"Where in the constitution does it say that "criminals give up there rights"? You are exactly right we are all entitled to our opinions. But lets not claim that our opinions are facts. It is perfectly constitutional to place restrictions on gun ownership. Been done by both states and the federal government for hundreds of years. This isn't debatable it's constitutional law 101."
You sure a constitutional scholar, and so is Obama, and both of you have a real high opinion of yourselves. There are other laws besides the constitution, laws about driving aren't in the constitution, or perhaps I don't have my facts, and you being the scholar can show where they are. Felons aren't denied by the constitution, they are a group of people that the state laws says have given up their rights. They are no longer full citizens, they have also lost some of their freedom in the slammer. You know it all, show me where that is legal in the constitution. The constitution also gives the people the right to vote, but once again state law says they do time and then loose the benefits of other citizens, and no voting either. Geeze, I suppose that isn't in the constitution either. Perhaps you being a scholar and all, you know that it's unconstitutional to deny them those rights, so do you want to pay to take the case to the supreme court, I mean after all you are a constitutional scholar, and I'm just an NRA toadie. You spout so called facts, you take the case. The constitution also says we have freedom of speech, but we don't, and freedom of religion, but we don't. The libs have come up with hate speech, which now denies me the right to speak my mind about what I think of a person, what's next, hate speech about politicians? By the way, it's been suggested. The constitution does not say separation of church and state, liberals do, and these liberals are unconstitutionally taking my rights as a Christian away. I'll still use the ballot box on that one, but it's also a right I'm willing to die for. Liberals also have found the right in the constitution for little babies to be killed by having their brains sucked out. You are the constitutional scholar, show me where that right is in the constitution, the right to kill babies at any stage of gestation, and I know you know it all, so at the same time Mr. constitutional scholar, show me where is says separation of church and state, and that kids can't pray in school, or there can't be a Christmas tree in the fire station, the liberals say it's in there, but I can't find it. Go for it, you know it all, show me where. I for one am not going to let the libs do that to my gun rights, a bit at a time or any other way. Now I'm not saying they will or will not succeed, because I won't be there at the end. Liberals can find all sorts of mysterious things in the constitution that advance their socialist agenda, and they have just about gone too far. I've told you of two rights that I'm willing to fight and die for, you willing to die to defend your idea of what you perceive the government can do no matter what the constitution says?