Ok, hypothetical scenario for the treasure coast beach experts- A category 5 hurricane strikes the East coast of Florida....

Especially IF... the water is ABOVE the box. heh

Y'all can keep those hurricanes..

I live just miles from a 10,000 ft. tall active volcano, and "they" say we're due for a massive earthquake. Those are just "maybe's" in my lifetime, but another big hurricane hitting Florida in the next five years is pretty much a guarantee.

Somewhere in Vegas they are taking odds on when the next hurricane will hit Florida, how strong it will be, and for the trifecta, where the eye will come on land.

If I was serious about it, I'd get myself one of these:

Mount it on a sturdy trailer, then drive to the island before the hurricane hits. Rid out the storm, then you're right on the beaches doorstep when it's safe to start gathering goodies. :occasion14:
What do you do while inside it and the waters are over the top of the unit. ? You see a lot of videos of People being rescued off there ROOFS while the area they are in is flooded with water ?

What do you do while inside it and the waters are over the top of the unit. ? You see a lot of videos of People being rescued off there ROOFS while the area they are in is flooded with water ?
Now the HUGE issue is insurance, Insurance Companies cancelling everyone, premiums and deductibles thru the roof, literally! Insurance Co pulling out completely. I really don’t blame them, overbuilding and building in prone areas for years now its coming back to bite them in the ass. it’s like insuring a house built on an active volcano…………guaranteed to lose.
We just got cancelled, never filed a claim, new roof, 5 star inspection on house excellent condition, they didn’t t give a f ck. Now our new deductible is $24K WTF!

Now the HUGE issue is insurance, Insurance Companies cancelling everyone, premiums and deductibles thru the roof, literally! Insurance Co pulling out completely. I really don’t blame them, overbuilding and building in prone areas for years now its coming back to bite them in the ass. it’s like insuring a house built on an active volcano…………guaranteed to lose.
We just got cancelled, never filed a claim, new roof, 5 star inspection on house excellent condition, they didn’t t give a f ck. Now our new deductible is $24K WTF!
Insurance companies are pulling out and remaining ones raising premiums because the odds are not in their favor in a statistically "high risk" state... that coupled with the rampant scammer crapola has made our state this assessment which is probably only going to get worse.

Everyone i know has felt the insurance crap... and not just on homes... auto is now stupid as well.

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A good Cat-1 on that coast would make for ideal detecting conditions you speak of...
the people who live there would not feel the same way.

Everyone i know has felt the insurance crap... and not just on homes... auto is now stupid as well.
Auto insurance has been stupid for a long time.

Auto insurance has been stupid for a long time.
Agreed... Currently anticipating the next bill and the rise in price it is guaranteed to contain.

Internal Measurements: 35″W x 80″L x 76″H

View attachment 2125479

Capacity: Up to 6 Person
One only has to do the math, it would be a bit like this.

View attachment 2125480
Pepper... like earlier when one of these was suggested...
This is a tomb in the event of a Cat-5... err or even a Cat-3....
You would be underwater.
Now.... if you mounted it 20 foot in the air... AND to bedrock ... you MIGHT stand a chance. heh

Pepper... like earlier when one of these was suggested...
This is a tomb in the event of a Cat-5... err of even a Cat-3....
You would be underwater.
Now.... if you mounted it 20 foot in the air... AND to bedrock ... you MIGHT stand a chance. heh
That landing will be cushion soft with 6 packed it there.
I couldn't imagine bing in that cubicle with 5 others in a storm.

However if anchored down on a large 10" pad of concrete with 3/4" anchors out in the middle of Tornado alley for 30 minutes might be viable.

Just FYI, they usually shut down the bridges over the intercoastal durong hurricane so you need to be on the ocean side before the storms, afterwards to get on once locked down you then have to prove you live there.

Now the HUGE issue is insurance, Insurance Companies cancelling everyone, premiums and deductibles thru the roof, literally! Insurance Co pulling out completely. I really don’t blame them, overbuilding and building in prone areas for years now its coming back to bite them in the ass. it’s like insuring a house built on an active volcano…………guaranteed to lose.
We just got cancelled, never filed a claim, new roof, 5 star inspection on house excellent condition, they didn’t t give a f ck. Now our new deductible is $24K WTF!
You are correct, insurance here in Florida is crazy. I don't feel bad for the insurance companies, they want high premiums with zero risk. They are all making money, just greedy bastards who are in the risk business but don't want to accept risks. Also corrupt contractors ripping off insurance companies too stupid to realize whst they are doing. I live 3 blocks off the beach on an island. Insurance has dropped me 3 times and the one we currently have raises rates each year. Very high deductible if damages are from a storm. It would be nice if our governor would focus on his citizens insurance problems instead of running a race he cannot win. We own our home and are seriously considering dropping our policy. People with mortgages are stuck & the banks seem oblivious to the problem. Folks are walking away from their houses because they can't swing the mortgage & high insurance.

