Pedro Navarez in Caballo Mountains or Organ Mountains????

in Red is outlined the Bottom of the Canyon as if you're viewing from above , this is your trail to follow .

In Blue , those circles represent big Boulders you will come upon as you travel the Trail Through the Canyon .
you may note that the Canyon has split off side Canyons , if there is a Deposit in one of those or all of them , a small Glyph will be next
to the Circle .

This is the Hottest Site in the U.S. for Buried Treasure .
I've never seen so many deposits in a single area .

It was set up to be that way , but for now I think it best to with hold that info from these pages .

Ok , the rest of the Glyphs on this Map , I'll decode later , for now, the reader has enough info to figure this Map out .
Most items on it , are as though viewed from above , a few are shapes of stones or shadows you will encounter as you
follow the Trail .

Chato Caches 009.JPG

To cover The Problem of people grabbing info and using it for Commercial Profit

This is an Ancient Worship site in Rucker Canyon , Organ Mountains.
Whitesands/Ft. Bliss NM that Treasminder2 posted on this forum in 2012 .

in Feb. 2013 , a New Road was begun and graded right up to the site he Pin Pointed .

He came back into this forum , posted a Photo of the Road and asked " ok , who did this Road "

No one would reply .

every poster in the VP threads , suddenly had nothing to say .

Interesting .

Investigators got to the Commander of Ft. Bliss and received the reply that the Road was paid for by a Well Known and Famous Film Production
Corporation .

Disney in fact .

This is why True Treasure info never is shared .
too much Greed around .

note the new road straight up to the site that Treasminder2 pin pointed .

Next on History Channel ?

Screenshot_2019-02-18 Las Cruces.jpg

The ones with the greed will never be able to get to the next level. The Karma Kings will take care of that.

Next level? Are you talking about some kind of video game? Karma Kings? Yeah, I guess you are. Groovy.

sdcfia the information being released here is this the area you always talk of were the ancients were prevalent in and about what time frame are you estimating they were here.

sdcfia the information being released here is this the area you always talk of were the ancients were prevalent in and about what time frame are you estimating they were here.

There are a lot of ancient Mediterranean-style petroglyphs found on both sides of the lower Rio Grande Valley in New Mexico, including the Cookes Range discussed in this thread. Trouble is, they may be ancient symbols but we don't know if they were carved in ancient times. Since there is no foolproof method of dating petroglyphs, it's possible they were carved in more modern times. Nobody can say for sure.

The one exception I know of is Mystery Hill west of Los Lunas NM - up by Albuquerque. Up on top of this mesa are ruins of structures that were very likely not native American. They resemble site plans of military encampments found in northern Africa from the Phoenician times. I tend to believe the "ancients" were in North America, but it's a hard thing to prove. Folks speculate that these guys were recovering gold and delivering it to King Solomon via boats to the Gulf of Mexico, but it's never been shown to be true. Lots of rumors, but that's about all.

Also, a woman named Henriette Mertz wrote a book (Pale Ink) back in the 1950s detailing journals kept by Chinese explorers in BC times. She makes a good case that these guys were in North America, based on description of routes, landmarks, etc. As I recall, these Chinese were at the tar pits in southern CA, and moved east.

and then there are The " Knights Templar "

I can assure , but not evidence for you , that a Band of them , did indeed reach this area of N.M.

I did enter the Cavern and Hold their Artifacts ,
That evidence was confiscated .

So , you have my Word only .

Glyph " Templar " Shield ?

Cookes Range , Near Mine / Smelter . Glyphs

Templar Code 001.JPG

Transport from across the Sea , of Ancient Treasure Hoards lost to History , all secreted in the S.W.

Many Cultures , Many Time lines .

How , by what , Who Directs the Collecting and secreting ?

is a Craft typically called a UFO Involved ?

Hard to Swallow ?

Not so much if your given evidence , Hard Core Evidence , Right ?

I'd present a Case on it , but the readers haven't enough Information and evidence as yet .

One Thought .

Sand Dunes on Both sides of Victorio Peak , how was it Possible to drive Ox Carts ,
filled with Heavy Bars through those Dunes ?

Yes , Stacks of Bars were secreted there .


1947 , The Roswell Crash of a UFO , Direction that Craft was coming from , in a Straight line to crash site , Victorio Peak .

3 more Craft would Crash on either side of the San Andreas over the next Two Years ( Give it time , Your Gov.'t is slowly Releasing UFO Files )

Each of those 3 Craft , in a Straight Line , were headed away from Victorio Peak .

I'd do an Overlay Google Earth Map , but who believes anyway , Right ?

Ok , those Craft , My Experience with them , they Have Anti-Gravity Tech , Honestly , they truly do .

Levitate Bars ?

Easier than me getting out of a Comfortable Chair .

