OUT of CURIOSITY has anyone here found a BIG Treasure ?

Honestly???I haven’t found two bits—much less a plug nickel…🤣😱✌️⛄️

Okay how about a wooden dollar does that count? Somewhere I also have a wooden nickle.

Not me, but a friend's brother\wife team scored treasure just a few miles from where I live. See attached article. Back in 1989 they found a rare silver 1652 NE sixpence in a potato field. Only 8 are known to exist. In 1992 they sold at auction for $35,200. In 2012 it resold at auction for $431,250, more than four times the pre-sale estimate. I heard that recently it went up for auction again and netted nearly one million.

You may feel bad for the metal detectorists who found it and were paid so little. But they used the sale as a down payment for a house. Since then, real estate prices have gone through the roof in my area. You can't find anything, much less a shack or teardown, for under one million dollars. So they did well by smartly investing.

I know where these fields are drive by them often. I haven't felt the impetus to seek permissions and get out there. I have my own permissions and turf throughout the area. I turn up CT coppers and feel it is only a matter of time before I turn up some NE silver. My area was historically close to New England, both culturally and by water distance. Would really love to find a pine tree shilling. Keeps me out there swinging.


There is a rumor that a couple of years ago a local metal detectorist was detecting behind a recently dispatched Italian Mafia crime boss' mansion in Scarsdale, NY, when he found several dozen 1-oz Krugerrand gold coins, buried about 20" deep in pvc tubes.

Now, hypothetically, the detectorist would of course not want ANYONE to know who he was or what he found, so no he would not report the find. What would he do with it? Barter for a new truck. Sell one or two every now and then. Give a few to his kids, grandkids, and great grandkids.

There is a rumor that a couple of years ago a local metal detectorist was detecting behind a recently dispatched Italian Mafia crime boss' mansion in Scarsdale, NY, when he found several dozen 1-oz Krugerrand gold coins, buried about 20" deep in pvc tubes.

Now, hypothetically, the detectorist would of course not want ANYONE to know who he was or what he found, so no he would not report the find. What would he do with it? Barter for a new truck. Sell one or two every now and then. Give a few to his kids, grandkids, and great grandkids.View attachment 2193114
Exactly.... You take your fine and keep your mouth shut and don't document it also thru writings, pic's or your best friend. Then take periodic road trips aligned with buyers across the country. By announcing it to the world (internet) only bad things can actually happen from that act. The only exception would be finding anything of value on your own land and share.

There is a rumor that a couple of years ago a local metal detectorist was detecting behind a recently dispatched Italian Mafia crime boss' mansion in Scarsdale, NY, when he found several dozen 1-oz Krugerrand gold coins, buried about 20" deep in pvc tubes.

Now, hypothetically, the detectorist would of course not want ANYONE to know who he was or what he found, so no he would not report the find. What would he do with it? Barter for a new truck. Sell one or two every now and then. Give a few to his kids, grandkids, and great grandkids.View attachment 2193114
Very interesting :) What is your thoughts on this ? Is the rumor real ??

If you have found one few questions.
1. Did you report it ?
2. Did you lose a percentage of it for taxes ?
3. How would you handle your NEXT big find ?
4. How or why did you hit the mother load ?
I sometimes wonder without sounding goofy. In America only, relics or coins oh and trash is found. Relics probably are older than coins im sure they are. So it comes down to your finds, being in dirt, mud etc for decades means it will only be graded in a condition that fair or good unless it's gold or silver which usually holds itself on trending value. Everything is only as valuable to the persons wanting it is willing to pay. Its the excitement of the find. To me what are we not finding that is there and we skip over due to misc factors.

That's a great topic Gare so I'm gonna jump in. Yes, I have found a big Treasure, and her name is Linda. Her maiden name was actually Treasure, so to answer your questions :
1) Yes, I reported her to our church when we were married, and the Courthouse for our records !
2) I didn't have to pay taxes as she was actually a tax gain claiming her as a dependent !
3) There won't be another big find, as we've been married for 40 years and I don't need another big find ! And she's really not that big at 5 ft. 3 in. and 115 pounds !
4) Hit the mother load ? I've never hit my wife in my life cause she would kick me right back ! And besides that, she was / is the best "mother load" our two grown children and 3 grandchildren could ever ask for !

I have tried to answer all of your questions to the best of my ability !

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