One Dowsed observation

Okay, that led me to carbon fiber, much cheaper. They have feraday bags, Matt's and rugs. I need to order some carbon fiber, and hope it works as well as expensive graphite..

Okay, that led me to carbon fiber, much cheaper. They have feraday bags, Matt's and rugs. I need to order some carbon fiber, and hope it works as well as expensive graphite..
I ordered a set of cheap carbon fiber cell phone feraday bags, but the cloth is expensive. Not sure what would be better graphite or carbon fiber socks and bed sheets. I need to Dowse the carbon fiber cloth I have coming, before I decide if it works .

I dowsed it 32 khz is a pretty strong master key frequency their using.. A mimic everything frequency, a bad drain. Works well for treasure hunting also..
I dowsed and the 32 khz frequency, is the same strength as a 1.9341 khz, master key, I used to use years back. And it's the same strength as the Schumann resonance master key frequencies in Hz. 7.83, 11.2, 22.4 i think they are... Somehow I got lucky and dialed to a number almost twice as strong as those others.. If I had someone dialing the frequencies as fast as I can dowse, every second. There has to be an even stronger one, than what I now use., we could find..

I ordered a set of cheap carbon fiber cell phone feraday bags, but the cloth is expensive.

Your "Faraday bags" are lined with a conductive, metallic cloth, most likely copper, or nickel/copper. When properly closed, that bag will block/shield whatever is inside from electromagnetic fields. The field will flow around the outside of the bag, rather than penetrate.

BTW, did a little research and found that styrofoam contains a good amount of carbon, and while it does not act as a shield, the carbon absorbs RF energy. Apparently, it is a ".......hydrocarbon polymer; essentially, the majority of its structure is made up of carbon chains".

Old and gray, and still learning something new every day.

Your "Faraday bags" are lined with a conductive, metallic cloth, most likely copper, or nickel/copper. When properly closed, that bag will block/shield whatever is inside from electromagnetic fields. The field will flow around the outside of the bag, rather than penetrate.

BTW, did a little research and found that styrofoam contains a good amount of carbon, which doesn't act as a shield, but carbon absorbs RF energy. Apparently, it is a ".......hydrocarbon polymer; essentially, the majority of its structure is made up of carbon chains".

Old and gray, and still learning something new every day. View attachment 2174964
Yes, I'd love to forget about Styrofoam. Stick to graphite, or carbon fiber.
The carbon fiber bags and peice of cloth I ordered don't have copper. I looked and almost screwed up, changed my choice..

For the curious, as to where this leads us..
I know how to dowse the frequency number of a specific virus, I believe!
If a person with that virus is laying on a graphite bed/sheet, and only one hand is hanging off the edge. Our bodies Chi only drains out that hand. And if we set a frequency generator, with the virus specific frequency number, next to the hand. The germs Chi frequency gets drawn out toward the generator drain.. fast..
That's how I see the future in curing some disease.. I'm already at test stage, I can't wait for scientists, but I welcome any..

I'll be heading to Menards this week. I'll be buying diffrent plants and seeds. I have a green thumb, and grow house plants happily throught the winter. I will be running plant and seed tests all winter. I have 5 generators, to use diffrent frequencies. I have Styrofoam, and Graphite, and a grow light if I need it..
I can hurt a plant, with diffrent master key frequencies, then stop the hurt. But I don't know how to draw anything bad out of it. I just hope the plants don't attach an anger connection to me, but I need to test..

Yes, I'd love to forget about Styrofoam. Stick to graphite, or carbon fiber.
The carbon fiber bags and piece of cloth I ordered don't have copper. I looked and almost screwed up, changed my choice..

If you honestly want to know something about RF absorbing materials, then read through this white paper done by Emerson and Cuming, true experts in the field. From this, I believe you will add a great amount of info to your knowledge base.

Also, Google this.."THEORY AND APPLICATION OF RF/MICROWAVE ABSORBERS", and look for the article hosted by It's a .pdf that I can't link directly. Ignore the equations and just follow the text..there is a world of knowledge there for you.

Doing this kind of research, and applying the information, will allow you to add some understandable science to your theories. If you ever expect your theories to have any credibility, it's going to take some science to back it up. This is a great place to start.


If you honestly want to know something about RF absorbing materials, then read through this white paper done by Emerson and Cuming, true experts in the field. From this, I believe you will add a great amount of info to your knowledge base.

Also, Google this.."THEORY AND APPLICATION OF RF/MICROWAVE ABSORBERS", and look for the article hosted by It's a .pdf that I can't link directly. Ignore the equations and just follow the text..there is a world of knowledge there for you.

Doing this kind of research, and applying the information, will allow you to add some understandable science to your theories. If you ever expect your theories to have any credibility, it's going to take some science to back it up. This is a great place to start.

I looked into it, but Rf radio frequency, is different from Qf quantum frequency. A new term .
The reason I mentioned microwaves, is they disrupt quantum connections. I'm not sure a microwave absorber, will affect a connection signal, without test dowsing. I'm overspending for my tests already. I'll have to Dowse Rf absorbers some other time. Not sure what their made of, but I'm interested, thanks . You guys are help..

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