Manipulate the Atoms with Harmonic Tonal Resonance , a Beam Tech , and they get it done .

But Wait ??? !!!!

So much we cannot explain on the subject of Ancient Monolithic Monuments , I mean , today , we can't do a Machu Picchu .

Right ?

Ok , that UFO subjct Matter should be at the end of the Presentation , answer is always at the end of the Story .

and I'll try to do that if time allows me to .

You don't have to believe anything , just Muse , Ponder it a Bit as we roll on this .

Picture is : Knights Templar " Iconography , known to myself and Bloodline .

Templar Code 002.JPG

BP were I live they found a broken Templar scabbard in 1960 it had gotten lost for a long time and was finally recovered in a Spanish monastery over by Pueblo Colo in 1999 it is now in a museum on display in Grand Jct it has the vision of Constantine on it it is way cool.

Lyrics I wrote in concerns of the " Mystery School " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~ Whim of Life ~~~~

ashes to ashes
dust to dust
suffers impermanence
and turns to rust

Something as simple
as a spoken word
can turn your world
as much as can be heard

Nothing exist in a final form
rather ageless or ancient
or never been born

everything changes
with or without
our consent

even our minds
as our reason is spent

Magical World
twirling ,,,
in a spin

as large as life
as small as the head of a pin

You've no need to know
the balance of all

however large
however small

you've only your mind
on which to rely
scream out your pain
or quietly lie
waiting for deliverance
from deaths gleaming Sy

Nothing matters
but ,,,
it doesn't matter
so matter begins
to take on a strut

that promises
to change
your life
take you out of
your rut

It's a magical World
we have no need to know

just relax and be calm
and watch life flow

You live as well as die

why bother yourself
with beliefs
based on a lie

Mystery School
has always been bent
so ignore the message
and meanings it's sent

and live like today
is the last
and never look back
to ponder those events
from your past

for Angels wait not
on those whom are late

and leave them to wander
in the void
facing a far darker fate

Run now child
and live the Magic of love

smile as the wind
under the wings
of the dove

fly to heights never
before seen

and live your love
like a beautiful
never ending dream .

~~~~~~ End ~~~~~~~

BP were I live they found a broken Templar scabbard in 1960 it had gotten lost for a long time and was finally recovered in a Spanish monastery over by Pueblo Colo in 1999 it is now in a museum on display in Grand Jct it has the vision of Constantine on it it is way cool.

That's one of those awesome stories.

and over the Ridge from you , in Montrose Co. a Friend of mine came across some ancient Dolls on his Property,

He didn't want to report the Find to so called authorities , Instead , he had His Son call me , asked if I'd take a look .

There were not Dolls , The Items were Images of the First Nine Knights , the same as the " Dolls " found inside Victorio Peak and
Smuggled out by Two Soldiers involved in the Removal of the Cap.'t Fiegie Treasure Trove on the West Side of the peak .

Coming West to Ophir Co.
Other Friends of Mine Discovered another strange site , Half Round Grooves carved with perfect smoothness ,
running in the Ley Line configuration of the Golden Mean .

As though cut with a Laser ,

Later , years later , we made the trip to the Mesa to inspect the site .
A simple 100' measuring tape was used to check the increments of the Layout .

It was Perfect .

Odd , a Laser cut set of perfectly half round grooves ?

Smooth as though polished Chrystal ?

Mysteries abound , yet we haven't the percentage of Mental ability to understand them .

Said , that we only use about 10 to 15% of our Minds ability .

Dormant Brains ?

are we Engineered Hybrids with a " Dumb Down " Gene built in ?

Is there a " Trigger " Secreted away for Eons , that can wake us up when the time is appropriate ?

If so , and if Found , and then Given , would we Mentally and Spiritually snap into the Next Level of Consciousness ,
move beyond this " Tribal Warfare " state of Consciousness ?

Would we come to " Know " the Nature of Life , rather than " Guess " at the Meaning of Life ?

Could there really be these " Keys " , could they have been laid up by Ancients , to await a Time when we can Handle
the Truth and apply it to our World ?

" Whats the Meaning of Life "

well , wrong question to ask ourselves .

Meaning is Ascribed analysis via Personal Perceptions .

" What is the " Nature " of Life " ?

The answer is in my Lyrics above .

It was found on the side of Grand Mesa by 2 women hiking in the 1960's.By the way do you by chance have some relation that lives in the Arboles Colo area do you.

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I truly have been blessed this year. I finally got to go Treasure hunting with someone. The true blessed treasure was that i got to spend Time with a person that thinks and see's on a total different level than others. Iam just sitting here,and iam not right, iam all out of sorts. Just in some type of zone. I dont know how to explain it.

It takes a while to digest all that. It will all sink in eventually. It feels like traveling back in time in a different mind set. (..a third eye opening?) Great.

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