Yesterday, while we were on site with the gentleman who was doing GPS (ground penetrating sonar) a local gentleman approached us to show us a couple Indian arrowheads that he had. We gave him our opinion, which I’m not going to list here because he didn’t like our opinion. I showed him the thread before I’m posting this, so he knows that I’m asking for an objective opinion from people who are professional and experts, and can identify these arrowheads by approximate age, details.
I will give a little history on the area which is south western New York State, within Indian reservation area which was a confederacy. It is a very high area of finding Indian artifacts, of course. We have found many arrowheads and pottery shards within the same piece of property. We actually located what we had believed to be a burial mound a few weeks back, and we’re verifying it with some GPS. In the exact area, we have already identified graves that date to anr 1850s and they are European settlers buried within “boxes”. There is also a Native American buried at a much later time, probable 1920s to 1940s, in the exact same area. The site that we are identifying as possibly a burial mound is far earlier.
Based on that little history of the area, this gentleman presented us with these two Indian arrowheads, and he believes them to be ”very, very old.”
Opinions to age, details, authenticity. And that’s the info he was looking to share and allowed me to share about the area, and he’s looking for objective opinions.
I will give a little history on the area which is south western New York State, within Indian reservation area which was a confederacy. It is a very high area of finding Indian artifacts, of course. We have found many arrowheads and pottery shards within the same piece of property. We actually located what we had believed to be a burial mound a few weeks back, and we’re verifying it with some GPS. In the exact area, we have already identified graves that date to anr 1850s and they are European settlers buried within “boxes”. There is also a Native American buried at a much later time, probable 1920s to 1940s, in the exact same area. The site that we are identifying as possibly a burial mound is far earlier.
Based on that little history of the area, this gentleman presented us with these two Indian arrowheads, and he believes them to be ”very, very old.”
Opinions to age, details, authenticity. And that’s the info he was looking to share and allowed me to share about the area, and he’s looking for objective opinions.
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