What evasion? Look on the internet. If you are posting here then you have a connection and can do your own research.
I told you where to look, 'Oak Island aerial photo 1930s'.
You can use one of the number of other search engines also.
But all this information exists.
Not knowing that this information exists is not the same as it not existing
That old aerial photos exist of Oak Island which you didn't know about demonstrates the point exactly?
I told you where to look, 'Oak Island aerial photo 1930s'.
You can use one of the number of other search engines also.
But all this information exists.
Not knowing that this information exists is not the same as it not existing
That old aerial photos exist of Oak Island which you didn't know about demonstrates the point exactly?
I don't use Google search or Yahoo or any of the other search engines that Google controls or uses their algorithms . I find your answer to my question to an evasion of what I asked.