Well, there is this inherent problem with Oak Island.
Any data, information, records, photos etc that reveals the actual history of Oak Island is not promoted.
Any story, made up crap, theory that supports the story there is a treasure is gets promoted.
Google's algorithm does not promote the factual information as it destroys the myth so is not what many want to read. Google does promote what is looked at most, the made up garbage there is a Templar or Roman or Bacon's treasure there, as this is what most people want to read.
But if you look hard enough you can still find real information posted on some sources like early forums and even current websites that Googles algorithm does not promote. They tend to be way, way down in the search returns.
You can see yourself they are indeed aerial photos of Oak Island. Try a search 'Oak Island aerial photos 1930s' and follow the links, a lot will lead to the now unpromoted sources.
Here's another example;
The Oak Island story as told now says that in 1795 3 guys were roaming an uninhabited island?
Here is the 1785 survey map for when the island was subdivided and occupied so immediately that shows the story as told is false.
View attachment 2041453
If you search google for 'Oak Island 1785 survey map' it won't appear.
Then is some accompanying information as it was known they weren't the first searchers either.
View attachment 2041456
As you can see the 'story' is nothing like the one promoted now.