Oak Island is closed until further notice - 2022

The propaganda machine continues to roll on working to convince advertisers that they can continue to suck in new viewers unaware of the 200 year old hoax.
I get the feeling that you are just trolling people who watch the show. :icon_scratch:

The folks on my ignore list must be heaping on posts in the thread about the laginas being “legit” treasure hunters in their ongoing hoax and fleecing of advertisers.

But that’s why we have ignore lists.

I'm thinking of doing a 'true or false' set of postings for Oak Island: put what the show says and show if it is true or false.

Like showing the logic, the whole story collapses when it is shown it is built on fabrication and lies.

The only problem with it you can put the truth but there are OI tragics who will continue to apologise and claim it's not true or it's made up etc etc.

I'm thinking of doing a 'true or false' set of postings for Oak Island: put what the show says and show if it is true or false.

Like showing the logic, the whole story collapses when it is shown it is built on fabrication and lies.

The only problem with it you can put the truth but there are OI tragics who will continue to apologise and claim it's not true or it's made up etc etc.

Every The Curse Of Oak Island (Claimed) Treasure Recovered​

- Source: Screenrant.com

(My comments in red)
  • 17th Century Maravedí Coin (Season 1, Ep. 5)
  • 17th Century Military Button (Season 2, Ep. 2)
  • Knights Templar Coin (Season 2, Ep. 2) - Unsubstantiated - No evidence this is a Knights Templar Coin.
  • Two 17th Century British Coins (Season 2, Ep. 3)
  • Copper Ring (Season 4, Ep. 6) - How is a copper ring treasure?
  • Unidentified Coin (Season 4, Ep. 6)
  • 18th Century Dandy Button (Season 4, Ep. 8) - What makes an old button treasure?
  • Several 18th Century King George II Coins (Season 4, Ep. 8)
  • Metal Name Tag (Season 4, Ep. 8) - lol.. I cannot believe this has even been added to there list.
  • 18th/19th Century Gold-Plated British Military Button (Season 4, Ep. 15) - Again.. What makes an old button treasure?
  • Treasure Chest Hinge (Season 4, Ep. 15)- There was NO EVIDENCE that what they found was a "treasure Chest" hinge as compared to just a normal, everyday chest hinge.
  • Segment Of 17th Century Maravedí Coin (Season 5, Ep. 2)
  • Two 17th Century King Charles II Coins (Season 5, Ep. 3)
  • 17th Century Coin (Season 5, Ep. 8)
  • 13th Century Lead Cross (Season 5, Ep. 10) - This is one of there most unsupported claims of a significant find. 1. It is a piece of lead. 2. Absolutely no evidence at all it was a "13th Centaury Lead cross". This claim defies any logic at all. 3. Lead from the same source was found in the remains of the stained glass cabinet on Smiths old property.
  • Decorative Keyhole Plate (Season 5, Ep. 15) - How is this treasure?
  • 16th/17th Century Garnet And Silver Brooch (Season 5, Ep. 16) - No evidence was offered as to why this broach was from 16th or 17th Centaury. It was a cheap piece of costume jewelry. It could of been dropped by any resident of Oak Island.
  • 18th Century Copper Twopence Coin (Season 6, Ep. 1)
  • 14th Century Gold-Plated Brooch (Season 6, Ep. 1) - This was found on the other side of Oak Island. No where near the money pit. No evidence offered this was a 14th Centaury piece of jewelry. Many people discussed this at the time and the claim of 14th Centaury was not supported by any other source/expert.
  • Roman Pilum (Season 6, Ep. 3) - Ha ha This was clearly shown to be an exact match to be a piece of an old Canadian Gigging spear. It looked nothing like a Roman Pilum.
  • 18th Century French Military Cap Badge (Season 6, Ep. 5) -How is this treasure?
  • Pre-15th Century Decorated Piece Of Lead (Season 6, Ep. 18) - No evidence that this piece of lead was pre 15th Centaury.
  • 19th Century British Halfpenny Coin (Season 7, Ep. 4)
  • Decorative Leaf Design Brooch (Season 7, Ep. 4) - Relatively modern costume jewelry.
  • Pre-Mid-18th Century Ornate Ring (Season 7, Ep. 19) - No evidence offered that this worthless piece of possible old costume jewelry was pre mid 18th Centaury
  • Fragments Of Intricately Hand-Painted Pottery (Season 8, Ep. 14) - So.. How is that treasure?
  • Gold (Season 9, Ep. 2) - NO GOLD has been found. They claim 2 microscopic traces of gold when magnified 20,000+ times under an electron microscope. This if it even existed could of been from any environmental contamination. ie someone wedding ring touching something. It is absurd to claim this as gold found.
  • Unidentified 17th Century Coin (Season 9, Ep. 11)
So the Lagians have found a few old coins which collectively may be worth less than $50. This on top of nothing found by anyone else doing any searching in 200+ years. As I said earlier I am quite stunned that people without any evidence believe a) Treasure is still to be found b) The Laginas believe that treasure is still to be found and c) That Marty Lagina is spending millions and millions of his own money believing he will recover it when they find the treasure...

