Pedro Navarez in Caballo Mountains or Organ Mountains????

There is a place called Vogel canyon up by La Junta Colo I have been there a few times to study the panels they are very interesting. It is not to hard of a place to get to so it makes it a nice place to travel to were the auto is close by. I do not know if it ties in to this place in New Mexico but it is ancient.

There is a place called Vogel canyon up by La Junta Colo I have been there a few times to study the panels they are very interesting. It is not to hard of a place to get to so it makes it a nice place to travel to were the auto is close by. I do not know if it ties in to this place in New Mexico but it is ancient.

New Mexico , specifically this Cooke's Peak Region , is the Gateway into the Land of " Ophir " .

I have not seen the Panel at Vogel Canyon , I however have seen pictures of " Giant Serpent's " Panels in California .

and those having duplicate Glyphs to here .

Before we jump way ahead , We have a need to look way back beyond " The Controlled and Allowed " History that
most of us are somewhat schooled and Brainwashed with .

One Single Glyph I shared with Dog , Speaks an Entire Volume .

a Circle of Dots , and next to it , a small figure of a Man .

Again , the Glyph is to be viewed as though you are Above the Device .

The Man ?

The Man represents the Heir to the Legacy .

I posted a picture of it somewhere , I'm looking for it now ,
my Laptop is constantly being networked into , and my Photo albums Deleted .

So I have to hunt down the Glyph in order to post it here .

Our Starting Point in this Legacy is back beyond the Devastation of Atlantis , It will roll up to and Beyond
the Event of the " Library of Alexandria " Destruction by Ignorant Goons of a System that Robs you blind of even
you're own Meaning .

I open the door for people to scoff at my Material , Those who will , are those who do not recall how they were
brainwashed into denying the Reality of Flying Craft with abilities that exceed those of the " Systems " Military Craft .

Ok ,
I ask that we attempt to ponder the Crafts abillity to Levitate Large Heavy Objects and relocate them any where across
this Globe , and do so with Great Ease .

As I present certain Items that were relocated , in enough examples , the " Facts " will become very clear .

I'll answer questions in a time that doesn't sway the course .
Sorry , I have to write as it's fresh in mind , so , I wish not to digress .
Thank You all .

Well , searched through my Flash Drive for the Folders of Photos , nope , gone .

The Glyph is of a Landed Craft .

if I get a chance , I'll go out and fetch another Photo of it .

after I post it , from that Point on , We're going into the so called Supernatural aspects of Our History ,

and the meaning of the Deposits .

I'll go straight at it ,

woo woo factor will be the individual readers perception , we each see the World in our own way .

I'll state that it is Fact , I've lived it , The Source is Valid far beyond
the so called authorized version of our History that we've been blinded with .

A couple points to consider ,

I release this openly without consideration to Personal Gain of any sort .

Not for Vanity , not for Money , Not for Acknowledgement , nor to win friends and influence people .

Reasons to release ?

I think that answer is found through a level of Higher Consciousness ,

Most Readers , would say to me : " I'd take the Gold and Run , I'd never reveal the site "

To those ,

I find it hard to swallow that anyone would stoop to greed , just as they would find the Truth hard to Swallow .

It's a Matter of Total Transmutation of Consciousness ,,

One level seeks Selfish Enhancements , The other seeks selflessly to enhance the Psyche and Happiness of all .

We all have a Goal to find a way to tap into that other 85% to 90% of our Minds abilities and Power .

I do indeed Believe the Keys to that Level , are stored within reach here .

now , some music I do enjoy :


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Jumped some life into this Thread , did I ?

Came in , only one page with 600 views , now 17 Pages ( a few deleted , thanks Mod. ) and near 8,000 views .

Alrighty , we're to do what now ?

sit and Ponder the material , or go out there to the sites and research those ?

Sharing the Valid information openly , is way out of the practice of most people , I detest GREED .

So , here I set an example of what we as living beings may have been with each other .

The Philosophy , The Kindness , The Intelligence to understand the Value , and an openness to share without regard to
what becomes of the Treasures , nor my Material .

Give you a Truth , I recall my Home World , we never heard of Money .

Imagine .

Enjoy Folks ,

Last note


You questioned why I didn't answer all of your questions .

I answered only those questions that I felt comfortable answering .

All answers come without ever having to ask the question .

some insights

By Law , I am not required to answer any question , by anyone, anytime , nor any place .

That's Bill of Rights Law .

Now ,

My Law : I rule over me , there is not a single Living Being anywhere , any time , That has any say in that .

Ok ?

Understand ?

Steve , you received without me requesting anything from you , nor anyone else .

Few can live up to that Stance , and maybe that's why none are Authority in my Life experiences .

thank You

Last note


You questioned why I didn't answer all of your questions .

I answered only those questions that I felt comfortable answering .

All answers come without ever having to ask the question .

some insights

By Law , I am not required to answer any question , by anyone, anytime , nor any place .

That's Bill of Rights Law .

Now ,

My Law : I rule over me , there is not a single Living Being anywhere , any time , That has any say in that .

Ok ?

Understand ?

Steve , you received without me requesting anything from you , nor anyone else .

Few can live up to that Stance , and maybe that's why none are Authority in my Life experiences .

thank You

I don't remember questioning why you never answered all my questions. If you'll remember, from the beginning (on that Utah site) I asked very few questions other than general discussion stuff. In fact, most of the information you gave me and the places you showed me were offered by you, not asked about by me. It's true that I'll warn folks about trusting you, but I myself have no beef with you - you've been generous with me.

