HO Peg, I once posted about this in here Yes it can get very murky and touchy.
I mentioned that if and when Tayopa pays off, I intend to employ a good international Maritime etc lawyer to bring a class action suit against Spain in the name of the native Populations of America.
While the ships may be her's, the precious metal cargoes are not! They were taken by force from the native people who were also forced to work as slaves in the very mines that were stolen from them. Their descendent's are the rightful owners, not Spain.
This may open up a kettle of fish, but the native populations would be far easier to work with than Spain, for example.
I may have to do this with Tayopa to actually benefit from it. As it is, they already have a part of it since they were the original owners, and decendents of the slaves that were forced to work it
As cornelious mentioned, he cannot get an investor or help of anykind for his ship. In fact, no-one is interested in him or his ship right now, but, if and when it starts to produce, they will be coming out of the woodwork with their hands out.
I can promise for every kilo of precious cargo removed from the ship, a new claimant will appear.
Tropical Tramp