Oak Island Factual (proven/documented) Information

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...and what are they going to do with all that stuff?
Dig a hole, bury it, and forget about it for 200+ years?

With that "reason" for belief stated, do you also believe that the Pilgrims removed Holy Relics, gold, and silver treasure from Oak Island in 1620?

Did the Pilgrams say they did? That's the difference between what your trying to compare. A first person account of digging HIS own hole and someone else claiming the Pilgrams did something.. Not the same as you see..

The best fact of Oak Island is that the Holy Relics have long since been removed by the Pilgrims in 1620.
I do not believe once they retrieved those they would leave any silver or gold on Oak Island.
It was stated as FACT, my friend, n2mini, but not by me.
What is your opinion of this stated fact?
As you always claim, are you able to prove or disprove this alleged fact?
The same can be stated about the first person "account of HIS digging his own hole".
How do you know that it is a true exact account and not embellished with a tale rale or two?
You don't, and can not prove his story as factual.

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Treasure stories hold the blind power of faith.
If folks want to believe they will believe regardless of the contrary evidences and facts before them.
They will always find other evidences, circumstantial or completely imaginary, to place that blind faith in.
Always been that way and it will always be that way.
They don't require or need or rely or facts, that just operate on that blind faith.
As bigscoop stated...
'Nuff Said!

It was stated as FACT, my friend, n2mini, but not by me.
What is your opinion of this stated fact?
As you always claim, are you able to prove or disprove this alleged fact?
The same can be stated about the first person "account of HIS digging his own hole".
How do you know that it is a true exact account and not embellished with a tale rale or two?
You don't, and can not prove his story as factual.

Apparently I've gotten my under your skin from calling you out about not stating everything you say as a fact when it is not, now your trying to group me in with everyone who claims something and we all know it can't be proven.. I didn't state that as fact, and have no idea if it's true... I only said that Singlestack had no reason to lie about digging a hole in his backyard. Now if he claimed to have found some treasure everyone on here would have been asking for proof and even if he showed some pics of it then we'd ask how do we know you actually found it in your backyard. It has now become a vicious cycle as you see...Leave me out of your shenanigans.. All I have ever said is that, yes I do believe there was a MP dug. How deep, I have no idea, was or is there treasure in it, I have no idea, could it still be there, yes, could it have already been found, yes... Could Samuel Ball have found some sort of treasure on the island, yes.... Is it possible he made a very good living growing the best cabbage ever, yes... It's all vague I know but I admit I don't know what is factual on any of the stories about OI. I just see no reason to lie about the boys digging a hole. Everything after that might not be 100% true but NO ONE can speak as if they know of them as a FACT regardless of if your a believer or a nay sayer.. I have only asked of you to stop making out like everything you say is a fact when you know it MIGHT not be...

... I have only asked of you to stop making out like everything you say is a fact when you know it MIGHT not be...
Which statements of mine do you refer that I claimed as fact?
As you enter another semantic round into this discussion, you continue to state your belief in "THE HOLE" is based on a first hand eyewitness account, but in NO way did you hear or read this alleged eyewitness account, first hand.
Was this first hand eyewitness account verified verbatim testimony in a legal deposition, or just a paraphrased version in an Oak Island magazine article or book?
You, my friend, are making out like this alleged eyewitness account is fact when you know it MIGHT not be...

I NEVER said it was a fact just that I believe they did dig a hole. I know I can't prove it either way as no one can. I give up talking to you at this point. Have a nice life keeping up with a treasure hunt that you claim to not believe in... n2mini out......:BangHead:

Thing is that "most" everyone other then a couple of people on here do believe that the original 3 did dig a hole.
I'm not the only one in believing that they did dig a hole...
Believing and knowing are not quite the same, so what did you say was the reason and purpose of calling me and those you label "naysayers" out with all those posts on two threads?
Judge not my friend if can't take being judged for your motives for "calling out" others.

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When I was very young I believed the bat winged cats on Mighty Mouse were real......even had nightmares about them.

Are they living somewhere in the money pit?

