savant365 said:
Only thing that comes to mind is a box for making quail dizzy. I live near a game reserve and there are a few hunting lodges around. They offer bird hunting to city guys with more money then brains. They put the birds in the box and turn it and release them. They are disoriented and fly in circles while the paying customers stand there and shoot them. What great sportsmen they are...
They do this to pen-raised birds for early release, kinda like "stocking" the land. They will put 'em in a bag, spin 'em around a dozen times and place them in a nest that's been made for them in the "field". This is more or less to keep them from straying off too far from their release spot. Of course you have to put out feed for them for a couple weeks too, until they get used to being in the wild. Releasing pen raised coveys is more common than you'd think when it comes to areas that don't have many wild quail. I don't know about spinning them then releasing them to be shot at that immediate time though, that's a little ridiculous. They are usually released early, well in advance before hunting season begins. The pen raised quail don't compare to wild quail when it comes to the challenge of shooting one but they taste just as good.
As for the box I don't know. I wouldn't think you would need a pulley system to spin a few birds. I was actually thinking it's for the mixing of grain for feed or maybe wild bird seed even.