pareidoliacs vs true trackers

The OP is intentionally blind to other things to be found "out there". No amount of solid proof in the form of photos, will ever convince him of the abundance of facinating things to be discovered.

likewise this poster is intentionally blind to the real signs - and finds all kinds of things that are not there...yes finding natures camouflage is fascinating until you learn it is not real, and made only my physics not man.

this gap is as wide as the grand canyon...and pareidoliacs are never reformed. as no amount of photos and confirmation signs will ever be enough to bring him back from the misunderstanding that is all he sees.

To him, only the Spanish performed any mining and other explorations in this country. In one of his posts, he actually wrote that shadow signs were very rare and could be extremely important. LOL We've all seen some very detailed shadow signs in the photos of many other members here and the OP actually posted the "decoded" information presented by the shadows.

Well prince all the members who read my thread about the Ancients ones, know that I discuss the Pagans and thier dolmens lead to the structure and design of the Alpha monument.
And you made no point in talking about shadows..they are important, very important as they are the easiest to manipulate in terms of when and what time of the year they are made to appear...second shadows are not part of a normal persons view of the landscape before they became aware of the use of shadows in the Spanish was stated on my part to the newbies not to overlook the importance of shadows when trying to find the number of necessary elements to confirm an Alpha or Omega monument...if you would simply read my post and follow the mark up or the decoding of these pics you could learn something about the true signs and elevate your knowledge of the code and how it was used.

He enjoys using that word "graffitti" a LOT, and I should be incensed about that. After all, I was the first one to use that word in reference to all of those extra numbers, letters, and figures that are found at many monument sites. At first, he tried to ignore those and call us names, but after many other folks began to ask him WHY they should be ignored because THEY saw them, too. When he realized that he couldn't get those others to back him on those evals, he began his "confirmation" signs line of thought. NOW, he emphases those CONFIRMATION signs to indicate the "true signs"... Well, why didn't he just point that out IN THE BEGINNING instead of resorting to name calling and finger pointing?

Sorry you don't remember but Old Dog who told you many months ago to use some discrimination or you would bury yourself in graffiti...old dog remembers well that it was me from the very beginning that said CONFIRMATION was the key to solving the signs or marks and in fact for breaking the code itself, so dont sit there and say I did not try to make everyone understand the importance of confirmation...what a joke, that rude and thin defense is.

Frankly, I'm beginning to wonder if he is just using the Spanish thing as a cover for his own searchings for the ANCIENT stuff. I'm not the only member of this site to see how he tries his best to divert all discussions away from the Ancients and onto the Spanish.

Paranoia is close to pareidolia ..I have also stated the Ancients came before the Spanish Code way before...The modern day code was started by King Solomon himself - I have shown how the Neolithic man during the Bronze age used dolmens as tombs to bury the important people of their tribe..and that it evolved in to the Spanish Monuments that we know today, Sir you are lacking in your research it appears or you do not retain the data-then you use that lack to attack my writings, how unkind of you especially since I posted a list of 20 or more confirmation marks for all to use gratis.

And just because others see the graffiti also does not make it true or right or a correct sign..after all even children can look up at the clouds and see recognizable shapes in the sky, doest mean that "elephant" in the clouds is real,, just means it kinda sorta looks like one...using simple logic for a complex problem only adds confusion to the mix.

If only he knew.................LMAO. But, the

Well Shortstack that IS the point, I do know and am trying [rather foolishly] to teach everyone the secrets of the Code.
but I have learned that some will get it - some will not, others say it doesn't even exist..I think you are in the second camp.Therefore I shall leave you alone with your graffiti but if you insist on "teaching"[or interpreting] graffiti to others, I will intervene and speak the truth of the nature of signs and marks. That you can count on.