Just FYI, they usually shut down the bridges over the intercoastal durong hurricane so you need to be on the ocean side before the storms, afterwards to get on once locked down you then have to prove you live there.
NO ONE needs to be on the ocean side before a Cat-5

Unless.... you dont want to be there AFTER it. heh

You are correct, insurance here in Florida is crazy. I don't feel bad for the insurance companies, they want high premiums with zero risk. They are all making money, just greedy bastards who are in the risk business but don't want to accept risks. Also corrupt contractors ripping off insurance companies too stupid to realize whst they are doing. I live 3 blocks off the beach on an island. Insurance has dropped me 3 times and the one we currently have raises rates each year. Very high deductible if damages are from a storm. It would be nice if our governor would focus on his citizens insurance problems instead of running a race he cannot win. We own our home and are seriously considering dropping our policy. People with mortgages are stuck & the banks seem oblivious to the problem. Folks are walking away from their houses because they can't swing the mortgage & high insurance.
Insurance is a legal Ponzi scheme.

You are correct, insurance here in Florida is crazy. I don't feel bad for the insurance companies, they want high premiums with zero risk. They are all making money, just greedy bastards who are in the risk business but don't want to accept risks. Also corrupt contractors ripping off insurance companies too stupid to realize whst they are doing. I live 3 blocks off the beach on an island. Insurance has dropped me 3 times and the one we currently have raises rates each year. Very high deductible if damages are from a storm. It would be nice if our governor would focus on his citizens insurance problems instead of running a race he cannot win. We own our home and are seriously considering dropping our policy. People with mortgages are stuck & the banks seem oblivious to the problem. Folks are walking away from their houses because they can't swing the mortgage & high insurance.
100% on everything you said. We also own and have considered dropping ours.Take the risk, if you take the hit and just walk away……….then what? This whole state is a cluster, almost all the wildlife is gone, at least 5 shootings everyday. Dysfunctional government, schools in bottom 5 in the country. I would move in a second but all my Better Half's family are here and that isn’t going to happen. Not to mention TOO MANY PEOPLE, old Florida is long gone……bummer.

100% on everything you said. We also own and have considered dropping ours.Take the risk, if you take the hit and just walk away……….then what? This whole state is a cluster, almost all the wildlife is gone, at least 5 shootings everyday. Dysfunctional government, schools in bottom 5 in the country. I would move in a second but all my Better Half's family are here and that isn’t going to happen. Not to mention TOO MANY PEOPLE, old Florida is long gone……bummer.
I do know a lot of homeless people come to Fl in the wintertime and go back in the spring

100% on everything you said. We also own and have considered dropping ours.Take the risk, if you take the hit and just walk away……….then what? This whole state is a cluster, almost all the wildlife is gone, at least 5 shootings everyday. Dysfunctional government, schools in bottom 5 in the country. I would move in a second but all my Better Half's family are here and that isn’t going to happen. Not to mention TOO MANY PEOPLE, old Florida is long gone……bummer.
I'm a Florida native, you are correct. Sad but true. Florida was sold out to the developers decades ago. Good ol boys taking care of each other. They would saw down the last tree & drain the land to make another buck. They ( politicians & developers & bankers ) don't give a $hit. Between the pesticides & the damn 5G everyone seems to think is essential to life, there are no bugs, birds, bats, and most wildlife is on the ropes. I'd move to Montana ir Idaho but would die when it got cold!

Florida was sold out to the developers decades ago. Good ol boys taking care of each other. They would saw down the last tree & drain the land to make another buck.

"They called it Paradise... I don't know why. You call someplace paradise.... you kiss it goodbye."


Well....as a kid I rode out some storms on the beach side of vero....you have to stay on the beach against the evac. Orders. Plenty people do !! Yes....you may lose your house belongings or life, but you might ride it out fine in the bigger areas of the beach side....in vero you have the beach land area on the island, and it would be safer back from the coast a half mile. When you do live through these storms, you are often dazed and confused, and thinking about all sorts of things besides hunting......and then you realize there is very little you can do, except tend to your immediate needs. Pretty soon you are just sitting around with nothing you can actually do except clean up a bit.....this is when you think....maybe I should check out the beach.....I've gone down, and been there searching through overwash, searching under street wash outs, clamoring over beach debri and washed out homes !! Its the most thrilling type of hunt you can ever have !! Until you really have help after these storms, it's basically camping in the wreckage with nothing to do.....except hunt. So for everyone that says it's impossible, it's unsafe, it's not going to happen......im here to tell ya, it is possible, it does happen, and many people succeed by taking this chance. I've found many treasure coins both from the 1733 fleet in the keys, and 1715 fleet on the treasure coast.

Irma in the keys

Last year ... hurricane Nicole 1 reale.
1715 fleet

Hurricane Dorian 1733 fleet

The point is if you live there, and you don't evacuate, you'll have an opportunity at success in that first week or 2 after that will have a very good chance at success.....much more so than the normal hunts....depending how long it takes to resand the beaches, opportunity can be had for a year or more after until they dump the renourishment sand !! Fortune favors the bold, and risk and reward must be weighed carfully....I personally go for it if I can.....I stay if it's possible!!

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