oujie board

I don't think it's the board itself. Just like dowsing its a connection with the mind. There is also something called ghost writing , a thing where you pull letters out of a scrabble bag to get answers. All kinds of things but those two off my head. Anyways it's subconscious controlled you just don't know it. Now I'm not saying its real but it's not the board. Remember it was made up and bought by a toy company. You can make one at your house and it'll work the same way.

I remember getting one as a gift as a child. My Dad took it away. Always wondered about that thing. I do not think it is anything like dowsing as someone mentioned.
If it like dowsing ten I could write a novel with one blindfolded.

I remember getting one as a gift as a child. My Dad took it away. Always wondered about that thing. I do not think it is anything like dowsing as someone mentioned.
If it like dowsing ten I could write a novel with one blindfolded.

Already been done... can't remember name of book, tho.

I bought one at a garage sale for a quarter for my kids. Wifes grand parents came over freaked about how terrible I was and that evil spirits will be in our house BS talk. That was the last time they ever came over as I told them to leave. They are crazy religious nut bars.
I don't believe in such nonsense, but I love movies about such things.

Demons are real. I have been roaming around asia for many years and can tell you there IS a spirit world.

Demons are real. I have been roaming around asia for many years and can tell you there IS a spirit world.

Tell something that you've encountered.
The subject is fascinating to me but I'm not convinced. I'm a, have to see it to believe it type of guy.

WB, Marc! YOUR story is WOW!
That's the Reader's Digest version! LOL! You was jipped, Rebel! :laughing7:
I remember a 4 or 5 page story, with 8 x 10 color glossy's, with the circles and the arrows! (ya needed the seeing eye dog, remember? lol) Seems like the version I read was a lot longer! LOL!

Hey Marc, if your around, did you ever get a chance to get over the Facteur Chevals', Palais Ideal in Hauterives?
It too, is a "divinely inspired" place, as the story of the postman Cheval, is indeed intriguing. The museum there, was kind enough to send me a book about the place, many years ago. I've always felt some "draw" to that place, for some reason. :dontknow:

Postman Cheval's Ideal Palace

I was in the town of candalaria in southern luzon, philippines. It was about 4 pm and really hot so i decided to get a cold beer and relax . I walked into this restaurant/bar and sat at a table and looked around the place. It was almost empty, only one drunk guy almost passed out at a table with a woman sitting with him, and another woman who was my waitress who sat with me after i bought her a drink.

My waitress spoke really bad english but we were still able to chat. She asked me where i am from, what am i doing in the philippines, my name etc. After a few minutes i saw her face had this blank vacant look and she was not talking. Right then this voice started to speak, and the sound came from her chest area not her mouth. The voice was twisted and evil sounding. It asked me my name, where am i from, what am i doing in the philippines etc. Well, i was shocked and the hair on my neck stood up. We had just talked about this already a few minutes before, and the voice spoke perfect english. I cannot express to you how evil and sick this voice was. It was not growling like in the exorcist, and it was not using profanity. It did sound very curious about me.

I asked it how many were inside of her. It replied....." there are many of us in here".

I asked it where are you from. it replied..." from the land of sexual perversion ".

Now i'm thinking at this point i want to get outta this place. I was expecting the demon to say it was from hell or something, not the land of sexual perversion.

I then asked it another question. Who is jesus christ ? It became angry, snarling and more vile sounding ...but it said... " Son of God". It answered the question but it didn't want to. I could hear the stress in its voice, and it did not want to answer, but it did.

I motioned with my hand for the young man behind the bar to get my bill, because i wanted out of this place. Right at that moment the girls facial expression changed, her eyes were clear, she was back. And the demon was gone.
She asked me why i'm leaving. She had no clue as to what just transpired over the last few minutes. And what could i tell her ?

There was more to the conversation with the entity, but that's enough for here.

There were no hidden wires speakers etc. She didn't ask for money, and it was a totally random choice for me to enter that bar.

This is not proof to any doubters, but it did happen. That's all i can tell you.

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That is a real freaky story Mike.

My only "freaky" type thing that happened to me was back in 1972 after my father died of a heart attack. It was in April and my 7th birthday was in May.
After he died I had the same dream/nightmare a number of times.
I'd be going down into the basement where there was a rec room. We had 3 sections to our basement. The first was the finished rec room, the 2nd was a unfinished games room (shuffleboard, pool table, pinball machine) with a laundry room of to one side and then a storage area.
I would get down and almost enter into the games room but behind the bar was a smaller door where the sump pump was. The door would open with a bang and my dad would come out. I'd turn and run up a few steps and my dad grabbed my leg near my ankle. This is when I woke up totally soaked in sweat.
I don't remember exactly how long this went on for, but I'd guess 6-8 times ???

The last time it happened, I didn't wake up at that moment and my dad after grabbing me told me everything was going to be ok. After that I never dreamed of it again and had no fear of our basement after that. Over the years I've told a couple of friends and my wife, but mostly don't mention it.
I really don't know what exactly it all means.

Also my dad was the youngest in his family. My 2 aunts were the oldest followed by 2 uncles.
My dad died on April 6th 1972. His next oldest brother died on April 8th 1974, then his oldest brother died April 10th 1976. All of heart attacks.
My dad was born on June 6th 1931, next oldest brother was born June 8th 1929 and the oldest June 10th 1927.
What are the odds of those dates the way they are?

Ronzie....The dates are all seperated by 2. That's really weird. The odds are impossible....but true.

I kept silent about my demon story for many years. I didn't tell anyone for a long time. Now i find it easier to talk about it, but some people can't handle it.

