Even then Till you Spend it, It isn't worth Crap.Well my dad used to tell me about money and making purchases with money! He said whatever you buy make sure you can physically hold it in your hands. When is comes to money make extra measures that you can actually hold greenbacks, gold, or silver in your hands, because a check is a piece of paper with numbers on it and it can get destroyed in a washing machine, getting wet, lost because it can look like other paper and in reality a paper check is worthless!
I can pretty much imagine what my dad would say about this if he were alive today but I have a very good idea! "You don't have $350,000,000 unless it's in greenbacks, gold, or silver you can physically hold it in your hands!"
A few years ago $2 would get you a Gallon of Gas.
if You held on to those $2.00
You won't even get a Half Gallon of Gas in most of PA.
so your $350,000,000 in greenbacks fell By holding onto it.
too much math necessary in the case of silver and gold between then and now
and too much speculation for the future
$350,000,000 could equal filing for bankruptcy due to your tax return ,
and owning an electric car and your electric bill is due the same time
because that paper won't even keep you warm for an hour, unless you use it to burn down
someone's home.
The way I see it, a $100 Bill is Only worth $100 the day it comes into your Hand.
after that it's all a Gamble
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