Pete my old mate , So your saying nobody in the US government is not corrupt

only Spanish officials .
Must be nice living in such a perfect community of trust , Why do you all carry guns ?? Oh that's right , just in case you need to overthrow your government
Corruption: Why is Spain so corrupt? | The Economist
Political Corruption in Spain
Are corruption-weary Spaniards nearing a tipping point? -
Damage from Spain?s crooked dark side | In English | EL PAÍS
Scandals force Spain down global corruption index | World news |
"Corruption is far more pervasive, and far more tolerated, than we would like to think, and Spain has a big problem, say the experts. "Corruption in Spain has always been tolerated," says Jesús Lizcano, the head of the Spanish division of Transparency International.
"Let me give you a figure," he continues: "Around 70 percent of the politicians who have been arraigned for corruption were subsequently re-elected in the most recent local elections."
"In Spain, historically we have always lived with the idea that everybody is trying to get away with it, by not paying their taxes, or whatever," says Carlos Cruzado, the head of the tax collectors' association, Gestha.
Estimates suggest that some 20 percent of Spanish economic activity takes place in the shadows.
"Scandals put us in the same league as Greece, Italy and Cyprus, which is not where we want to be. One thing is having a deficit, high unemployment and lack of competitiveness, but we don't want to be a player in the corruption stakes," says economist José Carlos Díez.
Keith Salmon, an expert in Spanish politics at the Oxford Analytica think-tank, says that Spain's corruption problem is seen in Britain as "a serious matter, one that has similarities not just to what is going on in the south of Europe, but in some countries in Latin America." He also warns of a bigger danger: "the loss of faith and trust on the part of a whole generation of Spaniards in their governments, in the democratic system itself, and in the economy overall. This is part of what prompts many young people to seek a new life abroad, and so Spain loses the talent it needs to make a new tomorrow. This is a high price to pay, and will affect the country for many years."
But you can trust the Spanish Royal Family !!!
Spain's royal family in danger of losing crowns
BARCELONA, May 2013 — The former treasurer of Spain's ruling party – indicted. The former head of the country's Supreme Court – resigning in disgrace.
These are a few of the 1,600 cases involving embezzlement, tax evasion, kickbacks and Swiss bank accounts by high-level officials that have hit the desks of prosecutors since the euro crisis began five years ago and devastated Spain.
But the scandal being talked about around Spanish water coolers and in cafes and bars is a case that could land a Spanish princess in jail and topple the Spanish monarchy.
Last month, Princess Cristina was indicted on charges of complicity in fraud, tax evasion, money laundering and embezzlement, the first member of a European royal family to be charged in a serious crime in centuries.
The principal case revolves around her husband, Duke of Palma Iñaki Urdangarin, who is accused of fraud, tax evasion, forgery and the embezzlement of $7.8 million from regional governments through inflated contracts via their non-profit organization, Institute Noos.
"I believe the monarchy is going to fall more quickly than we can establish a new political system," said Antonio Rubio, leader of the Spanish Towns Network for the Third Republic, an association that represents 40 local governments and more than 2,000 public officials who want to see King Juan Carlos lose his crown.

I could go on and on with this...
You have to admire the sheer audacity of the Spaniards, however.
Did you know that King Carlos was President of the World Wildlife Fund until 2012 ?
He lost his position at that organization when he broke his hip while on safari in Africa... it was revealed the accident occurred while he was hunting elephants in Botswana !!!
Unbelievable, but true !!!

"I like shipwreck treasure and killing endangered species".