Here's a thought...or "my thought".. If you use a Deus 2 to find targets, then use a Legend only to check each targets, you have only proven that the legend is capable of detecting those particular targets...or not. I can use a Deus 2, equinox or whatever newer machine and double check each target using an ATX and I bet the ATX will hit every one. It will go deeper than the Deus 2, Equinox, etc... especially in hot dirt since it is a PI. Point is in real life detecting where trash vs treasure is figured in, the Deus 2 or Equinox user will dominate the ATX user in most hunting situations. Tesoro's Tejon was always one of my favorites and I have many relics to show from it. And it is DEEP! But the Deus 2 finds as much (or more) with a much lighter trash pouch at the end of the day. All tests are "flawed" to a certain extent. The best "test" is a year swinging a given detector and another year swinging the other. Personal preference has so much to do with people's "results". I hated the Deus 1 and refused to buy one even though I knew it was a great machine. It's jumpy target ID and lack of multi frequency just turned me against it. After both of these issues were addressed in the D2, I couldn't wait to own one.
Here’s a thought or mine though as well. Take 10 Deus Ii’s 10 equinox 800’’s and 10 legends and swing them over the same targets at the same time, the same exact way, same settings, all full batteries.Then maybe we will have a more definitive idea. If you have one particular detector where all 10 equally performed the same over the rest then i would say good chance for a “fact” that model and brand will outperform only in that area at that moment.
Take into to quote an unnamed person of knowledge.
Tolerances, sample variability
and varying usage conditions. Applies to any complex machinery, not just electronics. What works perfectly fine in "normal use" scenarios can exhibit "problems" and sample-to-sample variations when you push its limits. Oftentimes cutting production costs leads to "pushing its limits" as a default mode of operation
Not every,Deus, equinox or Legend will preform exactly the same as these “tests” every time, everywhere.
If in my area my Legend hits on 28-29 out of 30 targets the Deus does at
A third the price, well thats good enough for me. As i said its not like i ever run out of holes and targets to find. I think you will finf enough holes
And targets with a bounty hunter.
But hey if finding that extra penny or dime every now and then during your hunt for the extra $1000 is worth it to you then thats your prerogative.
My Honda gets me to the grocery store every time just fine. I guess i can do it an a BMW look flashy and maybe get that extra second or two at a red light but to each his own.
But even a BMW’ breaks down and much more to repair.