Also it should be noted that virtually nothing on this list was found digging in the money pit area...

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Lol, they forgot to include the (semi round) stone ball mill media which were then said to be 'Portuguese cannon balls' .


Every The Curse Of Oak Island (Claimed) Treasure Recovered​

- Source: Screenrant.com

(My comments in red)
  • 17th Century Maravedí Coin (Season 1, Ep. 5)
  • 17th Century Military Button (Season 2, Ep. 2)
  • Knights Templar Coin (Season 2, Ep. 2) - Unsubstantiated - No evidence this is a Knights Templar Coin.
  • Two 17th Century British Coins (Season 2, Ep. 3)
  • Copper Ring (Season 4, Ep. 6) - How is a copper ring treasure?
  • Unidentified Coin (Season 4, Ep. 6)
  • 18th Century Dandy Button (Season 4, Ep. 8) - What makes an old button treasure?
  • Several 18th Century King George II Coins (Season 4, Ep. 8)
  • Metal Name Tag (Season 4, Ep. 8) - lol.. I cannot believe this has even been added to there list.
  • 18th/19th Century Gold-Plated British Military Button (Season 4, Ep. 15) - Again.. What makes an old button treasure?
  • Treasure Chest Hinge (Season 4, Ep. 15)- There was NO EVIDENCE that what they found was a "treasure Chest" hinge as compared to just a normal, everyday chest hinge.
  • Segment Of 17th Century Maravedí Coin (Season 5, Ep. 2)
  • Two 17th Century King Charles II Coins (Season 5, Ep. 3)
  • 17th Century Coin (Season 5, Ep. 8)
  • 13th Century Lead Cross (Season 5, Ep. 10) - This is one of there most unsupported claims of a significant find. 1. It is a piece of lead. 2. Absolutely no evidence at all it was a "13th Centaury Lead cross". This claim defies any logic at all. 3. Lead from the same source was found in the remains of the stained glass cabinet on Smiths old property.
  • Decorative Keyhole Plate (Season 5, Ep. 15) - How is this treasure?
  • 16th/17th Century Garnet And Silver Brooch (Season 5, Ep. 16) - No evidence was offered as to why this broach was from 16th or 17th Centaury. It was a cheap piece of costume jewelry. It could of been dropped by any resident of Oak Island.
  • 18th Century Copper Twopence Coin (Season 6, Ep. 1)
  • 14th Century Gold-Plated Brooch (Season 6, Ep. 1) - This was found on the other side of Oak Island. No where near the money pit. No evidence offered this was a 14th Centaury piece of jewelry. Many people discussed this at the time and the claim of 14th Centaury was not supported by any other source/expert.
  • Roman Pilum (Season 6, Ep. 3) - Ha ha This was clearly shown to be an exact match to be a piece of an old Canadian Gigging spear. It looked nothing like a Roman Pilum.
  • 18th Century French Military Cap Badge (Season 6, Ep. 5) -How is this treasure?
  • Pre-15th Century Decorated Piece Of Lead (Season 6, Ep. 18) - No evidence that this piece of lead was pre 15th Centaury.
  • 19th Century British Halfpenny Coin (Season 7, Ep. 4)
  • Decorative Leaf Design Brooch (Season 7, Ep. 4) - Relatively modern costume jewelry.
  • Pre-Mid-18th Century Ornate Ring (Season 7, Ep. 19) - No evidence offered that this worthless piece of possible old costume jewelry was pre mid 18th Centaury
  • Fragments Of Intricately Hand-Painted Pottery (Season 8, Ep. 14) - So.. How is that treasure?
  • Gold (Season 9, Ep. 2) - NO GOLD has been found. They claim 2 microscopic traces of gold when magnified 20,000+ times under an electron microscope. This if it even existed could of been from any environmental contamination. ie someone wedding ring touching something. It is absurd to claim this as gold found.
  • Unidentified 17th Century Coin (Season 9, Ep. 11)
So the Lagians have found a few old coins which collectively may be worth less than $50. This on top of nothing found by anyone else doing any searching in 200+ years. As I said earlier I am quite stunned that people without any evidence believe a) Treasure is still to be found b) The Laginas believe that treasure is still to be found and c) That Marty Lagina is spending millions and millions of his own money believing he will recover it when they find the treasure...

