I wish Marc was here to answer any questions.
Hey everyone, well, I haven't been around TNet for awhile, but somehow this post came to my attention. Sorry I have been absent. I have (not surprisingly I guess) been working on my site....
A couple months ago I cleared the property for the first time. (me, myself and I - by hand!) In doing so, I found a large pile of rocks with undulations and depressions around it.... so, I dug in one of the depressions. The geology of the site is generally a soft limestone subsurface with one foot of very rocky black dirt on top.... well this depression was different.... I got down about 4 feet, and it appeared to be a hole that had been dug long ago and refilled. The strata was completely mixed up, and included many indian digging tools.
Then one day I looked at the edge of the hole - which by the way, was hard limestone - with vertical sides - filled with loose mixed up stuff..... and WHAM, I found an ancient plastered wall! I showed a picture of it to an archaeologist and he said "it does appear to be something - is it possible it's part of an old bomb shelter?" LOL LOL LOL... NOT!
Anyway, it was still all confusing... and the area was so large and so rocky, it didn't make sense to dig it by hand.... so, we rented a bobcat and removed all the overburden on the pile of rocks and found nothing definitive.... although there are areas that look a lot like concrete. So, the site sits excavated, and exposed, and I go out there on a regular basis and try to make sense of it all.
One of the things that keeps me going on the area is... after finding the wall, I went back through the writings to see if the board said anything about it.... I could not believe what I found....
These are actual writings from various sessions....
"sides of walls show - rains make show soon - depression will show how it winds around once" -"step back and look into their eyes when wall is exposed and u will see for self what I saw - it is one thing to dig all over hell for u and not say anything but when something is really found words cannot be said to many - less u want everyone of is friends here" - "go 650 feet on fence line and entrance will show" - "650 feet on fence line entrance tools tombs".
I don't know why I never focused on those sessions that said "650 in on fence line" other than the fact the question was "what fence"? The most amazing fact is - this plastered wall is exactly 650 feet on the fence line, and in hindsight it was the only fence that COULD have made sense!
Anyway, to make a long story short, YES, I have not given up on my search, but have run into money problems, and have an excavated site that has left me more questions than answers.
I am hoping to run ground penetrating radar on the excavated site in the coming weeks....
I know the board said "words can not be said to many" - and if I had opened the tomb, believe me, I would not be posting this.... but I am quite frustrated to STILL have not made the discovery. I STILL believe it is there and I WILL continue looking.
For the record, after re-reading the writings, I have concluded that what is on the site is what is known as a "shaft tomb". Google "Mexican shaft tomb tradition". There are no known tombs like this in Texas (yet) but I KNOW my family was not making this stuff up - we weren't paying some psychic on the corner to mislead us.... all the sessions we conducted were by my family and for my family only.... besides SO much information was true - including at least one very detailed prophecy (that I have never posted about) that I believe 100% that there is a shaft tomb on the site.
I am attaching pics of the tools and the plastered wall I found.
I would not mind some help with this... whether it's financial or physical... I am in a situation, where I am offering a percentage of whatever we find to the ground penetrating radar operator... it would be preferable of course (since I BELIEVE it is here) to just pay for a survey rather than offering artifacts!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the update :-) Wish me luck!