Oldest Coin Yet/Beautiful Site


Gold Member
Oct 15, 2013
Topsham, Maine
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Teknetics T2 SE w/15' SEF Coil/ Minelab GPX 4500/2 Garrett Pro Pointers/3 Sets Killer B Headphones/ Koss Headphones/ Detekniy Wireless headphone Adapter
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
First day that I've had no work obligations in a long time. I normally only hunt very old sites but decided to stop at a sliding hill not a quarter of a mile from my house. Found lots of new coins and surprisingly what looks to be a round ball that struck something. The area I live in is very old so it's not that crazy. I also found a little silver Komodo dragon looking thing. I only spent an hour or so there then headed for my new site. It's an 80 acre point between two rivers that run into a bay. I got permission to hunt there after sending a hand written card to the property owners. They said I could hunt there and I promptly offered to help out with tree work they needed help with on there enormous property. This is also the site of one of the original settlements in my town. I spent hours digging shotgun shells and other bullets. Also dug 4 wheat pennies in one hole. I was pretty dejected as I started heading back towards my truck. Not far back down the trail I saw a little clearing that I decided to check. I dug a couple coins within ten minutes but had to head home. I didn't get too excited as I couldn't see anything on them. Got home and as the dirt started coming off I saw that I had something decent. First one was an 1865 shield 2 cent. The other I what I believe is a king georgvius II. I believe its 1757 but am still working on it . So this was great in two ways . I found my oldest coin and I found a very old sweet spot on this huge property. Fun day










Upvote 9
You must be excited, I'd already be back at that spot at first light.

I'm up and ready to go Treble Hunter :-) hope it warms up. It's windy and freezing out there

That is exactly the way it's done. Good karma my friend, Rick and I got onto our best site by helping the farmer locate some lost equipment. That site you found the buckle and coins on has got too be rich with finds. Look for the iron patch and when you find it get serious on it. Go low and slow, dig all the iffy signals and then start clearing the iron. I am sure you will turn up some sweet silvers along with a ton of great artifacts that will make the most seasoned of hunter sit up and take notice.
Your 2 center is awesome, great find but that shoe buckle is killer. I'll be watching to see what else you get up.:thumbsup:

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The buckle was the find of the day; bonus to get it complete...

Thanks ZDD. Yeah I feel great about this site in every way. These people are great and I'm better off for meeting them. They're getting older and that huge property I know is tons of work to keep looking as great as it does. They paid $60,000 for 80 acres of waterfront way back when, amazing! Even if I didn't find a thing out there it's a special place. But I think I'm zoning in on the hot spot. And lucky me it's a big open area. I'm going to send a card to another family that owns lettuce field where there was a large mid 1600s colony. Hopefully some day I can post some of the incredible finds that I see you and Rick and IP and some of the others post. Thanks for all the help. You guys have been great

Thanks Cru. I feel kind of foolish that I didn't even know what I had but I'm learning. Any thoughts on how I could clean it up or should I leave it as is?

Nice coppers!

Sent photos of 1864 2 cent coin to parson walker instead of you check out parson walker post

Thanks TN Guns. Always appreciate your supportive words. I'm really lucky to be in an old area and to have access to some great sites. I've only been detecting for 2 months and feel very fortunate to have made some great finds. Had no idea that buckle was that old. I'm also lucky that I seem to be the only one in my area that detects. I have never seen or heard of anyone detecting around here. My little town I'm Maine was settled in the late 1600s so I'm fortunate in that way too. Thanks again buddy
Awesome finds I also have never dug a 2 cent piece and the only LC iv'e ever dug had 2 small holes in it's middle and made into a button and so worn I could barely tell what it was . You,s a Very Lucky man to have that area to your self . Good luck in the future.

Got ready to go today and looked outside, SNOW! Really! I just find the hot spot and snow and wind howling. Gives me something to think about for 5 months I guess. The good part is that the old items I dug weren't all that deep. The ground is really compact there and seems to keep things from getting too deep. Hope the weather is better for the rest of you. Best of luck

Thanks Cru. I feel kind of foolish that I didn't even know what I had but I'm learning. Any thoughts on how I could clean it up or should I leave it as is?

Leave it, it has already lost a bit of patina with the water clean.

For future reference how should I go about caring for similar items? Thanks in advance

For future reference how should I go about caring for similar items? Thanks in advance

There is a good cleaning section on here to help you. Dry cleaning with peroxide like cleaning a copper-alloy coin will do. Everyone has different ways, I would probably now use museum wax to bring out the colours & stop it drying out.

Thank you Cru. Can't thank you guys enough for all the help . Lots of the "veteran hunters" have been super helpful and taken the time to explain things to a guys who's very new to detecting. Says a lot about all of you. Best of luck in the future

Thank you Cru. Can't thank you guys enough for all the help . Lots of the "veteran hunters" have been super helpful and taken the time to explain things to a guys who's very new to detecting. Says a lot about all of you. Best of luck in the future

No worries, Tnet is the good side of the internet, someone thousands of miles away can help at the click of the button & its near as damn free.

Congrats on some very NICE finds and scoring a great spot which has lots of potential. Love the shoe buckle and the coins -- and that 2 center is in very appealing condition.

Thank you Stan. I can't wait to get back. I literally found the coins and buckle in about 20 minutes. Spent most of the day in the "wrong" spot :-) that 2 cent is the nicest old dug coin I've found by far. Hopefully there's some old silver hiding out

Nice 2 cent and buckle! Congrats on the old coinage.

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