Also it should be noted that virtually nothing on this list was found di
All of your "evidence"is conjecture on your part.

I see they didn't mention the 'ancient road' either they found which just happens to be where the power line easement was put through in the 1930s to the brick factory on the island.

The electric lighting would have made it a lot easier to see if the 'Portuguese cannon balls' were doing their work in the ball mill.

3 easement.jpg

I see they didn't mention the 'ancient road' either they found which just happens to be where the power line easement was put through in the 1930s to the brick factory on the island.

The electric lighting would have made it a lot easier to see how the 'Portuguese cannon balls' were working in the ball mill.

View attachment 2041305
Oh man….that’s not a templar road?

I see they didn't mention the 'ancient road' either they found which just happens to be where the power line easement was put through in the 1930s to the brick factory on the island.

The electric lighting would have made it a lot easier to see if the 'Portuguese cannon balls' were doing their work in the ball mill.

View attachment 2041305
I have searched the internet and can find no mention of a brick factory on Oak Island. Perhaps you can direct me to where you found this info and the photos that you posted. ???

Well, there is this inherent problem with Oak Island.

Google's algorithm does not promote returns of the factual information as it destroys the myth so is not what many want to read.

Google does then promote what is looked at most, the made up garbage there is a Templar or Roman or Bacon's treasure there, as this is what most people want to read.

But if you look hard enough you can still find real information posted on some sources like early forums and even current websites that Googles algorithm does not promote. They tend to be way, way down in the search returns.

You can see yourself they are indeed aerial photos of Oak Island. Try a search 'Oak Island aerial photos 1930s' and follow the links, a lot will lead to the now unpromoted sources.

Here's another example;

The Oak Island story as told now says that in 1795 3 guys were roaming an uninhabited island?

Here is the 1785 survey map for when the island was subdivided and occupied so immediately that shows the story as told is false.


If you search google for 'Oak Island 1785 survey map' it won't appear.

Then is some accompanying information as it was known they weren't the first searchers either.


I have searched the internet and can find no mention of a brick factory on Oak Island. Perhaps you can direct me to where you found this info and the photos that you posted

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Well, there is this inherent problem with Oak Island.

Any data, information, records, photos etc that reveals the actual history of Oak Island is not promoted.
Any story, made up crap, theory that supports the story there is a treasure is gets promoted.

Google's algorithm does not promote the factual information as it destroys the myth so is not what many want to read. Google does promote what is looked at most, the made up garbage there is a Templar or Roman or Bacon's treasure there, as this is what most people want to read.

But if you look hard enough you can still find real information posted on some sources like early forums and even current websites that Googles algorithm does not promote. They tend to be way, way down in the search returns.

You can see yourself they are indeed aerial photos of Oak Island. Try a search 'Oak Island aerial photos 1930s' and follow the links, a lot will lead to the now unpromoted sources.

Here's another example;

The Oak Island story as told now says that in 1795 3 guys were roaming an uninhabited island?

Here is the 1785 survey map for when the island was subdivided and occupied so immediately that shows the story as told is false.

View attachment 2041453

If you search google for 'Oak Island 1785 survey map' it won't appear.

Then is some accompanying information as it was known they weren't the first searchers either.

View attachment 2041456

As you can see the 'story' is nothing like the one promoted now.
"Another one bites the dust,another one bites the dust" "Another one down and another one down,Another one bites the dust"

