Ok, hypothetical scenario for the treasure coast beach experts- A category 5 hurricane strikes the East coast of Florida....

Well....as a kid I rode out some storms on the beach side of vero....you have to stay on the beach against the evac. Orders. Plenty people do !! Yes....you may lose your house belongings or life, but you might ride it out fine in the bigger areas of the beach side....in vero you have the beach land area on the island, and it would be safer back from the coast a half mile. When you do live through these storms, you are often dazed and confused, and thinking about all sorts of things besides hunting......and then you realize there is very little you can do, except tend to your immediate needs. Pretty soon you are just sitting around with nothing you can actually do except clean up a bit.....this is when you think....maybe I should check out the beach.....I've gone down, and been there searching through overwash, searching under street wash outs, clamoring over beach debri and washed out homes !! Its the most thrilling type of hunt you can ever have !! Until you really have help after these storms, it's basically camping in the wreckage with nothing to do.....except hunt. So for everyone that says it's impossible, it's unsafe, it's not going to happen......im here to tell ya, it is possible, it does happen, and many people succeed by taking this chance. I've found many treasure coins both from the 1733 fleet in the keys, and 1715 fleet on the treasure coast. View attachment 2125509View attachment 2125510
Irma in the keysView attachment 2125511View attachment 2125512View attachment 2125513
Last year ... hurricane Nicole 1 reale.View attachment 21255141715 fleet View attachment 2125515
Hurricane Dorian 1733 fleet
View attachment 2125516View attachment 2125517
The point is if you live there, and you don't evacuate, you'll have an opportunity at success in that first week or 2 after that will have a very good chance at success.....much more so than the normal hunts....depending how long it takes to resand the beaches, opportunity can be had for a year or more after until they dump the renourishment sand !! Fortune favors the bold, and risk and reward must be weighed carfully....I personally go for it if I can.....I stay if it's possible!!
No treasure is worth the risk of a Cat 5.... which is what we are talking about.

Bart.... you have not stayed / sustained a Cat 5 direct hit.
Nor should anyone be enticed / fooled into thinking so.
This would be stupidity on a whole other level.

IF you have... then all i can say is you were lucky and it was not perfect bad situation.
It only takes once to not be.
And would hope that you "get it" of all people out here... heh
And IF you want to ride it... then be smart enough to send the Fam elsewhere.... with your last will.

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Not enticing or trying to fool anyone into a death scenario....and yes never have sustained a direct hit. But I have been close, and went through Andrew and Irma...the most powerful storms for me. Both storms were hovering at cat 5, and I was not in the eyewall....but I was already committed to staying through both. Not saying anyone should stay both storms were horrific!! But that's the decision I've made through most storms....what I am saying is for those of us that stayed, we had great success with treasure.....I didn't stay to be first on the beach....I stayed to manage damage control, and try and save my things. But 2 days after protecting my stuff from damage I was on the beach hunting !! And ya know last year I just drove up to vero and got right on the beach in no time.....definitely worth the drive for me.....great hunt with great friends, and lifetime memories!!

Not enticing or trying to fool anyone into a death scenario....and yes never have sustained a direct hit. But I have been close, and went through Andrew and Irma...the most powerful storms for me. Both storms were hovering at cat 5, and I was not in the eyewall....but I was already committed to staying through both. Not saying anyone should stay both storms were horrific!! But that's the decision I've made through most storms....what I am saying is for those of us that stayed, we had great success with treasure.....I didn't stay to be first on the beach....I stayed to manage damage control, and try and save my things. But 2 days after protecting my stuff from damage I was on the beach hunting !! And ya know last year I just drove up to vero and got right on the beach in no time.....definitely worth the drive for me.....great hunt with great friends, and lifetime memories!!
Well if the situation as the OP described were to actually happen..... heh


The Bible talks about the foolish man who builds his house on the sand.
No treasure is worth the risk of a Cat 5.... which is what we are talking about.

