NRA Accused Of Stirring "Anti-UN Panic" In Campaign Against Arms Trade Treaty


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Sep 17, 2012
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I guess I don't understand the question. Is there a reason NOT to be distrustful of the UN? Is the NRA going to do something like stir up hysteria the way all of the liberals do against them everyday? Who really cares, HUH?

So, What is the purpose of another NRA bashing piece, Really? Yeah,, hard to get worked up on another one of those.

The U.N. is NOT stirring panic. Anyone have a valid reason to trust the U.N.?
Backbacon, what is your thoughts?

The U.N. is NOT stirring panic. Anyone have a valid reason to trust the U.N.?
Backbacon, what is your thoughts?

I personally think the UN should be dissolved as it clearly has not preformed (look at Syria) in regard to why it was formed in the first place. As far as the NRA goes I personally feel that it like many other things on this planet it has a good side and a bad side which I feel extends to the membership. One side there are well informed/educated responsible gun owners and on the other, uneducated irresponsible gun owners who drum up public fear in order to max out gun sales and membership dues. It reminds me of a crappy Union that I used to work under years ago. Everyone has the right to defend themselves and should have the right to do so. The words "well regulated militia".... I'm all for the proper regulation of firearms and not 100% against guns in any way as I own many. Does anyone really think that the forefathers of the United States could foresee cities in the future that comprised of millions of people having the type of weaponry available to the general public that we have today? This is only my opinion on the matter and I posted this thread to see how anyone else feels. Sorry guys I should have made a more informative original post.

It seems to be related to this in Sacramento sometime last year a friend I know lives near the National Guard Armoury, they removed all the speed bumps in the neighborhood and then for about a week every night they has big transport trucks going into Armoury all night long. Being the inquisitive person he is he asked someone who worked there what was going on. He was told it was UN supplies. In case they should have to be used to restrain rioting. Hmmmm UN Supplies in the middle of the night in a National Guard Armory? Anyone else here of such things happening?

Backbacon, I totally agree on the U.N. as it should be dissolved (see my signature line). As for proper regulation of guns goes, we already have many many laws. Problem is criminals just don't obey laws. The public fear as you call it I believe has very little to do with the NRA ( I am a member ). The fear is coming from more people than the membership size of the NRA. it is fed by people like Diane Feinstein who make it their life's mission to take away our liberties. By the way Feinstein is a hypocrite as she herself has carried a concealed weapon.

It seems to be related to this in Sacramento sometime last year a friend I know lives near the National Guard Armoury, they removed all the speed bumps in the neighborhood and then for about a week every night they has big transport trucks going into Armoury all night long. Being the inquisitive person he is he asked someone who worked there what was going on. He was told it was UN supplies. In case they should have to be used to restrain rioting. Hmmmm UN Supplies in the middle of the night in a National Guard Armory? Anyone else here of such things happening?
If this is true (needs to be verified) it should awake everyone who is asleep in this country. I believe the one world govt idea is gaining speed very quickly. And just in case anyone is wondering I don't have any tinfoil hats LOL!:laughing7:

It seems to be related to this in Sacramento sometime last year a friend I know lives near the National Guard Armoury, they removed all the speed bumps in the neighborhood and then for about a week every night they has big transport trucks going into Armoury all night long. Being the inquisitive person he is he asked someone who worked there what was going on. He was told it was UN supplies. In case they should have to be used to restrain rioting. Hmmmm UN Supplies in the middle of the night in a National Guard Armory? Anyone else here of such things happening?

Well, that is just the most reliable piece of information I have ever seen in my life! LOL! Hysterical! Do you actually expect anybody to take that seriously?

NRA just backing up their backers, all it is. These gun manufacturers don't pay them millions of dollars a year (14 million per year from Beretta USA alone) just to run around making sure your private little gun collections stay "legal" you know? Apart from the "good times" like now when everyone gets paranoid and runs out buying guns and ammo all over the place...manufacturers depend on "export", for their bread and butter, and export means "war"....anywhere!

NRA just backing up their backers, all it is. These gun manufacturers don't pay them millions of dollars a year (14 million per year from Beretta USA alone) just to run around making sure your private little gun collections stay "legal" you know? Apart from the "good times" like now when everyone gets paranoid and runs out buying guns and ammo all over the place...manufacturers depend on "export", for their bread and butter, and export means "war"....anywhere!
Dano, I really don't think gun manufacturers are hoping for wars...

