NRA Accused Of Stirring "Anti-UN Panic" In Campaign Against Arms Trade Treaty

I will give you some examples of why we need them gone from the world. Terrorism is one of them, they never condoned any of the terrorist activity until 9/11 and even then didnt care about state sponsered terrorism like Hamas and Hezbollah. Another example is nuclear weapons, the nuclear non-proliferation treaty was supposed to stop nations from developing nukes. They havent stopped North Korea, Pakistan, Israel or India from developing a nuke and wont stop Iran either. They are just a bunch of people who want to solve everything with sanctions when actual action is needed. The failure of the non-proliferation treaty details the ineffectiveness of the United Nations, and their inability to enforce crucial rules and regulations on offending nations.

Civil wars and genocides like Sri Lanka, Sudan, Somolia, Bosnia, Kosivo, Cambodia, Rwanda and at the moment Syria they have been ineffective and or stood on the side lines while thousands died. When Stalin ruled Russia he didn't listen to the UN and killed what could be millions and the UN did nothing. For being a worldpeace keeper they are terrible at it.

Child rapes in war torn countries in the 90's. Reports from Bosnia, Kosovo, Cambodia, Haiti, and Mozambique revealed a shocking trend that areas with peacekeeping forces saw a rapid rise in child prostitution. The reason they called in prostitution was because the rapists would give them candy or food so it wouldnt be considered rape.

The way the UN is run is stupid as well, the UN Security Council consists of fifteen nations, five of which are permanent: France, Russia, China, the United States, and the United Kingdom. The other ten nations are elected to serve two-year terms. The five permanent members enjoy the luxury of veto power. When a permanent member vetoes a vote, the Council resolution cannot be adopted, regardless of international support. Even if the other fourteen nations vote yes, a single veto will beat this overwhelming show of support.

Here is a web site for more things the UN has done or failed to do. The United Nations and its problems

Arno, you can always count on me with that position on the U.N.
They are the single largest threat to our independence...

How can they be the "single largest threat to our independence"?

I will give you some examples of why we need them gone from the world. Terrorism is one of them, they never condoned any of the terrorist activity until 9/11 and even then didnt care about state sponsered terrorism like Hamas and Hezbollah. Another example is nuclear weapons, the nuclear non-proliferation treaty was supposed to stop nations from developing nukes. They havent stopped North Korea, Pakistan, Israel or India from developing a nuke and wont stop Iran either. They are just a bunch of people who want to solve everything with sanctions when actual action is needed. The failure of the non-proliferation treaty details the ineffectiveness of the United Nations, and their inability to enforce crucial rules and regulations on offending nations.

Civil wars and genocides like Sri Lanka, Sudan, Somolia, Bosnia, Kosivo, Cambodia, Rwanda and at the moment Syria they have been ineffective and or stood on the side lines while thousands died. When Stalin ruled Russia he didn't listen to the UN and killed what could be millions and the UN did nothing. For being a worldpeace keeper they are terrible at it.

Child rapes in war torn countries in the 90's. Reports from Bosnia, Kosovo, Cambodia, Haiti, and Mozambique revealed a shocking trend that areas with peacekeeping forces saw a rapid rise in child prostitution. The reason they called in prostitution was because the rapists would give them candy or food so it wouldnt be considered rape.

The way the UN is run is stupid as well, the UN Security Council consists of fifteen nations, five of which are permanent: France, Russia, China, the United States, and the United Kingdom. The other ten nations are elected to serve two-year terms. The five permanent members enjoy the luxury of veto power. When a permanent member vetoes a vote, the Council resolution cannot be adopted, regardless of international support. Even if the other fourteen nations vote yes, a single veto will beat this overwhelming show of support.

Here is a web site for more things the UN has done or failed to do. The United Nations and its problems

So help me understand this. UN is useless and completely ineffective - yet the UN is also the biggest threat to our independence and is going to take us all over? Isn't this kind of a contradiction? How is this possible?

