Old Mine Shaft??

J.A.A. Welcome to the group. Ever since the VA damn near killed with their flue shot, I have been using a maintenance dose of colloidal silver = result I haven't even had the sniffles in over 7 years when all around me had the lot.

I'll have to download Google earth to check your data. There is an indication of an small caldera to the north of Rebaje next to the barranca of the rio Mayo.. I have always thought of checking it for the possibility of being a diamond Carrier. :laughing7: Well one can hope . no ??

Please post whether you are bored, sick, or just wanna fight :occasion14:

Don Jose de La Mancha

I WAS bored, I AM sick, and as for whether or not I wanna fight???....well, I'm a lover, not a fighter!!

Btw, just finished A. Westwood's book you sent! What a fun read that was! Gonna read it again just because I wanna enjoy it all over again.


El tramp of sock coffee-
Why would I wanna fight anyway? Unless someone disrespects my closest loved ones (which no one here on TN ever has or would), I'm the type to "talk it out" first. If that doesn't work, well....
Let's just enjoy some hot cups of roasted goodness and enjoy the senioritas as they walk on by!

May the best of your yesterday's, be the worst of your tomorrows!


El tramp of sock coffee-
Why would I wanna fight anyway? Unless someone disrespects my closest loved ones (which no one here on TN ever has or would), I'm the type to "talk it out" first. If that doesn't work, well....
Let's just enjoy some hot cups of roasted goodness and enjoy the senioritas as they walk on by!

May the best of your yesterday's, be the worst of your tomorrows!


A---HA! :cussing: Them are fightin' words amigo, and since I am the offended party, I get to choose the weapons for our duel; I choose freshly toasted marshmallows at fifty paces, at midnight, Feb 30th of next century, and I claim the first shot/toss. :tongue3: Kidding of course, there are some people who come to these forums with an axe to grind and looking to start a flame war, it is good to see you are not of that club. :thumbsup: :notworthy:

Please do continue, sorry for the interruption.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Unless I'm mistaken, you've been gone for a bit, no? If so, good to see you back sir, safe and sound! Find what you were looking for (gold, silver, missing cuff link?), assuming, of course, that you were looking for anything?


P.S. How would you have been the "offended party"? I still haven't figured it out in regards to my previous post about the volcano/caldera. I hope it's understood there's definitely no ill will towards one another. Did I have a typo that could've been misconstrued as an insult? Please except my humble apologies if so!!!


"May the best of your yesterday, be the worst of your tomorrows."

Señor tramp-
If it is, I'll split it with ya! I'll be the youthful legs that climb and search, and you be the muscle that keeps the "vultures" away! Seriously though, in your experiences traveling around the Tayopa complex, have you had any sightings of evidence of magma, in particular the igneous rocks known as lamproite or kimberlite?


Unless I'm mistaken, you've been gone for a bit, no? If so, good to see you back sir, safe and sound! Find what you were looking for (gold, silver, missing cuff link?), assuming, of course, that you were looking for anything?


That was a while ago, have been home over a year now but thanks. And yes, always get gold (have our own mines) and silver plus great experiences and time spent with friends. It doesn't get any better than that. :occasion14:

On the item causing offence, Don Jose already picked it, however often enough it is hard to see what some people get offended by. :dontknow:

Now to the subject matter - how about any blue clay seen around Tayopa? Thanks in advance,


:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

I personally have not found any...But I have come across plenty of Limonite in my little version of Tayopa...hehehe

I'm growing weary of finding and reading all about my:gold,silver,platinum,and diamond discoveries...When are you guys going to start posting some interesting finds to read about???Seeing that ya'll Will not cease and desist in ya'lls search for certain things...

Ed T:)lol

Er, um well amigo when you can have a serious discussion; mostly it looks like you are just playing here. :dontknow:

Besides, I have not been to Mexico, so any interesting finds I have, would be in the wrong forum to post them here. Want to talk about Standoff Bar, or the Raspberry mine, or maybe some obscure lost mine legends of Arizona, then perhaps I have something that might interest you, but we would have to put it in another thread as this forum is Tayopa, in fact the whole sub-forum is Tayopa and related places like Guaynopita etc. Heck I have figured out where Toussaint Kensler's gold came from, tried to talk about it here on T-net but no one was interested. ??? :icon_scratch: :dontknow:

The violent gangs will not last forever, nor is this state of affairs something new under the sun. Things are not SO different from the 'wild west' days, but really just being patient should pay off eventually when the drug lords etc are finally rounded up. Maybe then you will be able to denounce your Tayopa, and will feel comfortable enough to show it to visitors.

Good luck and good hunting Ed (and anyone reading this) I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

Sock coffee anyone? :thumbsup:

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Denounce | Define Denounce at Dictionary.com ...You are so right Oro...I am acting rather childish when it comes to some of my prospects...Me thinks I'll denounce them all...I tell you...There is no Platinum deposit...There is no diamond deposit...I have no gold or silver deposits...And sadly...My version of Tayopa is nothing more than a figment I have conjured designed to dupe the feeble of mind into believing that I am a great prospector...hehehe...

Now there...I hope you are happy now Oro...You have exposed me as a charlatan...:(Oh well...Maybe one day I will find something worth boasting about...Me thinks I am growing weary of toying with ya'll...lol

Mark my words...One day My Father will come...And as far as sealing others with my seal...Well...I am saddened because I am starting to believe that I am the only one whom I needed to seal...hahaha

Ed T:)

I am always a happy guy amigo, maybe one day you will want to talk about the geology of your prospects, the signs of ancient workings etc. I look forward to that day.

I wonder if God would appreciate it, if he brought someone to a vein of great wealth, and that person turned his nose up at it? :icon_scratch:

I have no deposits Oro...Have you not read that I have proclaimed myself as a fraud a phony a simpleton and a liar...lol..There is no platinum in Peridotite...No diamonds in Kimberlite no gold in quartz and on and on...As for ancient workings...Of said I will not speak... Especially when it comes to my non existent Tayopa...

When it comes to the vein of great wealth...I have always stated...There are things of much more value than worldly riches or even attachments...hehehe...Why heck... If My Father told me to leave everything that others believe that I possess... Even my so called family... You could bet your last ducket that I would to be with My Father and those who believe as he does...

Ed T:)lol

Oh I give up Ed - good luck to you amigo.

Hola amigo - just want to be clear that mine (flooded) is in the Santa Ritas, not the Superstitions; the rock around the collar shows alteration and some mineralization, however little of the actual ore which was being mined (argentiferous galena) in fact only very tiny crystals of it can be found, though some of the waste rock has a nice specimen or two if you look hard. I wonder if it might not be possible to drain it by siphoning action alone, perhaps started by a good sized pump?


I am sure that you could drain it by siphoning if your' siphon hose or hoses are long enough to reach from the bottom of the mine shaft and down over the mountain to be below the level of the bottom of the mine shaft! However, if the water inflow from the natural spring into the mine shaft is greater than the siphoning capability, you might have to swim down and put your' finger in the dike per see.:tongue3:



The entire range is composed of a Basalt layer of approx 800 ft lying upon on top of a Limestone base that runs some 200 miles.

diidn't think of diamonds until after I left on my last trip'\.

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