. 'But this statement
zr.:i.y r.ot stn.nd for long, for even n-ow
a. s:s:io:Js cryptographic team has suc·
ceJsful!y compli::i:d the dccodiisg of
this, except for a. sma.11 portion that
keeps def )•ing their efforts.
ls their success, ncverthc:less,' just
. around the corner? l5 the final break·
through imminent?
Jn l:'his conncC'tion, it should be
reported that since Code No. 1 was
published in the June issue of True
Trcuurc1 the editors h:i,·: hAd five:
telephone c:i.lls :i.nd four letters from
rcaucrs clKimfog to have soh·cd all,
or a p3.tt, of the strange code. But
no finn c\'idence had ~'"Cn receh·cd,
as of this '\\"riting, to substantiate
any of these. claims •
So '"e wait and wonder "'·hethc:r
the baf£Jing mystery ha.s fin:ill)' been
solved-or whether it v:ill rem:i.in
the riddle that jt his (or n'""'o\rl}' J SO