oro mandate

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Please do not take Desertmoon's post as a joke. There ARE folks who monitor this section, and one other one, to watch and learn without posting their own comments. A former member in the eastern half of the US, found a varified vault and posted too much information about it. A comment was posted referencing a certain group of people and a self-appointed representative of that group initiated a lawsuit against the man on trumped up libel charges. Not only was the man broken monetarily, but his health suffered GREATLY. The individual who brought the lawsuit, got all of his info from posts IN THIS SECTION and it didn't matter that the whole thing was a bogus piece of crap......the man had to hire lawyers to defend him in the courts while the piece of dog fices who brought the case up was backed by boatloads of money.
That is just one example that I am personally aware of and there could easily be 2 or 3 others. A couple of years ago, a young member was posting some very, very good signs and trail monuments that were close to the "yard". Two or three members advised him to delete those photos and posts QUICKLY and to be a lot more "vague" statements. Fortunately, he took the advice and toned down his posts while working behind the scenes with some trusted advisors. I surely hope he made a safe recovery. So please do not take Moon's post as paranoia or overly suspicious because there are people going around defacing signs TODAY, that have been documented.

Oops, I posted without thinking how it sounded. I am aware of treasure trolls. I was just making light of the fact of those strictly reading to cash in on someone's find, but I am really heading west.

Regarding the OP, anyone with an objective viewpoint and even a passing knowledge of debating and propaganda techniques will probably read the threads and come to the same conclusion as I did quite some time ago: the man is a blatant fraud. What his goals and objectives are is questionable, and as far as I'm concerned, irrelevant.

well springfield, it would stand to reason that that would be your opinion since years ago you clearly stated that
D-I-S-I-N-F-O-R-M-A-T-I-O-N was the name of the game [as you played it]
and you have taken every chance to dissuade or disparage newbies here on this forum that the sign was just a rock, that the code didnt exist, the Spanish had nothing to do with mining, and on and on all untruths told with somewhat of an attitude that you knew something that we all did not, but you never gave any insight to a sign or mark that was forthcoming or true. You did however post some of your mysteries to have others solve them, then of course you rejected the solution..very duplicitous of you. What is still a mystery is WHY you rail against the code and its existence, one can only thing it has to be greed. what else would it be?

The only fraud here is you saying the code is not real, and that I did not break it..again the proof is in all the pics decoded on this site by me for free for close to a hundred here and elsewhere.

And your persistence dig about showing proof is a con game you play when you know good and damn well we cannot display any type of proof other than than each element of the code being shown, decoded with confirmation marks
then let each person , dig and retrieve whatever it is they find, I dont charge any fees, I dont ask for any split
as I dont want to know anything about their site that they dont volunteer,And for the cheap implication that I might be stealing sites know your wrong, but just took a below the belt shot. Of the hundreds of pics submitted to me over the last 8 years, they are all secure and nameless with no landmarks of any kind visible, as per MY instructions
I have so many sites of my own to dig that it would take me several lifetimes to dig them, I certainly dont need any more
But you knew that as I have stated it many many times.

The reason I give away the solution to the code here on this site is that I am giving back to the many many newbies and pros alike who have sent me pics of their sites to mark up and well as my own...having had the unique chance of decoding so many monuments helped me learn the code to the point that last june, I announced it publicly that the code had been broken.

Of course many were happy but more were pissed..or worried I guess at least the greedy ones who didnt want their site dug up by someone before they could do it unnecessary fear. as there are thousands and thousands of sites all over north and south america [new spain]
I am still averaging 2-3 pics per day that folks want me to decode for them , and I am still happy to do so..
if you want to send me a pic pm me for my email, and do not include any landmarks in the pic, I do not want to
know what state the pic is from , it is not necessary, as all the marks and signs are the same over the last 300 years
all over the western hemisphere~! [normal disclaimer that I have used for the last 10 years.

one final thought, cloud reading is a phase just like DM said. it is in fact a normal part of learning signs and marks
and I have no problem with that, as we all go thru that. but when Shortstack will not give up or pass thru the phase and for whatever reason he continues to stay in that phase is of some concern or mine, because the new members can get easily put off track when he calls out graffiti and camouflage and speaks about them like they were real..that is the problem.
Secondarily cloud reading is infectious in that it can lead folks who are on the correct path to be influenced by cloud reading and be pulled off track. it seems such a simple thing, to look for confirmation marks, but few do it, and cloud readers hardly ever do it...only conclusion I have is that true signs are rare and very difficult to find and document, and graffiti is everywhere on every stone and boulder not only here on earth but on the moon and mars fact the entire universe is filled with it is easy
and if dont get out much or are a newbie you want easy...