Hey " Dog the Treasure Hunter " how was the Field Trip with Rog' ?

Enjoy it ?

hee hee

Hi Ken

Pic of a Meteorite That Rog' Found the other day , there were several pieces laying near each other .

He could sell them ,,, Line his Pockets with Coin of the Realm ,,, like a Greedy .

Know what he did ?

He set it on that Rock next to the Path so a Person that Likes Meteorites could find it and Take it Home .

See ?
That's how you create a Better World , you share unconditional Love .

Puppies can Teach you that , if you can't manage to figure it out on your Own .

Rog' is good at it .

View attachment 1681834[/QUOTE

That was a great field trip Rog, thanks. You guys should have come out. I have never seen anything like that. I have hiked a lot of miles in 3 different mountain ranges, and i never seen anything like that. I recognized some of the stone work. Thanks to Roger i got a free schooling on those markers and maps. Now i BELIEVE i have a much better chance at understanding what they are telling me, and showing me where i want to go to. It was great stuff, you guys should have came out. Plus i was telling Roger my truck had been missing,and that i had put in a new ignition moudgel and coil, he said to check the centrifugal advance. Well i got home,and looked, sure enough, one of the springs was off. So i even got free advice that worked on fixing my truck. Thanks Rog.

I wish i had the time to go out with Rog, I am sure i could learn a lot, and ignore some bs.

Wildpig, He's a generous man. Call him anytime. The # is in previous pages. If he says yes, then yes it will be. You'll be talking to an honorable man.

{} {} {} ~~~~~~~~~> Gone


  • Misty Evening Fog Big Sur 008.JPG
    Misty Evening Fog Big Sur 008.JPG
    99.3 KB · Views: 59
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Uh , I'm North and West now , by a few hundred Miles , Cell Service does not exist in these Mountains I'm located .

To Dog tth , : Let me guess , ok ? when we looked over the Big Boulder from a couple feet away , as I said " there's a Shadow Symbol of a Ram here ,
we couldn't see it , and then I wrapped my Arms around it , casting shadow over it , It appeared almost like a Glow , right ?

I'd say that blew your mind , right ? hee he ,,, Awesome display waasn't it ? ,

Yepper , the first Time I witnessed the Magic of Shadow Symbols , it set me on my booty too , crazy stuff involved with these deposits .

Imagine the first person who by accident while inscribing on Rock , discovered that diagonally chiseling , caused the effect , then it was later used
to sort of " Code " Messages on Stone .

Later , the Art was lost to Humanity .

Secrets do that , they Disappear with the Last to know them .

Lot's of Food for thought in the study of these very Ancient Sites ,
Scholars , Tribal Elders , Archeologist , most , have misconstrued those Glyphs .

So many different Cultures over 100's of years , have secreted items there , it's a Mind Blower to us , How and why so many
so far from there , were involved ?

The Purpose ?

The Meaning ?

I'd say more , inform in full as I know it , but ,,,
well , we all know that People take what I reveal , and use it for Commercialized Media .

I despise that Greed .

ok , got nothing to do for now , so , I guess I'll find a piece of Nothing and do it .

....boustrophedon?... (plowing) Wow. Oldie-oldie.

Sweet, :notworthy:

(to Ophir...via the star of merika sailing west)

Thank you.

('since' was a typo, sorry)

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4 people viewing this thread right now

Ya gonna post a comment , or just sit watching all day for more Treasure sites ?

speak up
I don't bite that hard , and I ain't got no tooths anyway .

say something

it's kreepy when you just " Watch "

Have a ,,, PicView attachment 1682302

Sometimes things just change, no matter how beautiful they once were.
View attachment 1689056

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Uh , I'm North and West now , by a few hundred Miles , Cell Service does not exist in these Mountains I'm located .

To Dog tth , : Let me guess , ok ? when we looked over the Big Boulder from a couple feet away , as I said " there's a Shadow Symbol of a Ram here ,
we couldn't see it , and then I wrapped my Arms around it , casting shadow over it , It appeared almost like a Glow , right ?

I'd say that blew your mind , right ? hee he ,,, Awesome display waasn't it ? ,

Yepper , the first Time I witnessed the Magic of Shadow Symbols , it set me on my booty too , crazy stuff involved with these deposits .

Imagine the first person who by accident while inscribing on Rock , discovered that diagonally chiseling , caused the effect , then it was later used
to sort of " Code " Messages on Stone .

Later , the Art was lost to Humanity .

Secrets do that , they Disappear with the Last to know them .

Lot's of Food for thought in the study of these very Ancient Sites ,
Scholars , Tribal Elders , Archeologist , most , have misconstrued those Glyphs .

So many different Cultures over 100's of years , have secreted items there , it's a Mind Blower to us , How and why so many
so far from there , were involved ?

The Purpose ?

The Meaning ?

I'd say more , inform in full as I know it , but ,,,
well , we all know that People take what I reveal , and use it for Commercialized Media .

I despise that Greed .

ok , got nothing to do for now , so , I guess I'll find a piece of Nothing and do it .

It really was great Bad Puppy. It did shock me. I think my jaw hit the ground and i got knocked back. It opened my eyes to the fact that there are invisible things out there, and its takes the right person to revel it. It was a great learning experience.

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