Overstreet Next Edition


Bronze Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Garrett AT Pro
Attn Colllectors: We are now accepting artifact submissions for the OVERSTREET NEXT EDITION Indian Arrowheads Identification & Price Guide! A lot of hard work has went into making this publication the most accurate to date and here's your chance to be a part of it. The artifacts that you submit do not have to be the biggest or sexiest, I'm really just looking for classic examples of their respective types. So, be sure to submit those field-grade relics as well! There are certain types that will be needed more than others (I'll compile a list for each region later), but you can submit anything that you like. Here's the criteria for the images:

(1) Clear photo with white or black background.

(2) 300 DPI is prefered, with image files no larger than 1mb each.

(3) Place a ruler next to the artifact (but not touching) to show scale, if possible.

(4) Include as much information as possible (material, beveling, smoothed edges, etc).

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask.

The link to the submission page is Over Street Next Edition - Typology Submission

Matt Rowe

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I have been putting in some time submitting a bunch too Steve.

Artifact rich South Dakota has been way under-represented in the prior publications, and we happen to be split into two regions. East half of state being in the North Central section, then, from the Missouri river region west, in the high plains region.

Jusr curious how many people are sending in some pictures. I have sent in a bunch and hope they pick at least a few to publish in the book. I have some pieces published in one of Jim Bennets books. It's pretty cool to open a book and see your own pieces.

There's quite a few, which is a good thing. I've went through quite a few and I think that there are 600-700+ submissions still waiting to be sorted through right now. The larger the pool of artifacts that we have to draw from, the better the book will be. When I do figure out which types that we will definitely need more images of I will let everyone now.

I have been putting in some time submitting a bunch too Steve.

Artifact rich South Dakota has been way under-represented in the prior publications, and we happen to be split into two regions. East half of state being in the North Central section, then, from the Missouri river region west, in the high plains region.

I have a few South Dakota pieces. I'll get some pictures and submit them.

I have two questions as well , is there a deadline? and what color or type of backing do you prefer? Sorry i reread your info i see you want black or white.

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I was wondering how you know what size your pictures are when you send them? I have plenty of fields grade finds from N GA as most know thats usually the types I find.

I'm going to try and get some in as well because in previous editiond I feel Arizona is underrepresented. Unfortunately I don't have ready access to some of the better pieces.

I was wondering how you know what size your pictures are when you send them? I have plenty of fields grade finds from N GA as most know thats usually the types I find.

You can check the image size / resolution in your graphics program, like photoshop. However, as long as the images are crisp and clear I wouldn't worry too awful much about resolution. There have been several people who have submitted images taken with their cell phones and they look fine to me. Lighting matters a lot. If you can, I would recommend taking pics outdoors - you just can't beat natural light.

Here's something that I have been using as a backdrop for flint pics for a while now. Jewelry board/trays. They're very inexpensive and work great! They are hard and covered in velvet, so you don't have to worry about much about light reflecting. You can get them in white, black, or gray...I have several of each. https://www.amazon.com/Wire-Sculptu...=1517852320&sr=1-5&keywords=velvet+tray+board

I'm going to try and get some in as well because in previous editiond I feel Arizona is underrepresented. Unfortunately I don't have ready access to some of the better pieces.

Great! We can use some more from that area.

Jusr curious how many people are sending in some pictures. I have sent in a bunch and hope they pick at least a few to publish in the book. I have some pieces published in one of Jim Bennets books. It's pretty cool to open a book and see your own pieces.
. I am definitely sending my banner find as well as several of the nicer points I found last year.

Going to try and send some pics today of course its overcast

Is there a cut off time for submissions?

There is no cutoff date. I will be accepting pics until the book is finished. We are hoping to have it wrapped up by the first of April, but nothing is concrete yet. I would submit the pics as soon as possible though.

There is no cutoff date. I will be accepting pics until the book is finished. We are hoping to have it wrapped up by the first of April, but nothing is concrete yet. I would submit the pics as soon as possible though.

I have a lot of triangles bigger and tiny if you need more examples. Lets us know if you fall short on any types I have more I can send if I didnt send enough.

ATTENTION: The cutoff date for the Overstreet "Next" Edition submissions is March 17. So, if you wish to have any of your artifacts considered for inclusion, now is the time to submit them! Images must be of individual artifacts and they have to be on a black or white background. They do not have to be top-shelf perfect examples, but they do need to be classic examples of their respective type. You can submit your images at http://www.overstreetnextedition.com . Here's a few types that we really could use more, or better, examples of :
Aux Arc
Covington (Per Jelks original definition)
Craig (Tribute)
Current River (Eastern Missouri and surrounding areas)
Edwards Arrow
Fayette (MO, ILL, Iowa)
Friday (Per Jelks original definition)
Gober (eastern OK, Western AR)
Ozan Creek
Peisker Diamond (from NE AR)
Petit Jean River
Racoon Notched
Rice Lobed
Rio Grand
Rice Side Notch
Schild Spike
Vian Creek
White River

Must have a enough of western point submissions, most everything I see is Midwestern or Eastern stuff.

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