Dano, I really don't think gun manufacturers are hoping for wars...

Oh?...and i suppose ice cream manufacturers arn't hoping for a long hot summer either? lol.

Oh?...and i suppose ice cream manufacturers arn't hoping for a long hot summer either? lol.
Dano, that is ridiculous. Ice cream sells no matter what the temp. Same as guns...Most guns sold aren't the military type anyways.

I personally think the UN should be dissolved as it clearly has not preformed (look at Syria) in regard to why it was formed in the first place. As far as the NRA goes I personally feel that it like many other things on this planet it has a good side and a bad side which I feel extends to the membership. One side there are well informed/educated responsible gun owners and on the other, uneducated irresponsible gun owners who drum up public fear in order to max out gun sales and membership dues. It reminds me of a crappy Union that I used to work under years ago. Everyone has the right to defend themselves and should have the right to do so. The words "well regulated militia".... I'm all for the proper regulation of firearms and not 100% against guns in any way as I own many. Does anyone really think that the forefathers of the United States could foresee cities in the future that comprised of millions of people having the type of weaponry available to the general public that we have today? This is only my opinion on the matter and I posted this thread to see how anyone else feels. Sorry guys I should have made a more informative original post.

I ALSO like this & AGREE!

The UN gets MOST of its funding from U.S. We also give billions to countries that vote against U.S. How stupid is that, when we are borrowing money to keep giving money????Check out the votes! We pay for the UN building. Everyone that is part of it does NOT have to obey our laws. defund out our building and send em home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The UN gets MOST of its funding from U.S. We also give billions to countries that vote against U.S. How stupid is that, when we are borrowing money to keep giving money????Check out the votes! We pay for the UN building. Everyone that is part of it does NOT have to obey our laws. defund out our building and send em home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Excellent points!!!!!!!:thumbsup:

I personally think the UN should be dissolved as it clearly has not preformed (look at Syria) in regard to why it was formed in the first place. As far as the NRA goes I personally feel that it like many other things on this planet it has a good side and a bad side which I feel extends to the membership. One side there are well informed/educated responsible gun owners and on the other, uneducated irresponsible gun owners who drum up public fear in order to max out gun sales and membership dues. It reminds me of a crappy Union that I used to work under years ago. Everyone has the right to defend themselves and should have the right to do so. The words "well regulated militia".... I'm all for the proper regulation of firearms and not 100% against guns in any way as I own many. Does anyone really think that the forefathers of the United States could foresee cities in the future that comprised of millions of people having the type of weaponry available to the general public that we have today? This is only my opinion on the matter and I posted this thread to see how anyone else feels. Sorry guys I should have made a more informative original post.

The militia was made up of the citizens, they were not professional soliders, they were farmers, store keepers, common people, they would come together for common defense when defense was needed.....

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

(I found this on a website some time back and found it very interesting.)

A-self explanatory

well-In a good or proper manner

regulated-To bring order, method, or uniformity to

militia-An army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers

being-The totality of all things that exist

necessary-Absolutely essential



security-Freedom from risk or danger; safety

of a

free-Not imprisoned or enslaved; being at liberty

state-A body politic, especially one constituting a nation


right-According to law, morality, or justice

of the

people-The citizens of a political unit, such as a nation or state; the electorate


keep-To retain possession of

and-Together with or along with; in addition to; as well as

bear-To be equipped or furnished with

arms-A weapon, especially a firearm

shall-To have to; must

not-In no way; to no degree

be-To take place; occur

-To transgress or exceed the limits of; violate

The 2nd Amendment has two distinct clauses.

The first clause is a statement of fact:
"A well-regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state ..."[ Means: A well-equipped, organized and disciplined militia (all able-bodied men over the age of 16) is A NECESSITY for the security of A FREE STATE]

The second clause is the conclusion:
"the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." [Means... the RIGHT of the each person to keep (possess, own, hold) and bear (carry, wear and use) arms (weapons capable of defending people, their families, property and state) SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.]

I do believe our forefathers could conceive cities growing..... At time of the American Revolution London alone had close to 750,000 people living in it ...While they may not have know how large cities of the future would come they knew they would grow, they had seen their own cities grow, our forefathers had vision, the Constitution proves it.....

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