One Merc, one phone booth and one car!

Tin Nugget

Bronze Member
Jan 11, 2007
Mesquite Texas
Detector(s) used
Went detecting with a few Tneters a couple of weeks back. The Hunter, Baggins and Fu Man Stu. We went to a secluded area along the Trinity river that was used as a day long picnic/getaway area for Dallas residents 1894-1911 or there abouts. We didn't find the exact spot but we did make some odd finds. First good hit I had was this Merc 1943. About 6 feet away I got an odd hit that bounced around but covered a big area. It was only about five feet from the cliff looking over the river. I started to pass on it then dug it anyway. About 10 inches down I hit a plastic bag and something hard in it. I said man if this is a dead animal somebody buried..... Anyway I finally got the bag out of the ground. It was actually two plastic bags one inside the other. I started to dump the contents onto the ground and first out fell a purplish wax statue I think is supposed to be a woman, then 5 jars fall out of the bag. The were all wrapped in aluminum foil and then had tape around them. I thought OK, this is a little weird. The foil must have been on the bottles quite awhile because you couldn't peel it off and nobody actually wanted to except me. So I took my digger and scraped the first jar. It looked like strawberry jelly. I scraped the next jar and it looked like some kind of dark paste, then the next one had some kind of black or gray liquid with a bunch of junk floating around it when I shook it that I did not recognize. I didn't look at the last two. I put them back in the plastic bag, dropped them back in the hole and covered them up. But I did keep the wax statue even though it was a little spooky looking. I told a guy at work about the wax statue and he said with a straight face, man those people in that neighborhood practice voodo and black magic stuff. We went back to the parking area when we were about done. The Hunter said he had went the other direction along the river and saw a car on the river bank about 30-40 feet straight down the cliff along the river so I went to check it out. The we noticed it looked like a road used to run along the river at that point but had small trees and brush grown up on it. Took a little walk that way and found this phone booth. When I got home I told my wife about the day and before I could say do you want to see the statue, she says, you didn't bring it home with you did you? I showed it to her but she said it was spooky and was not coming in the house! We didn't find the sweet spot but it is close and we eliminated a big area.


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Baggins said:
Whoa, whoa now....I never saw that thing he dug up! It must have "slipped" his mind at the time, or already had some sort of power over him... He only showed me the merc and the shells, and that star shaped bottle...The first time I heard of him digging any of that mess up was here on this thread! I am innocent I tell ya!

Baggins, I had already found it before you got there. Fu Man Stu and The Hunter were there when I dug it up, you came about 30 minutes after I found it so maybe you are in the clear. I carried it around in my back pocket. Fell out twice and I had to go back and find it. I am still trying to find the owner of the property with the big house by the old dam. That's the lowest point along the river and The Hunter has been researching and believes this is where the paddle boats stopped to load and unload passengers and I believe he is right.

"Down in Lou´siana where the black trees grow
Lives a voodoo lady named Marie Laveaux.
She got a black cat tooth and a mojo bone,
And anyone wouldn´t leave her alone.
Another man done gone.
She live in a swamp in a hollow log
With a one-eyed snake and a three-legged dog.
She got a bent bony body and stringy hair,
And if she ever seen you messin´ round there,
Another man done gone."

;) :-X :-\ :o

Baggins, you want to go back there Sunday or the following Sat? I need a witness I put it back with the five jars of stuff. I can't take it anymore. It's driving me mad I tell ya. BOOOOOHAAAAAAA! Actually there is a spot farther south off Dowdy Ferry Road I want to check out but I will go put it back, um, just in case.

Good! Just do, and please put it where you found it! None of us are teasing you, that black majic is bad and that is bad!

We just love to much and if anything happened to ya and we did not say anything we would feel guilty!

Love ya,

P.S. Let us know when ya got it done!

Noodle said:
My a$$ wants to know what happened to sacrificing VIRGINS instead of A$$es!!!

Find a virgin at this hunt? Are you kiddin'? The only one I can think of would be schlooppy!

warsawdaddy said:
Noodle said:
My a$$ wants to know what happened to sacrificing VIRGINS instead of A$$es!!!

Find a virgin at this hunt? Are you kiddin'? The only one I can think of would be schlooppy!

WD you must be drinkin 'shine cause if Schlooppy is a virgin I've got real wings! ::) :) :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D

No wait, didn't Fenderoid call him "Tinier than tiny"?????? ::) ;) :D ;D :D :D :D

Advice from Africa:

Dear Brother,

I am the Cheif Priest of Asante Kingdom, i am very much aware of the transactions you have in my country, about your consignment that was held in the airport and some security warehouse in ghana.

