Oak Island is closed until further notice - 2022

Start here:

https://www.macleans.ca/news/canada... no one has,island's legend continues to grow

Then do you own research as a wealth of information is available on the internet concerning actual facts about hoax island.

One website rich with factual information proving no treasure was ever on hoax island as well as disproving claims by previous hoaxers was purchased by the lagina’s and taken down in order to keep there current hoax going.

While we are at it:


Start here:

https://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/treasure-hunters-flock-to-oak-island-where-no-one-has-ever-found-treasure/#:~:text=Nova Scotia-,Treasure hunters flock to Oak Island, where no one has,island's legend continues to grow

Then do you own research as a wealth of information is available on the internet concerning actual facts about hoax island.

One website rich with factual information proving no treasure was ever on hoax island as well as disproving claims by previous hoaxers was purchased by the lagina’s and taken down in order to keep there current hoax going.
I see. If it's on the internet it must be true! :tongue3:

LOL…poster watches the fictional show and thinks it’s real.

Probably watches ancient aliens and believes it too.

PT Barnum would love it.

This thread is just another lagina’s side show, and just as with many other threads, not a single piece of evidence is contained proving anything was ever on hoax island other than remnants of common human habitation.

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LOL…poster watches the fictional show and thinks it’s real.

Probably watches ancient aliens and believes it too.

PT Barnum would love it.

This thread is just another lagina’s side show, and just as with many other threads, not a single piece of evidence is contained proving anything was ever on hoax island other than remnants of common human habitation.
No, I watch no other programs on the History Channel but Oak Island, do you? And I have to mention that because no one in the past has found any "treasure" does not mean that there is none. No one has spent the amount of money or has had the technology that is being used today! No one who is or has been a associated with the latest search has ever come forward with DOCUMENTED evidence that the show is a hoax. I said before that no scientists that are associated with this search are going to risk their professional reputation to go along with your "hoax" theory, plus how in the world do you think that with all the people involved with this search that they could keep it a secret for so long!
If one person knows a secret it can be kept a secret. If two people know about it, the secrets out! :nono:

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How can anyone prove "There was never a treasure put in the ground on Oak Island" in the last 400 years, as well as "There was never a treasure taken out of the ground on Oak Island" in the last 400 years? The sites you talk about are "Hoax Sites" that can't prove what I just stated. People that put treasure in the ground kept quiet about it and people finding treasure keep their mouth shut about it too. Who are these magical people that you think control 400+ years of knowledge and information on what went in the ground on Oak Island and what came out of the ground on Oak Island? Sorry, but that information is impossible to compile. Hoax websites that get paid by the hit and maybe sell ads. P.T. Barnum is smiling at you.

Let's put it this way and we'll see the logic prove it:

The search was started because (according to the story) 3 guys observed a circular depression over which a hook hung and thought it may be where a treasure is hidden.


That's the only reason.

That spot, the single one 'thought' to be where a treasure may be has been excavated many times to show nothing is there.

As this was the ONLY reason why the search commenced then this also proves that any talk about Vikings, Templars, French, British, Romans etc is later invention.


Let's put it this way and we'll see the logic prove it:

The search was started because (according to the story) 3 guys observed a circular depression over which a hook hung and thought it may be where a treasure is hidden.


That's the only reason.

That spot, the single one 'thought' to be where a treasure may be has been excavated many times to show nothing is there.

As this was the ONLY reason why the search commenced then this also proves that any talk about Vikings, Templars, French, British, Romans etc is later invention.

I can go with that!:icon_thumleft:

Where is the evidence that convinced you that it was a "hoax"? Maybe the "evidence" you were convinced by is a hoax! :laughing7:
Can't speak for Singlestack: but for me the evidence is the lack of evidence after 28 groups and 160+ years (first "legend" wasn't printed until the 1860's) digging at what would be an illogically deep and ridiculously difficult "pit" looking for nobody knows what that may never have been placed to begin with.

And it was marks on a limb over a depression. Not a hook or rope or pully. Just marks.

Folks tune into these types of shows for the first time and believe the script is actual, documented, historical fact.

Give them another season or so along with research into the entire oak island hoax.

They too will learn.

Here's another logic problem that many Oak Island zombies avoid answering because of what it reveals:

Again, according to the story, the 3 guys observed a cleared, circular depression over which hung a block and tackle in the tree.


As the area was still free of regrowth and the block and tackle were still in the tree then that means whatever happened there that made them THINK a treasure might be buried there occurred in the relatively recent past, not hundreds or thousands of years prior.


That means all the later added details about Phoenicians, Romans, Vikings, Bacon, etc etc are just later invented additions.


And likewise it proves that all later 'theories' speculating where the treasure might be on the island because nothing was found in the one spot that started the search are just that; invented speculation based on nothing.


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From the Oak Island Tours website:
Oak Island is a private Island and is closed until further notice. Tours are NOT being scheduled for 2022 and the Interpretive Centre will remain closed to visitors until further notice.
Copyright 2022 Cerca Trova Limited - Traverse, City Michigan - doing business as Oak Island Tours. www.oakislandtours.ca

Why is Oak Island closed to the public?
1 - The whole crew packed up and won't be back.
2 - They will be working 7 days a week to extract the treasure.
3 - Pressure on the Government to let them work the entire Island.
4- They opened the largest equipment storage yard in Nova Scotia with a vintage lumber yard on the other end.
5- Gary's opening a world class metal detecting school.

I personally think that the technology available today will prevail at Oak Island. :icon_cheers:

LOL........Not even actual eyes on evidence at the bottom of bore hole 10x can dissuade hoax believers.

Perhaps in another 200 years technology will be available to create treasure associated items and transport them to places where folks think they should be...

I doubt there is any buried treasure there. Though I do think there are bits of what we'd call historical treasure probably all over there. It most likely was a stop off point for ships throughout history probably had people come and go on it as time went on. So it wouldn't surprise me if there was old coins and relics scattered around. It definitely made for a neat tourist attraction and a way to make money but I'm betting there's no treasure anyone hid. Though I'm not knocking anyone that chooses to believe there is to each their own I suppose.

All the time people waste on Oak Island the better for us, while they're chasing a fantasy we'll be doing real treasure hunting and find what they never tried to find. Had they dug as much as they did in ANY RANDOM place anywhere else besides on Oak Island they would increased their odds of finding actual treasure a million fold. There have been places I have dug just randomly, test holes and what not, and found stuff - anyone who's ever used a bulldozer can tell you how often they dig up random things from the past just by clearing the soil for construction purposes.

Here's another logic problem that many Oak Island zombies avoid answering because of what it reveals:

Again, according to the story, the 3 guys observed a cleared, circular depression over which hung a block and tackle in the tree.


As the area was still free of regrowth and the block and tackle were still in the tree then that means whatever happened there that made them THINK a treasure might be buried there occurred in the relatively recent past, not hundreds or thousand

I believe originally it was just “marks on a limb” and no rope or block.

I believe originally it was just “marks on a limb” and no rope or block.
No, that is not correct. The main way the story is told relies on how , when the tree is climbed an old block and rope is seen which falls apart when removed.

This, and the observation of a circular depression leads them to think there might be a treasure there.

Sort of problematic all then isn't it seeing as that is the (alleged) reason the search began?

But of course the whole impossibility of it the logic now reveals is ignored because there is no money to be made by those wanting others to pay to search there, or sell advertising on their TV production or listen to their monetised podcast or buy their book.......

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