NRA Accused Of Stirring "Anti-UN Panic" In Campaign Against Arms Trade Treaty

Dano I forgot nothing....

2nd amendment is simple and doesn't matter to us if people living in other coutries do not understand its concept.............

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

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Many americans are against the arms treaty and infact are opposed to the UN.....:headbang:

Hi wonder why then did the USA support and start the "league of nations' after WW1 and then the" United Nations" after WW 2. Notable problems with both in past and present is the fact the main players failed to keep the treaties which they signed. Now you say you don,t want what you created or there was never any soul from the start. Everyone else in the world is bound by arms treaties but shouldn,t include you . 2 sets of rules ?

Hi wonder why then did the USA support and start the "league of nations' after WW1 and then the" United Nations" after WW 2. Notable problems with both in past and present is the fact the main players failed to keep the treaties which they signed. Now you say you don,t want what you created or there was never any soul from the start. Everyone else in the world is bound by arms treaties but shouldn,t include you . 2 sets of rules ?

Because the UN is not what is was originally perceived to be.....

Not against arms treaties, against the UN arms treaty, it will be used against American citizens in the end..... I do not believe for even one moment it will not be, the aim of the left is to disarm American, it always has been and always will be..........

The militia was made up of the citizens, they were not professional soliders, they were farmers, store keepers, common people, they would come together for common defense when defense was needed.....

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

(I found this on a website some time back and found it very interesting.)

A-self explanatory

well-In a good or proper manner

regulated-To bring order, method, or uniformity to

militia-An army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers

being-The totality of all things that exist

necessary-Absolutely essential



security-Freedom from risk or danger; safety

of a

free-Not imprisoned or enslaved; being at liberty

state-A body politic, especially one constituting a nation


right-According to law, morality, or justice

of the

people-The citizens of a political unit, such as a nation or state; the electorate


keep-To retain possession of

and-Together with or along with; in addition to; as well as

bear-To be equipped or furnished with

arms-A weapon, especially a firearm

shall-To have to; must

not-In no way; to no degree

be-To take place; occur

-To transgress or exceed the limits of; violate

The 2nd Amendment has two distinct clauses.

The first clause is a statement of fact:
"A well-regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state ..."[ Means: A well-equipped, organized and disciplined militia (all able-bodied men over the age of 16) is A NECESSITY for the security of A FREE STATE]

The second clause is the conclusion:
"the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." [Means... the RIGHT of the each person to keep (possess, own, hold) and bear (carry, wear and use) arms (weapons capable of defending people, their families, property and state) SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.]

I do believe our forefathers could conceive cities growing..... At time of the American Revolution London alone had close to 750,000 people living in it ...While they may not have know how large cities of the future would come they knew they would grow, they had seen their own cities grow, our forefathers had vision, the Constitution proves it.....

Today... I had some very in-depth conversations with some relatives that reside in Pennsylvania and had the opportunity to view a documentary last night that has changed my views. No BS here people. I am 100% serious on this matter. Protect your family and defend your right to be as well armed as anyone that may come to your door as to do any harm to you or your family. I can only stress (in a friendly way) to please be diligent and responsible as a gun owners, to make sure that all of your family members are proficiently trained in the handling and safety aspects of all firearms.


For me the question has never been about being "responsible gun owners". if your not a responsible gun owner you may have the right to own a gun under our Bill Of Rights, B-U-T your a danger to yourself and your family until you know how to use one properly... It is the dury of every gun owner to know how to be responsible and to respect the power and danger of a gun....

My arguement has always been and will always be the right of people to bear arms as trained and responsiblie gun owners..........

The only reason we suffer the UN is that it is in our national interest to do so.

It is cheaper than war (not that that's much of an issue).

The only reason we suffer the UN is that it is in our national interest to do so.

It is cheaper than war (not that that's much of an issue).


Of course the NRA opposes this. They are the mouth / lobbying arm for big gun. All that they care about is making sure big gun can sell as many guns as possible. They don't care who it's to or the misery it causes. It's all about the almighty $$$. But I do find it fascinating how easily they are able to manipulate the weak minded. Big bonuses will be paid this year at the NRA.

Of course the NRA opposes this. They are the mouth / lobbying arm for big gun. All that they care about is making sure big gun can sell as many guns as possible. They don't care who it's to or the misery it causes. It's all about the almighty $$$. But I do find it fascinating how easily they are able to manipulate the weak minded. Big bonuses will be paid this year at the NRA.

Oh My, This post was sooo predictable.

Of course the NRA opposes this. They are the mouth / lobbying arm for big gun. All that they care about is making sure big gun can sell as many guns as possible. They don't care who it's to or the misery it causes. It's all about the almighty $$$. But I do find it fascinating how easily they are able to manipulate the weak minded. Big bonuses will be paid this year at the NRA.
Did you just call this drivel "truth"?

You do know the Chinese love this statement, right?

By the way, Why are the goobers outsourcing Border Patrol uniform manufacturing to big apparel? Yep, 5 or 6 million to a Mexico company, they also have plants in the most sordid of places. Is it that much better outside of the Union crime boss areas?
In your humble opinion, is every business that makes over 25 k a year "big business"?

Did you just call this drivel "truth"?

You do know the Chinese love this statement, right?

By the way, Why are the goobers outsourcing Border Patrol uniform manufacturing to big apparel? Yep, 5 or 6 million to a Mexico company, they also have plants in the most sordid of places. Is it that much better outside of the Union crime boss areas?
In your humble opinion, is every business that makes over 25 k a year "big business"?

What was untrue about it? Just because you don't like the conclusion does not mean its false - correct. And in case you didn't notice it wasn't just the Chinese it was about every country in the world the was for the treaty. Except for the big gun exporters. Hold on I think I hear the NRA saying to open wide - they got another spoonful of propaganda to feed you.


You should go back to work. You are obviously getting more and more brainwashed all of the time.
But it looks as if it is your sole reason for being here- disinformation.


You should go back to work. You are obviously getting more and more brainwashed all of the time.
But it looks as if it is your sole reason for being here- disinformation.

In more than happy to change my beliefs if I'm wrong. Go ahead and show the post to be incorrect. It is not proving anything to tell someone they are wrong / brainwashed yet provide absolutely nothing to back up your statement ? Or you can just start in with the name calling and insults if you want. It's another childish way of avoiding a conversation.

Did you just call this drivel "truth"?

You do know the Chinese love this statement, right?

By the way, Why are the goobers outsourcing Border Patrol uniform manufacturing to big apparel? Yep, 5 or 6 million to a Mexico company, they also have plants in the most sordid of places. Is it that much better outside of the Union crime boss areas?
In your humble opinion, is every business that makes over 25 k a year "big business"?

And btw, I'm curious why you believe the Chinese love the statement? Dave tell us the Chinese position on the UN treaty?

Get rid of the UN, we don't need them the world doesnt need them.

Lets get rid of them, WHO IS WITH ME???

Get rid of the UN, we don't need them the world doesnt need them.

Lets get rid of them, WHO IS WITH ME???

What is your reasons for wanting to get rid of them? What is the majority of UN funds spent on?

I am with you Arn. Don't worry about the stock, he is having some kind of seizures.

Arno, you can always count on me with that position on the U.N.
They are the single largest threat to our independence...

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