Hmm since the Fed is so picky about helicopters, what about parachuting in? Fly over and simply jump out when you are over the right area, and have the plane push out your gear and supplies also attached to parachutes! Of course it might be instant death or slow death, especially as our Mexican friends would say, "el terrano es MUY peligroso" but what a wild ride on the way down! If you survive the jump and land safely, which in itself would be a trick, you could then have a treasure hunt right off the bat to try and find all the gear and supplies that came down by separate parachutes, and likely drifted with the winds!
If anyone does try this method,
please let me know in advance so I can get cameras set up to film it? Yes that is being a bit morbid on my part, but one of us ought to make a profit on a
bad idea right?
Seriously, there was a good reason why so many old-timer prospectors used burros - strong, protective, easy keepers, and (in some cases) affectionate. Supposedly they can even "smell" water which could be important in the desert. Today they have the added advantage of being legal in ALL wilderness areas. Donkeys are even relatively inexpensive to obtain, heck the BLM has an adoption program where you can get several for about the cost of the immunization shots the animals get.
Please do continue,