I'm a democrat and i own guns! And, i love to shoot them!! IOW, I'm one confused
That said, standing back from all the vitriol in these second amendment threads there is something i find fasinating. That is this: THe right is staunchly entrenched in this second amendment debate to the point where they say they are willing to take up arms against our country if need be. I appreciate the passion of such heart felt beliefs. Here's the part that fasinates me. A decade ago this country passed a law that limits our freedom. It is a law that is used to control us and a law that could be used by a tyranical government against it's people. That law, called Real ID, was embraced by the right. So, the part that is almost laughable to me is: Take away my freedom, but don't take away my guns!
Apparently, I'm not the only confused
in this country. I've got plenty of company.