This thread will be two years old on January 31st and we still have not seen one fact posted to prove that any “money pit” or treasure ever existed on oak island...

How do I show proof of a hole in the ground that is over 200 years old and the whole area has been dug and poked on ever since. History says it was there. Every story ever written about Oak Island... Up to you to prove it wasn't...

Doesn't have to have treasure in it to have been there...and there is more proof to say there was treasure in it then you have saying there's not. Family decedent's claims to have the gold cross found.. might not be true but they claim it. How can you show proof it's not true. Have you seen it first hand, tested/dated the gold, been standing by the area for over 200 years to be able to say you have watched everyone to have ever been on the island and you have not seen anyone find treasure in the MP hole area....

How do I show proof of a hole in the ground that is over 200 years old and the whole area has been dug and poked on ever since. History says it was there. Every story ever written about Oak Island... Up to you to prove it wasn't...

Doesn't have to have treasure in it to have been there...and there is more proof to say there was treasure in it then you have saying there's not. Family decedent's claims to have the gold cross found.. might not be true but they claim it. How can you show proof it's not true. Have you seen it first hand, tested/dated the gold, been standing by the area for over 200 years to be able to say you have watched everyone to have ever been on the island and you have not seen anyone find treasure in the MP hole area....

More meaningless banter.....no facts presented...

What more proof do you want then the family decendent's having an item they claim their family member found in the MP.... You have not presented any facts that the original 3 did not dig a hole regardless. History is on my side of that saying they did. You have to show proof to over turn and rewrite the history that is already in place. Burden of proof is on you and the other folks who don't believe the original 3 dug a hole...

and we all know what you and your co-horts in this forum would say if some how the Laginas found something in the MP area or heck regardless of where it is found on the island you'd all say it was planted... yet ya'll keep up with the show and what is going on...

I haven't watched the show itself since the third season. MUCH more fun to come here. I can catch up on the three minutes of junk relics and occasional pocket drop found without the annoying narrator.

I'm sure if anything interesting is ever found there will be images posted here.

I get more "History" on MeTV than the [misleadingly named] History Channel.

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What more proof do you want then the family decendent's having an item they claim their family member found in the MP.... You have not presented any facts that the original 3 did not dig a hole regardless. History is on my side of that saying they did. You have to show proof to over turn and rewrite the history that is already in place. Burden of proof is on you and the other folks who don't believe the original 3 dug a hole...

and we all know what you and your co-horts in this forum would say if some how the Laginas found something in the MP area or heck regardless of where it is found on the island you'd all say it was planted... yet ya'll keep up with the show and what is going on...

We monitor the show and make certain the unknowing masses are not “HOAXED” yet again......

We monitor the show and make certain the unknowing masses are not “HOAXED” yet again......

You “monitor the show” to protect the masses? Lol.. Sorry, that was kinda amusing. Why do you care if people watch a television show to be entertained? Why do the “masses” need to be protected? Who is being greviously harmed by following a television show? It’s entertainment for petes sake. Not trying to dump on you, that just seemed kinda ridiculous.

I can attest to the seriousness of posting false information as fact.
on another topic which I post regularly is the Lost Dutchman mine, there are many ridiculous theories posted there as well, and many blatantly false claims of having located the LDM, just two years ago someone who had read some of the post believed that he knew where it was and set out from Utah to find and claim the gold.
search and rescue Recovered his body about a week after he went missing, he died of exposure and, he had no gold

I can attest to the seriousness of posting false information as fact.
on another topic which I post regularly is the Lost Dutchman mine, there are many ridiculous theories posted there as well, and many blatantly false claims of having located the LDM, just two years ago someone who had read some of the post believed that he knew where it was and set out from Utah to find and claim the gold.
search and rescue Recovered his body about a week after he went missing, he died of exposure and, he had no gold

Sadly that story is is no different really then the few people or more that died trying to find Forest Fenn's Treasure.. Can't blame it on a false post by someone...You have to be prepared to be out wondering around looking for something you may or may not know it's location..

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