Now That Someone Has Decoded The Beale Papers As OF Jan 2014

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Go to your Facebook and tell them someone's posted your name! LOL
I am not on Facebook, never have been, and never will, so your "codebreaker" had to make an active search to find my name.

As for his BEALE CIPHER DECODED Facebook page, it appears he amended that Feb 23,2017post that revealed Franklin and my actual names by removing them as well as removing the remarks against the TN Mod than banned him which that post is now a link back to this thread...
...but still retained the insulting remarks using our TN screen names including Rebel-KGC and Bigscoop on his Facebook post, Sept 4, 2016.

The question that begs to asked, is why would he first post such remarks on his Facebook page, then when questioned about these posts first deny that they were made, and when it was confirmed that he did post those insulting remarks with our actual names, amended those posts and totally removed the other?

...and why do you continue to keep posting the claim that he is the only one to correctly "solve" the Beale ciphers while NO SUCH documented evidence of that exists anywhere outside of your posts?

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I am not on Facebook, never have been, and never will, so your "codebreaker" had to make an active search to find my name.

As for his BEALE CIPHER DECODED Facebook page, it appears he amended that Feb 23,2017post that revealed Franklin and my actual names by removing them as well as removing the remarks against the TN Mod than banned him which that post is now a link back to this thread...
...but still retained the insulting remarks using our TN screen names including Rebel-KGC and Bigscoop on his Facebook post, Sept 4, 2016.

The question that begs to asked, is why would he first post such remarks on his Facebook page, then when questioned about these posts first deny that they were made, and when it was confirmed that he did post those insulting remarks with our actual names, amended those posts and totally removed the other?

...and why do you continue to keep posting the claim that he is the only one to correctly "solve" the Beale ciphers while NO SUCH documented evidence of that exists anywhere outside of your posts?

Because he is the only one! Thanks

Where is the documented proof of this?
Icehouse and his Beale Mystery Team have made the same claim.
Do BMT and Laf have the exact same "solved" cipher message?
If not, then one is definitely wrong.

Where is the documented proof of this?
Icehouse and his Beale Mystery Team have made the same claim.
Do BMT and Laf have the exact same "solved" cipher message?
If not, then one is definitely wrong.

LOL! You should ask them my friend!

. 'But this statement
zr.:i.y r.ot stn.nd for long, for even n-ow
a. s:s:io:Js cryptographic team has suc·
ceJsful!y compli::i:d the dccodiisg of
this, except for a. sma.11 portion that
keeps def )•ing their efforts.
ls their success, ncverthc:less,' just
. around the corner? l5 the final break·
through imminent?
Jn l:'his conncC'tion, it should be
reported that since Code No. 1 was
published in the June issue of True
Trcuurc1 the editors h:i,·: hAd five:
telephone c:i.lls :i.nd four letters from
rcaucrs clKimfog to have soh·cd all,
or a, of the strange code. But
no finn c\'idence had ~'"Cn receh·cd,
as of this '\\"riting, to substantiate
any of these. claims •
So '"e wait and wonder "'·hethc:r
the baf£Jing mystery ha.s fin:ill)' been
solved-or whether it v:ill
the riddle that jt his (or n'""'o\rl}' J SO

. 'But this statement
zr.:i.y r.ot stn.nd for long, for even n-ow
a. s:s:io:Js cryptographic team has suc·
ceJsful!y compli::i:d the dccodiisg of
this, except for a. sma.11 portion that
keeps def )•ing their efforts.
ls their success, ncverthc:less,' just
. around the corner? l5 the final break·
through imminent?
Jn l:'his conncC'tion, it should be
reported that since Code No. 1 was
published in the June issue of True
Trcuurc1 the editors h:i,·: hAd five:
telephone c:i.lls :i.nd four letters from
rcaucrs clKimfog to have soh·cd all,
or a, of the strange code. But
no finn c\'idence had ~'"Cn receh·cd,
as of this '\\"riting, to substantiate
any of these. claims •
So '"e wait and wonder "'·hethc:r
the baf£Jing mystery ha.s fin:ill)' been
solved-or whether it v:ill
the riddle that jt his (or n'""'o\rl}' J SO

Is that English?

Is that English?

Wow. Insult my work ,rather than run the text provided and see what results you get.
It is telling , your not being academically curious enough and qualified to check others work; but to instead profess a work you have not analysed as accurate..

Wow. Insult my work ,rather than run the text provided and see what results you get.
It is telling , your not being academically curious enough and qualified to check others work; but to instead profess a work you have not analysed as accurate..

When copying and pasting PDF's, it would be nice if it was legible!

When copying and pasting PDF's, it would be nice if it was legible!

P.D.F. link is clear. Quite legible. That is why it was provided.

, for even n-ow
a. s:s:io:Js cryptographic team has suc·
ceJsful!y compli::i:d the dccodiisg of
this, except for a. sma.11 portion that
keeps def )•ing their efforts.
ls their success, ncverthc:less,' just
. around the corner? l5 the final break·
through imminent?

P.D.F. link is clear. Quite legible. That is why it was provided.

, for even n-ow
a. s:s:io:Js cryptographic team has suc·
ceJsful!y compli::i:d the dccodiisg of
this, except for a. sma.11 portion that
keeps def )•ing their efforts.
ls their success, ncverthc:less,' just
. around the corner? l5 the final break·
through imminent?


Only a real codebreaker would know for sure. :laughing7:

Was this supposed to be an insulat of some kind? Like always you abuse everyone who doesn't believe the way you believe!

From 1983.

[One man, who wishes to be known as Bob, recognized the system, and is the only one that I know of who has claimed to come up with the plaintext. Perhaps other will, now that it is spelled out for them.]

[The second story comes as a result of a claim by one Mark Green ( the name is a pseudonym used to protect confidentiality). Mr. Green claims that he has found the Beale treasure, now has it in his possession, and that the first story was concocted to hide the true nature of the source of the treasure and the facts of its concealment and purpose.]

Page 17-3

{Do you know how many people think they are smarter than everyone else?
94%. -- Or at least this was the case in 1977, where professors said they were above average in relation to their peers.

When we rate others, we recognize the circumstances and characteristics that govern other people’s actions but when we think of ourselves, we overestimate our ability to do things. This is called the optimism bias and could be the main reason why people still continue to try to break the Beale Ciphers even though thousands of expert cryptanalysts have tried and unsurprisingly, failed to do so. This is because we think we are ‘not like everyone else’ and are somehow unconstrained by the same factors which affect other people’s realities. This is obviously false because we are humans, just like everyone else. Another innately human attribute, as well as the optimism bias, is the quest for everlasting life.}

Wow. Insult my work ,rather than run the text provided and see what results you get.
It is telling , your not being academically curious enough and qualified to check others work; but to instead profess a work you have not analysed as accurate..

Not bragging... I was even able to decipher that complicated code RC!


Who was Daniel Cole? When did he break the ciphers? Before 2014 ,or after?
How can a 2014 claim trump his feat?
Is Al Gore a poster here?

Who was Daniel Cole? When did he break the ciphers? Before 2014 ,or after?
How can a 2014 claim trump his feat?
Is Al Gore a poster here?
Bro. DC is deceased, & was indicated as to solving the "location code" (with "pics"), and a "last will" cypher. There IS a web-site, but I have NOT seen the "site on the ground"; MAY be on SOUTH Goose Creek within 4 miles of Buford's. A video was also included, & it appeared to be at the base of Porter Mountain... dunno, tho. I WILL look it up; to my knowledge, AG is NOT a "poster". :laughing7:

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