Bart.... you have not stayed / sustained a Cat 5 direct hit.
Nor should anyone be enticed / fooled into thinking so.
This would be stupidity on a whole other level.
People build on the beach, eventually nature will kick their ass. I chose to live beachside so I have to deal with what arises from that decision. I've stayed for 3 hurricanes. None were near a 4 or 5, I'd leave for that but then again if you stay to ride out a 1 or 2, nothing says it won't ramp up to a 4 or 5 a few hours before it hits. Then your hosed. Smart thing is to leave, the problem is after the storm they don't let you back on the island and all your property sets there going to hell. I had neighbors leave, set in traffic for 8 hours, pay money for a hotel which then ended up getting hit by the storm that changed course at the last few hours & missed us. A crap shoot.

I saw that 10-12 foot double cut at bonsteel, and north to aquarina last year after Nicole....people were finding coins and other treasure 1 day after.....I got there a week later, and had a large high tide....a dune eating tide !! Then the next day a tide that made a second cut in the collapsed dune.....its often a week or more after when the beaches groom and cut that things really show up.....the key is understanding what your looking at and hunting smart.....when you find the right low spots, it's worth all the effort !! Timing is key, and it might not be the immediate day after that's hot.

For what it is worth, born and raised in Florda, I currently live about 40 miles from east coast as crow flies, and I don't really want to even be in town if a cat-5 hits. Been through maybe a dozen or so hurricanes and 3 or 4 typhoon in my lifetime and each one is less enjoyable.

I would much rather have a cat 1-3 30 miles off the E coast, paralleling the coast as it tracked nne and not come ashore at all.

For what it is worth, born and raised in Florda, I currently live about 40 miles from east coast as crow flies, and I don't really want to even be in town if a cat-5 hits. Been through maybe a dozen or so hurricanes and 3 or 4 typhoon in my lifetime and each one is less enjoyable.

I would much rather have a cat 1-3 30 miles off the E coast, paralleling the coast as it tracked nne and not come ashore at all.
Ehhh 30 miles is a bit close... especially for a 3 ... That would definitely would rip the hell outta beaches ... perhaps back that sucker off a bit... say another 30+ miles or so... heh

But i hear ya... offshore is ideal for all.

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Thanks a million for all the contributions to this thread, especially ARC, Blak Bart, Treaure Hunter, PepperJ, and others. Learned a lot! Fascinating to hear about actual experiences living through Florida, hurricanes and then detecting, potential scenarios, and the risks/dangers involved. It does seem probable that the bridges to the islands will almost always be closed during and in the days after hurricanes anyway. For anyone living off the islands I guess (this would be for most people not as brave/experienced as Blak Bart) that would mean arriving when the hurricane has completed passed and then possibly shacking up in a hotel on the mainland until they A. let you pass on the bridges and B. let you on a beach (assuming there is any beach left- depending on the strength of the storm). I do think there are more people like Blak Bart than we know about who access the beaches faster, though, and absolutely clean up....

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Yes on most hurricanes the local police won't let you in for sometimes days and you better have proof of residency to get in. After Hurricane Sandy, the sand moved a LOT but I found over 30 of the shipwreck coins THREE MONTHS after Sandy passed off the Delaware coast. The local beach fixer upper people DOZED the area a few weeks after the storm THEN came the coins! They were rebuilding the dunes! So right after isn't necessarily the best time. Even got a gold coin doing it that way.

Yes on most hurricanes the local police won't let you in for sometimes days and you better have proof of residency to get in. After Hurricane Sandy, the sand moved a LOT but I found over 30 of the shipwreck coins THREE MONTHS after Sandy passed off the Delaware coast. The local beach fixer upper people DOZED the area a few weeks after the storm THEN came the coins! They were rebuilding the dunes! So right after isn't necessarily the best time. Even got a gold coin doing it that way.
I remember that gold guinea !! 🫡

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