And for the record I'm with you - I think it's an ineffective money wasting bureaucracy though I do believe UNICEF and their other aid orgs do a pretty good job don't you think?

I will give you some examples of why we need them gone from the world. Terrorism is one of them, they never condoned any of the terrorist activity until 9/11 and even then didnt care about state sponsered terrorism like Hamas and Hezbollah. Another example is nuclear weapons, the nuclear non-proliferation treaty was supposed to stop nations from developing nukes. They havent stopped North Korea, Pakistan, Israel or India from developing a nuke and wont stop Iran either. They are just a bunch of people who want to solve everything with sanctions when actual action is needed. The failure of the non-proliferation treaty details the ineffectiveness of the United Nations, and their inability to enforce crucial rules and regulations on offending nations.

Civil wars and genocides like Sri Lanka, Sudan, Somolia, Bosnia, Kosivo, Cambodia, Rwanda and at the moment Syria they have been ineffective and or stood on the side lines while thousands died. When Stalin ruled Russia he didn't listen to the UN and killed what could be millions and the UN did nothing. For being a worldpeace keeper they are terrible at it.

Child rapes in war torn countries in the 90's. Reports from Bosnia, Kosovo, Cambodia, Haiti, and Mozambique revealed a shocking trend that areas with peacekeeping forces saw a rapid rise in child prostitution. The reason they called in prostitution was because the rapists would give them candy or food so it wouldnt be considered rape.

The way the UN is run is stupid as well, the UN Security Council consists of fifteen nations, five of which are permanent: France, Russia, China, the United States, and the United Kingdom. The other ten nations are elected to serve two-year terms. The five permanent members enjoy the luxury of veto power. When a permanent member vetoes a vote, the Council resolution cannot be adopted, regardless of international support. Even if the other fourteen nations vote yes, a single veto will beat this overwhelming show of support.

Here is a web site for more things the UN has done or failed to do. The United Nations and its problems

And no offense but the "the United Nations and its problems" might have a bit of a biased opinion? It's only a guess, but prob a fairly safe one. Again I agree its a fairly useless org and at least the website isn't talking about wacko stuff like agenda 21 and the new world order. Best.

Unicef? You are becoming obsolete. where does all of your propaganda come from.. who is really paying you?

So help me understand this. UN is useless and completely ineffective - yet the UN is also the biggest threat to our independence and is going to take us all over? Isn't this kind of a contradiction? How is this possible?

And for the record I'm with you - I think it's an ineffective money wasting bureaucracy though I do believe UNICEF and their other aid orgs do a pretty good job don't you think?

Other organizations are good with helping others, like the red cross. I am not sure they are the biggest threat to the US but I believe there lack of policies and sticking to them is what may cause us harm. I don't personally think the UN will invade us but I think there lack of action will cause other countries to act against us like North Korea or Iran.

And no offense but the "the United Nations and its problems" might have a bit of a biased opinion? It's only a guess, but prob a fairly safe one. Again I agree its a fairly useless org and at least the website isn't talking about wacko stuff like agenda 21 and the new world order. Best.

Did you actually go to the site? They talk about the problems the UN has had. These are documented problems. You should read it, you shouldnt judge a book( or website) by its cover (or name).

Unicef? You are becoming obsolete. where does all of your propaganda come from.. who is really paying you?

Dave again I do not believe I was responding to you. Do you have anything to add to the discussion about the UN?

Other organizations are good with helping others, like the red cross. I am not sure they are the biggest threat to the US but I believe there lack of policies and sticking to them is what may cause us harm. I don't personally think the UN will invade us but I think there lack of action will cause other countries to act against us like North Korea or Iran.

Completely agree. They definitely suffer from the "too many chefs" syndrome. With almost 200 members its pretty tough to come to any resolution. We can get much done with just 2 political parties!!