My Dear Brother, I can help you with prays and you will receive your boxes and funds within 72hours without making any pay to anyboby, they will release your boxes to you.

My Dear Brother, the only thing you need is to make some sacrifice to appeal to the Gods of our land, you we need to buy the below items for the sacrifice.

1]One He Goat
2]One She Goat
3]Seven Candle
4]One Native Hen

My Dear Brother, if you can get this items, then all your problems are gone.This is message from the God's of our Land. Note that the problem you are having is from your family and your friends, they don't want your progress, but i asure you that if all this are done your will receive your consignments without payment.

Best Regards
Cheif Priest of Asante Kingdom

willieboyd2 said:
Advice from Africa:

Dear Brother,

I am the Cheif Priest of Asante Kingdom, i am very much aware of the transactions you have in my country, about your consignment that was held in the airport and some security warehouse in ghana.

My Dear Brother, I can help you with prays and you will receive your boxes and funds within 72hours without making any pay to anyboby, they will release your boxes to you.

My Dear Brother, the only thing you need is to make some sacrifice to appeal to the Gods of our land, you we need to buy the below items for the sacrifice.

1]One He Goat
2]One She Goat
3]Seven Candle
4]One Native Hen

My Dear Brother, if you can get this items, then all your problems are gone.This is message from the God's of our Land. Note that the problem you are having is from your family and your friends, they don't want your progress, but i asure you that if all this are done your will receive your consignments without payment.

Best Regards
Cheif Priest of Asante Kingdom

Holy makerel, what have I gotten myself into! :o

I was just thinkin' here...

If you showed up in Louisiana with that thing, maybe it would/could "call" the bad mojo on Noodle's cousin's property. Good for the cousin's sake, not so hot for whoever's holding onto the "thing," though...

I'm just sayin'

Nan :-X

Hey TN, I would love to go hunting, but my detector broke last week...I am looking to get a new one though...just don't know when..

See the thing is workin to keep the bad mojo on ya, here the friend you want to go with you has a broken detector! :-[

roswellborn said:
I was just thinkin' here...

If you showed up in Louisiana with that thing, maybe it would/could "call" the bad mojo on Noodle's cousin's property. Good for the cousin's sake, not so hot for whoever's holding onto the "thing," though...

I'm just sayin'

Nan :-X

OH NO ROS! Don't encourage him to bring that thing to the hunt! He's already disturbed the evil spirits in Texas! Don't bring it to LA, Tin! Why, it's already gonna take us sister's all night friday night to rid him of the possible spell he's done gone and got! Besides we have enough gin to last on into Saturday night?


Baggins said:
Hey TN, I would love to go hunting, but my detector broke last week...I am looking to get a new one though...just don't know when..

Let me know when you get it fixed. I want to do a Youtube video digging those jars back up and putting the wax statue back in with them. I would also like to see what is in the two jars I didn't check.

I still can't help but wonder how freaked out the person that put them there would be if they dug it up and the statue was missing. I don't think the pic shows it very well but the face and chest area have been melted.

Wow...Tin I cannot believe you brought that home...but you need to heed the warnings here of the La-La sisterhood and get it right back to where you found it...I cannot stress this enough. And then...You really need to do a healing and cleansing ritual for your vehicle and your home and anything else that idol might have touched....This is serious stuff here and you have me very worried. Please , do not attempt to discard it or burn it or put it anywhere else except where you found it.
Once you have taken it back you need to do a Crossed Conditions Reversal.....
To remove crossed conditions, many people make use of a spiritual bath combined with a simple candle-spell. To perform this work, you will need a spiritual bath preparation made with purifying herbs or an hyssop and rue herb bath.make this up yourself from hyssop or rue leaves .You also need 2 white offertory candles and some Uncrossing Oil to dress them. Burning a packet of Uncrossing Incense while you work is said to increase the efficacy of the job as well.

look up the 37th Psalm. This is the one that begins "Fret not thyself with evil-doers..." If you believe that your bad condition today results even in part from your own bad activities in the past, look up the 51st Psalm as well, where hyssop herb is recommended for purification from sin. If you are not a Christian or a Jew, you can still use these herbs; they are traditional for jinx-breaking, Uncrossing and the removal of sin in any case, and instead of a Psalm, just write down your request in your own words that the jinx be lifted.