I never discuss it unless the conversation goes in that direction, and i feel comfortable with those present. I do understand why people doubt, but all i can do is tell what i saw and heard and leave it at that.

Hello, I have a long story to tell, I will try to shorten it.
Back in 1980 I was in school think it was my senior year. I had a photography class, the homework was to take pics of old glass windows. I decided to go to an old church that was labeled as the devil house. I had never been there before this time. I took two friends one male and one female because I was their ride home that day. We went to the devil house which was behind an old marion labs building which did test on animals for steroids. The road to the church was blocked off at one side of a circular drive, so the road was gravel and it was a oblong circle with a single fence that ran in the middle. We got to the church after about a half block walk. The church had been in a fire and was half gone, the front half was mostly gone but someone had put a wood plank up so you could walk into the church. Of course I was the first one in there and I saw a piano that was on its side still intact but burnt with one leg burnt off. I wanted to scare the girl so when they entered I strummed the strings which gave off an eerie sound, which seemed to get louder with a vibrating feeling. ( scared the hell outta me instead.) So I clicked pics of the windows as fast as I could that told them we had to go. I had the feeling we was being watched and started back to the car. We were half way down the road and the girl said "Oh look! a horsie!" There was a white horse on the opposite side of the fence, the fence was a one side fence which the road ran on both sides in a circle. I went to pet the horse and its eyes where as white as the horse itself. It gave out a low pitch hiney, I said I think the horse is sick and we continued our walk to the car which was parked in front of a building next to the barricaded road. As we approached the vehicle I heard a "What do you want?" In a low raspy voice. I was unlocking the car and my back was to the person talking. I turned around and this so called man in an old monks outfit with the hood down was standing there with his hands in each opposite sleeve. The man was as white as this background , with a dutchboy haircut and deeeep wrinkles in his face. I said "just leaving" turned and look at my friends and told them to get the f*** in the car! Of course my friends were freaking out. I sped out of there and took them home. I got a block and a half from home and the transmission blew in my car. I developed the film at school and of all the pics I took only one turned out which was a pic I took at school of my friends before we went to the devil house. I am thinking I experienced a shapeshifter of a demonic force. Because that horse was gone! and that man was in that same area as the horse would of been. I still have the reminder of the day in my High School Yearbook, that girl wrote at the end of paragraph. Remember the horsie.

spirits may answer that are familiar people we know but u cant be sure,and u cant be so powerful to call any spirit u want.so,try call some famous and strong personality,try call a saint or something like this.we cant.spirits say anything they want,they play with us,and of course can answer to some questions,but most of them hear our mind!

Well jasone, i don't want to call any of them. There are 2 theories as to what they actually are.

1. They are fallen angels. Nowadays these spirits claim to be aliens and are here to help us. Don't believe it.

2. They are the spirits of the nephilim. The nephalim were the children of fallen angels mating with earth women before the flood. Since these hybrids are not fully human, they have no place in gods creation, and are bound to the earth until the final judgement.

I think they might be both.

Check out Chuck Misslers you tube videos about the Nephilim. he's a credible guy with high level contacts in the aero space industry and the government. He was also head off missle defense at Lowry Air Force Base in Texas.

I thought this "thread" was about experiences with the ouija board... !!!!

This is also the paranormal thread.
You can contact demons with a quija board, but i don't use them. They are the energy behind dowsing rods too. It's called divination in the bible. Yes, both methods do work according to the willingness of the user.

Research Jack Parsons from Jet Propulsion Laboratories in california. He was deeply into demonolgy as were his friends Alleister Crowley, and the Oppenheimer scientists who created the first atom bomb called Trinity. They are also the founders of Area 51.

Read about jack parsons wife who thought she was from mars. This is one strange group. They all claimed that they received technology from Aliens/demons. They thought they were aliens, they were wrong.

Read about jack parsons putting either a living female baby or a dead fetus into the Trinity bomb and sacrificing her to satan. I think the child was alive but they later denied it. Either way, our government continues to seek technology from these so called alien beings.

Ritual sex and black magic were a common theme with this group. It's all well documented, i didn't make this up. The fathers of our space program have a very dark past.

If they indeed did put a female baby into the Trinity bomb, it makes me wonder about the next bomb they made called Little Boy.

Pic: Marjorie Cameron. Wife of Jack parsons who supplied the baby.


  • Marjorie_Cameron  wife of jack parsons.webp
    Marjorie_Cameron wife of jack parsons.webp
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It's called divination in the bible.

Weird stuff. Of course casting lots is a form of divination too... which Jesus' disciples did.

I think the safe route is to avoid all this stuff... 8-)

A few more pics of the first family of jet propulsion, and founders of area 51. The parsons were satanists and firmly believed in what they were doing. What they thought were aliens, were in fact demons.

Research the lives of the men behind our space program and you will discover demonolgy, not science. A shortcut to advanced technology has a price.

Marjorie actually believed she was from mars and was trying to build a craft to take her home. They were not crazy, just extremely deceived.


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    Jack Parsons.webp
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  • Jack Parsons and Cameron.webp
    Jack Parsons and Cameron.webp
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  • marjorie_cameron.webp
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  • parsons_ft.webp
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A few more pics of the first family of jet propulsion, and founders of area 51. The parsons were satanists and firmly believed in what they were doing. What they thought were aliens, were in fact demons.

Research the lives of the men behind our space program and you will discover demonolgy, not science. A shortcut to advanced technology has a price.

Marjorie actually believed she was from mars and was trying to build a craft to take her home. They were not crazy, just extremely deceived.


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