Did you actually go to the site? They talk about the problems the UN has had. These are documented problems. You should read it, you shouldnt judge a book( or website) by its cover (or name).

Was just joking. Again I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't a agenda 21 or new world order site. Completely agree with how incompetent they are which is why I find it do funny when people think they will be taking over. They can't stop people from chopping each other up with machetes never mind conquering the US. Never mind the fact that they are merely an organization without a standing army, economy, population, etc, etc.

I may be conservative but I try to stay away from conspiracy theories and stay with facts.

Same to you. And this seems to be the end of this thread. LOL and Worst Practices in Foreign Aid.pdf?1
This paper begins with a discussion of best practices
for an ideal aid agency, and with the diffi
culties that
aid agencies face because they are typically not ac-
countable to their intended benefi
ciaries. Perhaps the
foremost best practice is transparency, since without
transparency, all other evaluations of best practice
are rendered diffi
cult. We then consider four dimen-
sions of best practice.
measures the
degree to which aid is split among too many donors,
too many countries and too many sectors for each
measures to what extent aid avoids
corrupt autocrats, and goes to the poorest countries.
Ineffective aid channels
measures the extent to which
aid is tied to political objectives or goes to food aid or
technical assistance.
Overhead costs
measure agency
administrative costs relative to the amount of aid
they give. These criteria may seem straightforward,
even banal, but how aid agencies behave along these
dimensions remains, to a large extent, shrouded in
mystery." Executive Salaries in Charities

Unicef Wants Your Children
UNICEF Reeling From Allegations of Waste, Fraud

How can they be the "single largest threat to our independence"?
Repercussions of treaties for one thing, crippling taxes our country is to pay to the U.N., the U.N.'s alliance with nations full of true terrorism like Iran (working to undermine us as a superpower). The U.S. has always been very independent, so why exactly should we allow the U.N. along with the rest of the world dictate and essentially put America on trial for our policies on everything from energy to guns, to carbon taxes (wealth redistribution). In other words how is it in our best interest to allow any other entity to meddle in our affairs? What possible good for OUR nation can possibly come out of it?

Dave again I do not believe I was responding to you. Do you have anything to add to the discussion about the UN?

Why yes. I do. When you post propaganda you invite all responses. You have jumped in my discussions to disseminate disinformation. I jump in yours to give you your uncomfortable avalanche of "anecdotal evidence".

There are 'agitators' on both sides, but for the most part, I don't think anyone with common sense would trust the UN for anything. They have a fowl history of selecting 'questionable' characters to boards represent boards of high positions, who are themselves, violators of the boards they represent. Clearly, the UN does not have real concerns for the rights of the common peoples above animals, plants, or their views on 'saving the planet.' Honestly, appointing known 'dictators' who oppress their own people to high positions is like rewarding tyranny. The UN has no credibility. As far as the people of the nations are concerned, the UN is just another political governing form of arrogant oppression, restricting those of lesser power & class to serve the elitists of the world. Most the world's peoples aren't as dumb as the 'elitists' would like to think they are.
Does the NRA stir 'anti-UN panic?' No, not really.
The media creates the 'hype & panic' modes for the sake of pushing agendas of powerful people and nations. The 'accused culprits' are really just the poor 'scapegoats' selected to use & push an agenda. The UN has a record which is out there for all to see. We know them by their works, not what they say or promise ........ this is just common sense. Like it or not, the UN is only as good, or bad, as what they have already shown the world. Their own record tells all. .....that's how I see it.

Get rid of the UN, we don't need them the world doesnt need them.

Lets get rid of them, WHO IS WITH ME???

Like I said earlier: The UN is a tool of our foreign policy. It works for us (the US). If it didn't, it would be gone in a flash.

It's been there under Dems, Repubs and could have been gone at any time.

I have no particular love for the UN, just saying.

Sort of like running over your dog, and then finding out that you have a tougher time getting up birds.

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