To prepare the spiritual bath, you arise before dawn, and either brew up the herbs into a tea and strain the liquid or dissolve the herbs in warm water. Then you recite the 37th Psalm for jinx-breaking or the 51st Psalm for purification (or any Uncrossing spell of your choice) as you pour the bath water over your head.
When you have finished the spiritual bath, step out of the tub and light the 2 white candles that have been dressed with Uncrossing Oil. Light the Uncrossingincense next. Stand between the candles. Do not dry yourself with a towel -- let the bath water dry on you in the air as the candles burn and smoke yourself in the incense. Recite your Psalm one more time. If you intend to work this spell for the full 13 days, pinch out the candles (don't blow them out) after a few minutes so you can relight them the next day. If you will be doing the spell only for one day, walk away after you recite your Psalm and just let the candles burn until they go out, no matter how long that takes.

After taking this bath, some people then use the remaining bath water to wash down their floors and especially the doorstep of the house. Mix the spiritual bath water into a bucket with some Uncrossing mixture and Chinese Wash to make it even stronger. Wash from the back of the premises to the front. Sweep out the front doorway area while the floor is still wet. Once you are done with the wash water, carry whatever remains out of the house and pour it on the ground outside (not down the drain).

Do this every morning upon awakening -- bathe, pray, light the white candles and incense, then wash down the house -- for 13 days and this will bring you relief from crossed conditions.

Good Luck and I am going to do a Good Luck Charm of my own for you right now,.....

Well the melting I think probably happened before it was buried. It is still scarey!
U-Tube will be apriciated!

Ask Gypsy about the car too and the bag that you carried it home in!

Gypsyheart said:
Wow...Tin I cannot believe you brought that home...but you need to heed the warnings here of the La-La sisterhood and get it right back to where you found it...I cannot stress this enough. And then...You really need to do a healing and cleansing ritual for your vehicle and your home and anything else that idol might have touched....This is serious stuff here and you have me very worried. Please , do not attempt to discard it or burn it or put it anywhere else except where you found it.
Once you have taken it back you need to do a Crossed Conditions Reversal.....
To remove crossed conditions, many people make use of a spiritual bath combined with a simple candle-spell. To perform this work, you will need a spiritual bath preparation made with purifying herbs or an The hyssop and rue herb baths are things you can make up yourself from hyssop or rue leaves .You also need 2 white offertory candles and some Uncrossing Oil to dress them. Burning a packet of Uncrossing Incense while you work is said to increase the efficacy of the job as well.

look up the 37th Psalm. This is the one that begins "Fret not thyself with evil-doers..." If you believe that your bad condition today results even in part from your own bad activities in the past, look up the 51st Psalm as well, where hyssop herb is recommended for purification from sin. If you are not a Christian or a Jew, you can still use these herbs; they are traditional for jinx-breaking, Uncrossing and the removal of sin in any case, and instead of a Psalm, just write down your request in your own words that the jinx be lifted and the one who put it on you be struck down.

To prepare the spiritual bath, you arise before dawn, and either brew up the herbs into a tea and strain the liquid or dissolve the Uncrossing mineral crystals in warm water. Then you recite the 37th Psalm for jinx-breaking or the 51st Psalm for purification (or any Uncrossing spell of your choice) as you pour the bath water over your head.
When you have finished the spiritual bath, step out of the tub and light the 2 white candles that have been dressed with Uncrossing Oil. Light the Uncrossingincense next. Stand between the candles. Do not dry yourself with a towel -- let the bath water dry on you in the air as the candles burn and smoke yourself in the incense. Recite your Psalm one more time. If you intend to work this spell for the full 13 days, pinch out the candles (don't blow them out) after a few minutes so you can relight them the next day. If you will be doing the spell only for one day, walk away after you recite your Psalm and just let the candles burn until they go out, no matter how long that takes.

After taking this bath, some people then use the remaining bath water to wash down their floors and especially the doorstep of the house. Mix the spiritual bath water into a bucket with some Uncrossing Crystals and Chinese Wash to make it even stronger. Wash from the back of the premises to the front. Sweep out the front doorway area while the floor is still wet. Once you are done with the wash water, carry whatever remains out of the house and pour it on the ground outside (not down the drain).

Do this every morning upon awakening -- bathe, pray, light the white candles and incense, then wash down the house -- for 13 days and this will bring you relief from crossed conditions.

Good Luck and I am going to do a Good Luck Charm of my own for you right now,.....

Utube,heck! I want a dvd of this!

mental granny said:
Well the melting I think probably happened before it was buried. It is still scarey!
U-Tube will be apriciated!

Ask Gypsy about the car too and the bag that you carried it home in!

It was definitly melted before it was buried. I DIDN'T DO IT, I SWEAR!

I rode with The Hunter to the place and back. He dropped me at my car and it rode to my house with me from there.

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