Oak Island - The contrarian views thread! Ver.II arrgggg! arrgggg!

you too can get rid of obnoxious 'Oak Island' know-it-all's posts. Just click on SETTINGS, Edit Ignore list,
then type 'name' in that little window that says User name, click Ok and he's all gone.
Check out this thread after you do. Gone. Perfect.

But that would be like going to the zoo on a day when the panda bear doesn't come out of his cave.

All God's chillins got a place in the choir - some sing low and some sing higher.

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I can do quite nicely without seeing the panda bear. :) The panda bear knows that up until now I have stayed away from his thread on O.I. He knows I'm not interested in seeing his theory on this thread but as Doc. Holiday said in Tombstone: 'there will be a reckoning' - there always is.


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Like Doc Holiday said "I do Not Fear My Enemy, I Fear My Friends!


I am not the Enemy of Oak Island!

I do not Fear your Rhetoric !

What I fear is a lack of it!

You are truly a passionate believer in this Mystery and your loss in it would be greatly grieved!

doc holiday2.webp switching avatars - I hear some people don't like pirates much.

You Have Some Smatch, Ocean

I'll give you that

He started a game and doesn't get it - that's fine. *s* I'll be his huckleberry.

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You will be the person who will solve this "Mystery"!

I'm filling in my placeholders as I go but for your end of thread only readers - here's another one.

Another possible theory - The Mayans had the engineering skills to build a booby trapped Oak Island Treasure Vault. I remember seeing long ago that a turtle rock or structure was found on Oak Island. Turtle rocks were used by the Mayans. They were also used by the Spanish to mark where they thought a gold mind existed or did actually exist. It seems much of their gold disappeared.

"Inca or Maya treasure - during the conquering of the Americas by the Europeans in the 17th and 18th centuries, much of the wealth of the Incas and Mayas disappeared. Usually rumored to have been buried or sunken at the bottom of lakes, some researchers believe that it's possible that a group of Incas or Mayas, possible with the help of sympathetic Europeans, stole away with the wealth and buried on Oak Island out of the reach of the conquerors."


If you believe in the curse one more person has to die in order to lift the curse.
Then the secret of the island will be revealed. Is the curse real? That is yet to be seen. There have been six that have died trying to unearth the treasure and spent either their life savings or have lived on the island for over many years. The curse has never said that is a man if an old man dies of natural causes on the island that the curse will be lifted.?

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I don't think anyone really believes in the 7 Must Die thing, not sure when that was 1st heard but had to be made up of course, along with the "All Oak Trees must be gone from Island" or however it's worded. There may already be 7 people to have died if there really is one of them at the bottom of 10x.. Plus there is no way for whoever started the whole Oak Island thing to control the island once the curse has been fulfilled... those thing just make for good TV and they run it into the ground over and over every week.. they need a new catch phrase of some sort. and IF some how that was mentioned by the originators how is that is the only thing that has carried over after all these years and not better info as to how to get the treasure, or EXACTLY who did what etc, and not a bunch of different theories... none of which really help solve the mystery..

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I'm filling in my placeholders as I go but for your end of thread only readers - here's another one.

Another possible theory - The Mayans had the engineering skills to build a booby trapped Oak Island Treasure Vault. I remember seeing long ago that a turtle rock or structure was found on Oak Island. Turtle rocks were used by the Mayans. They were also used by the Spanish to mark where they thought a gold mind existed or did actually exist. It seems much of their gold disappeared.

"Inca or Maya treasure - during the conquering of the Americas by the Europeans in the 17th and 18th centuries, much of the wealth of the Incas and Mayas disappeared. Usually rumored to have been buried or sunken at the bottom of lakes, some researchers believe that it's possible that a group of Incas or Mayas, possible with the help of sympathetic Europeans, stole away with the wealth and buried on Oak Island out of the reach of the conquerors."


You've seen a ship with black sails that's crewed by the damned, and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out?
- I have seen a ship with black sails -
And no ship that's not crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out could possibly have black sails, therefore couldn't possibly be any other ship than the Black Pearl. Is that what you're telling me?

well one of Johnny's wingmen/alias'/other profiles he uses to play have entered the thread. I'll just add you to
where your other handle sits - "IGNORE".

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Sure has been some digging there.
With water level at about forty feet and the hydraulics weighing against slurry above bedrock some very impressive digging has been accomplished.
The island seen by many eyes no doubt but my concern would be the poor conditions for tunneling. The conditions underground there;and nearby are varied from sink holes to porous material that water softens to voids and water flow various directions underground.
Experienced miners combating hydrology did exist in the past but such a site and the logistics of time, food, material would be massive at depths below the surface water level. Not saying no one wanted great depth for any reason but why in a frail substrate and moving water and earth location?
Timber in sinkholes not unnatural if a sinkhole is targeted.
A shallow storage would have needed suspension on site if of great weight too.
One thing I know is there is no chance I could, with any sponsor ,do anymore digging than has already been done to satisfy my curiosity any farther.
An intriguing tale. An expensive dig.

The Secret Treasure of Oak island by D'Arcy O'Conner (p189) discusses gold mining on Oak Island. Unfortunately
the link that Charlie P. (NY) provided in his post was lost, when my original thread with this title was
deleted. Anyway, it mentions Fool's Gold being mined on Oak Island. This seems like a rather large piece of
this puzzle.

A turtle monument or rock was supposedly found on Oak Island. As I said before - the Spanish used these
to mark mines but the MAYANS used them too.

yes, massive depths indeed. That's why gold mining may make sense followed by an actual treasure being buried in those caverns. People with gold bug go crazy when they think they have hit pay dirt.
They'll dig to China if they think gold is there. Thanks for your input.

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I rather think this has been made up to add 'sizzle' to this whole story - either by writers of books or the TV series. They keep hammering this as if fact but it doesn't hold any water as far as I can see.

Edward de Vere funded Martin Frobisher's expeditions in search of the Northwest Passage and fortune.

'Frobisher set sail in 1578 with 15 ships, 300 Cornish miners and enough Oak lumber to build a colony. It was the largest Arctic expedition in history.'

Captain Frobisher mined tons of Fool's Gold from oak island. This created the underground caverns - mining caverns.

Frobisher returned to piracy and returned to England with 60,000 pounds of pure gold! Did he stash some for himself
and Edward de Vere? He already knew about oak island and the caverns from mining.

Edward de Vere - Crossed the Queen and 20-30,000 pounds (weight) of gold went missing, and on one of his trips he could have been missing for 7 years! Where was he?

Now at this point it is interesting to note that the Oak Timber used in the Money Pit has been C-14 carbon dated around 1575.

Mystery stone found at 90 feet below surface translated to "Forty Feet below two million pounds are buried."

Are all these things mere coincidences?


Oak Island is full of pyrite. The net has many references to pyrite being mined on Oak Island. That's the reference I use.
Even the TV Series mentions that Oak Island is full of pyrite during scene when that guy is MD'ing over small rocks on the beach.

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