Well, why didn't he just point that out IN THE BEGINNING instead of resorting to name calling and finger pointing?
Well SS, my main purpose in posting was to get him to man up and name names instead of using propaganda techniques. He is not the only one who has been trained in such around this forum , or has experience in character creation albeit not for the same purposes. His nebulous labeling of the "enemy" as they and them and some ... only serves to raise division and promote an agenda.
The tendency to focus on personalities, and to conjure up a cause and an enemy,which has changed from the gov't wanting to hide things, to mean old pros boo hoo who do not spill their very hard won knowledge lightly,(as it was learned through years of toil and 1000 of miles of boots on the ground why should they? ) to the the current over blown crusade against the unnamed cloud readers, distracts from the purposes at hand. Which is simply, marks and signs, I'd like that to stop frankly, as I feel it is a negative influence on the community here.
Putting a face on the so called enemy is one step in that direction. I believe it is safe to say, his current crusade is usually against you, me and sometimes Springfield. Springfield of course in no way could be considered a cloud reader. So there you have it folks.
There is not some rampaging horde of cloud readers wanting to only ensare you in their evil ways. Looks around..blinks.....why I guess it is just SS and me. A poor turn out of infidels... I would say..and mislabeled at that as to their nature.
Cloud reading is a phase people go through as they are learning the craft and training their eye. Some go a little slower, some a little faster...but it is simply a phase.
As to his agenda... that is the big mystery,,though I have my own thoughts on it.

It is clear he is focused online at least..on Spanish. You bring up an interesting point. But it could be that Ancients are not talked about much online, nor is their iconography posted and he may not know much about them. He may have not looked for them in the field.
I recall how frustrating it was in the beginning. If only someone would give me a hint I was sure I could forge ahead. Over time and a few mistakes, I was blessed with a little help from people of good character and from a a lot of persistence out in the field . I would advise all folks new to this hobby to be very very wary. Sites do get stolen.