Every The Curse Of Oak Island (Claimed) Treasure Recovered​

- Source: Screenrant.com

(My comments in red)
  • 17th Century Maravedí Coin (Season 1, Ep. 5)
  • 17th Century Military Button (Season 2, Ep. 2)
  • Knights Templar Coin (Season 2, Ep. 2) - Unsubstantiated - No evidence this is a Knights Templar Coin.
  • Two 17th Century British Coins (Season 2, Ep. 3)
  • Copper Ring (Season 4, Ep. 6) - How is a copper ring treasure?
  • Unidentified Coin (Season 4, Ep. 6)
  • 18th Century Dandy Button (Season 4, Ep. 8) - What makes an old button treasure?
  • Several 18th Century King George II Coins (Season 4, Ep. 8)
  • Metal Name Tag (Season 4, Ep. 8) - lol.. I cannot believe this has even been added to there list.
  • 18th/19th Century Gold-Plated British Military Button (Season 4, Ep. 15) - Again.. What makes an old button treasure?
  • Treasure Chest Hinge (Season 4, Ep. 15)- There was NO EVIDENCE that what they found was a "treasure Chest" hinge as compared to just a normal, everyday chest hinge.
  • Segment Of 17th Century Maravedí Coin (Season 5, Ep. 2)
  • Two 17th Century King Charles II Coins (Season 5, Ep. 3)
  • 17th Century Coin (Season 5, Ep. 8)
  • 13th Century Lead Cross (Season 5, Ep. 10) - This is one of there most unsupported claims of a significant find. 1. It is a piece of lead. 2. Absolutely no evidence at all it was a "13th Centaury Lead cross". This claim defies any logic at all. 3. Lead from the same source was found in the remains of the stained glass cabinet on Smiths old property.
  • Decorative Keyhole Plate (Season 5, Ep. 15) - How is this treasure?
  • 16th/17th Century Garnet And Silver Brooch (Season 5, Ep. 16) - No evidence was offered as to why this broach was from 16th or 17th Centaury. It was a cheap piece of costume jewelry. It could of been dropped by any resident of Oak Island.
  • 18th Century Copper Twopence Coin (Season 6, Ep. 1)
  • 14th Century Gold-Plated Brooch (Season 6, Ep. 1) - This was found on the other side of Oak Island. No where near the money pit. No evidence offered this was a 14th Centaury piece of jewelry. Many people discussed this at the time and the claim of 14th Centaury was not supported by any other source/expert.
  • Roman Pilum (Season 6, Ep. 3) - Ha ha This was clearly shown to be an exact match to be a piece of an old Canadian Gigging spear. It looked nothing like a Roman Pilum.
  • 18th Century French Military Cap Badge (Season 6, Ep. 5) -How is this treasure?
  • Pre-15th Century Decorated Piece Of Lead (Season 6, Ep. 18) - No evidence that this piece of lead was pre 15th Centaury.
  • 19th Century British Halfpenny Coin (Season 7, Ep. 4)
  • Decorative Leaf Design Brooch (Season 7, Ep. 4) - Relatively modern costume jewelry.
  • Pre-Mid-18th Century Ornate Ring (Season 7, Ep. 19) - No evidence offered that this worthless piece of possible old costume jewelry was pre mid 18th Centaury
  • Fragments Of Intricately Hand-Painted Pottery (Season 8, Ep. 14) - So.. How is that treasure?
  • Gold (Season 9, Ep. 2) - NO GOLD has been found. They claim 2 microscopic traces of gold when magnified 20,000+ times under an electron microscope. This if it even existed could of been from any environmental contamination. ie someone wedding ring touching something. It is absurd to claim this as gold found.
  • Unidentified 17th Century Coin (Season 9, Ep. 11)
So the Lagians have found a few old coins which collectively may be worth less than $50. This on top of nothing found by anyone else doing any searching in 200+ years. As I said earlier I am quite stunned that people without any evidence believe a) Treasure is still to be found b) The Laginas believe that treasure is still to be found and c) That Marty Lagina is spending millions and millions of his own money believing he will recover it when they find the treasure...

Also it should be noted that virtually nothing on this list was found digging in the money pit area...
Season 6 ep 1 wasn't that stone /glass debunked as a decorative piece from the kids cowboy outfits holster? I looked at the gemologists face and could read b.s. all over it.

Well, there is this inherent problem with Oak Island.

Google's algorithm does not promote returns of the factual information as it destroys the myth so is not what many want to read.

Google does then promote what is looked at most, the made up garbage there is a Templar or Roman or Bacon's treasure there, as this is what most people want to read.

But if you look hard enough you can still find real information posted on some sources like early forums and even current websites that Googles algorithm does not promote. They tend to be way, way down in the search returns.

You can see yourself they are indeed aerial photos of Oak Island. Try a search 'Oak Island aerial photos 1930s' and follow the links, a lot will lead to the now unpromoted sources.

Here's another example;

The Oak Island story as told now says that in 1795 3 guys were roaming an uninhabited island?

Here is the 1785 survey map for when the island was subdivided and occupied so immediately that shows the story as told is false.

View attachment 2041453

If you search google for 'Oak Island 1785 survey map' it won't appear.

Then is some accompanying information as it was known they weren't the first searchers either.

View attachment 2041456
I don't use Google search or Yahoo or any of the other search engines that Google controls or uses their algorithms . I find your answer to my question to an evasion of what I asked.

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