oro mandate

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dont worry some folks here are always trying to stir up trouble, ignore them, it means nothing-their condition can be cured by a vigorous 5 mile walk near any gold bearing steam.

and when you get out west pm me and see if we can hook up, I have some nice teaching examples that I can show you - they are real sites but cant be dug because of the land status but really good examples of how the code works
oro is the reward for keeping eyes on the prize and doing the proper research and ignoring graffiti

Springfield, and others:
rangler just posted this comment on another thread. He did not recognize the basic ALPHA monument indicating a doorway to a trail that is damned near right out of Kenworthy's book.........PAGE 14. And, more point, ragler. Several months ago I openly wrote that I am now an armchair adventurer. BUT...........I never mentioned where I've been; what I've done; where I've done it; who I've done it with; how many states / countries that I've been in; etc. mainly because I don't think it is any of your business or the business of anyone else. I have had many adventures in the past, but now cannot do that any longer because of health reasons. Of all the years I've been around, the one most important thing I've learned is how to spot a fraud / charlaton / con artist / etc. (take your pick) As I've also written, I've been called worse names by far BETTER men than you, so you may take your opinions and a $20 bill and buy a cup of coffee anywhere in the world...........but don't forget the money................your opinions are worth spit otherwise.
I write these comments without personal malice toward you; just a tireness of your repeated proclamations of self-importance and piousness. As has been written recently; you have not produce anything of your own in over 1,000 posts.........just marked up copies of OTHER PEOPLE'S PHOTOS, even though you have actually written that you have BROKEN ALL OF THE SPANISH CODES. As is want in the financial world...........SHOW ME THE MONEY. But, in this case, show US the proof with some photos of at least ONE of your great recoveries, still in the hole / vault. I'll bet gollum would be very surprised to hear that you claim to have decoded the Paralta stone maps in just a couple of days. And that was right after you ACCIDENTLY came across the spot where they were originally found.

Capture5-24-2012-6.59.32 PM.webp
Capture5-24-2012-6.59.42 PM.webp

Most post on this site or any others are folks shareing information, information that they themselves think, some of my post ( all actually ) are just MY interpation NONE of the symbols have been made by me so thereforth they must have been made by others and its me just repeating what I have seen.

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dont worry some folks here are always trying to stir up trouble, ignore them, it means nothing-their condition can be cured by a vigorous 5 mile walk near any gold bearing steam.

and when you get out west pm me and see if we can hook up, I have some nice teaching examples that I can show you - they are real sites but cant be dug because of the land status but really good examples of how the code works
oro is the reward for keeping eyes on the prize and doing the proper research and ignoring graffiti

well for what it is worth i know you are a liar . and that is the only rule i have when dealing with another treasure hunter, that should not be broken. and i really do not have time to answer to the rest of what IMHO is mindless dribble flowing from your keyboard .

I don't think rangler knows what the phrase "hook up" means. LOL .........but, maybe he DO.

Anyway, when he posted a comment to Ruby's photo as being unimportant, it proves something is wrong with his evaluations. Even I know that photo is a classic doorway monument right out of Kenworth's I posted.

Wouldn't HIS post to Ruby's photo be an obvious DISINFORMATION try by someone trying to mislead? Desertmoons comment is really relavant.

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I have some nice teaching examples that I can show you

Sounds great, I appericate it. Thank you. This time around I do not have sufficent time due to other pressing issues, but I would never turn down an opportunity to learn. I tend to find myself out in AZ more than I would like to sometimes, but travel all throughout the southwest. I am not retired, so time off only comes once in a while. I am a armchair hunter.:thumbsup:

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