served.

To become a Knight Templar, you had to be a knight of a royal or noble family. Upon joining the KT order, the prospective member was required to transfer all assets and family wealth to the KT order. If you have several thousand wealthy noble individuals joining your order and all their wealth, including all their lands, servants, animals, crops, jewels, and "monies"; your order is going to explode with wealth in a very short time. You will amass a fortune in no time.

Yes the KT order was a very rich and powerful entity, most of their wealth was taken by the King of France when he issued the original order to arrest all the KT members; this was due to his immense debt to the KT. Other land holdings in Europe were absorbed into the land holdings of other royal members in the different European countries.

Check the books of the Hospitaliers for this transfer of personnel and monetary wealth.

The KT were very devout members of their order, they gave their life to uphold the principals of the order.

Every member of the KT were indigent and dependent on the order for their lodging, food, clothing, medical, and equipment. They gave up all their wealth and agreed to a life of poverty in order to serve the Order.

The only treasure is the few things that were stashed in a few places of trust in France, Scotland, and possibly in in what is now considered the country of Germany.

The only secret codes used were only the ones recognized by the "Church", and were the same codes used by the Hospitaliers, and later the Knights of Malta. It was a matter of "Pride" and "Faithfulness" to the order and then the church. The KT members were extremely faithful to their cause, you were not allowed to violate the rules, the penalty was death or worse, excommunication - which was a dishonor to the Order, the Church, and Your Family, which to them was worse not an option.

If you want to know what happened to the wealth of the KT, look into the Hospitaliers.

OOOOPS! Sorry. I started reading until I hit the Templars/Dutchman part. Gotta go!

;D ;D ;D


Coming back yet?

The reasoning he makes is sound,.....the KGC were imitating every part of the Templar lineage, to mask their operations in costumes.....

The Beale is clearly a Persher code describing the affairs of Waltz and Reavis in the Land Grab there.....with Willing and Gitt as partners......


I think some of you guys are wayyy overthinking this Dutchman thing.

It's a simple story made by a simple man, who by chance, luck and knowledge of minerals and mining, made a discovery of a rich deposit, a mine already being worked, or a cache hidden years ago.
No KGC, Templars, secret codes, stone maps or underground ant people involved.

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