Correct, the author did say that he laid them out according to their length and then he numbered them. However, this isn't true, can't be, not by any case. You see, the clear text of C2 is the only source he had that specifically detailed what was contained in each remaining cipher, and even more importantly....."C2 clearly states that the remaining ciphers had already been numbered 1 & 3." But let's assume they weren't, just as the author claims, there is no way he could be certain that simply laying them out in order of their length was guarantee that he had the right order, yet he is certain. Given that there are numerous ways names and addresses can be presented, such as several people residing at the same location, there is no way he could be certain his order was correct unless he already knew what that order was. There's just no getting around this very well defined and established fact. Our author didn't tell the truth about his knowledge of the order of the ciphers or the manner in which they were numbered. Period.
Having said all of this, it is possible that he had reason for this deception, and others, but the problem with this is that he is also bringing his credibility and the credibility of his story into serious question.
I would say he renumbered them after finding C2 . Not like he carved the numbers is rock. 20 years before he made the papers he had some time to work on them and more than likely did not wright all that was done in that time frame. The index were he stated that explanation of the paper 2 was made 20 years or so after he found it . The 700+ cipher was #1 and after decoding stated it was C2. Just that simple folks.