And I don’t, but I’ve yet to see a satisfactory explanation that doesn’t come off as hedging and fudging away at why the Legend on 1.09 is kicking the Deus 2s butt at unmasking, and not by a little. Falsing doesn’t quite seem to cut the mustard. Don’t get me wrong. I’m rooting for XP. I invested in the D2 because I believed in them.

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And I don’t, but I’ve yet to see a satisfactory explanation that doesn’t come off as hedging and fudging away at why the Legend on 1.09 is kicking the Deus 2s butt at unmasking, and not by a little. Falsing doesn’t quite seem to cut the mustard. Don’t get me wrong. I’m rooting for XP. I invested in the D2 because I believed in them.
My son and i detect 2 to 3 times a week....we have been using the two machines listed for a while now and have many good relics and coins from both machines. First i will clearly say that with the Legend at $640 you are getting a lot more for your dollar than the the D2 at $1600.... However, to say the Legend will out perform the Deus in any situation that i have seen is just a stretch of reality. I put about as much faith in these "tests" as i do a modern politician. I rely only on real life experiences and hours of checking targets with both detectors. On most average days, hunting most average sites these detectors will both perform great and any difference will be based on user and not equipment. Take these machines to a nasty 300 year old site with truck loads of iron and that is where you will see the Deus in FAST Process really shine. I have literally allowed these iron patches to be hunted with the Legend and others, just to go behind them in a tweaked Fast mode and pull buttons, indian head pennies, etc. Now, is this worth another $1,000??? No, probably not to most people. And to be clear and fair ... we are using a 9" coil on the Dues 2 and 11" on the Legend. One more thing to add is i have found a few deep targets that the Deus(even being the 9") could hit that the LEgend could not, or atleast not good enough to dig. These were usually really small targets or extremely deep 3 ringers, etc. The deus will only out muscle the Legend in these situations when using Deep HC or Relic programs. Also keep in mind im only about 40 minutes from Culpeper, Va. so our dirt is not mild in some areas. At the end of this rant i would just like to say that either of these machines are GREAT and should not receive many complaints when com-pared to any VLF made prior to the Equinox.

I have a Legend,,had a Deus 2. I saw no reason to keep the Deus 2, not that it’s not a good machine cause it is. They’re all good machines.
5 years ago Xp Deus was a top dog in iron,but that’s 5 years ago. These other companies have caught up in that regard and keep moving forward. Even the new improved Deus 2 will not hunt behind the equinox or legend and find much if anything those machines left behind..Xp added a few features that make it nice, but performance wise I see no difference from the Deus 1.
The ID is more solid on the Deus 2 than Deus 1,,but the equinox and legend have solid ID also..The XP Deus is waterproof but so is the $250 simplex, waterproof machines are pretty much the standard anymore...
I get why people like the XP machines,,I think the ergonomics are great, they’re fast and they unmask,they’re deep too.. But the XP machines definitely don’t overshadow the Legend or the Equinox in any of those areas except ergonomics

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I will have some videos up soon..When did you receive your Deus II ? When did you get rid of it?

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Which detector works best for any individual is determined as much by their personal detecting habits and wants as it is due to the machine's capability. This is why one person swears by an entry-level detector even if a more advanced one is available to them. If you're unable or unwilling to learn the capabilities of a machine, then that machine isn't for you. This is why I never fault a person for choosing what others may consider a 'lesser' detector.

Everyone should use what works best for them since what works best for some won't work at all for others.

The only comparisons with any value to me are blind-tests in actual locations, detecting first with one machine, then again with another, before anything is ever dug. Test beds and air tests are useless.

I agree testing first with both detectors set using the closest head-to-head adjustments possible is helpful, but that's only part of the story. Sure, it's great to know that when both are set the same they both either preform equally well, or one preforms better than the other, but most buyers aren't buying a detector because it's 'just as good' as what they already have.
Beautifully said.
Any real tests or testers worth any value would go by real world results meaning actually digging in real scenarios not fabricated results.
Like listening to a politician saying i know whats best for you.


Blind test are flawed too...You already know where the target is (located) Your listening for it......Do metal detector companies have their engineers running around doing blind testing with their competitors ???? If you dont know the answer contact a metal company and asked them...TEST BEDS...
WHAT really amazes me is we have these so called test EXPERTS who never SHOW anything...Except typing on the keyboard criticizing the ones who do!

Blind test are flawed too...You already know where the target is (located) Your listening for it......Do metal detector companies have their engineers running around doing blind testing with their competitors ???? If you dont know the answer contact a metal company and asked them...TEST BEDS...
WHAT really amazes me is we have these so called test EXPERTS who never SHOW anything...Except typing on the keyboard criticizing the ones who do!
Im sure the manufactures use all different methods. Im sure it all starts with bench tests to see if it even works. My point when end users start comparing detector to detector in real world situations there are so many variables that even the same detector might give different results from one day to the next on the same exact target and location. Weather, emi, are you doing same exact swing speed, hight right down to the microsecond and centimeter?
A couple centimeters or fraction of a second can even give a different result.
And not everyone who metal detects makes youtube videos, doesn’t mean they don’t know what they are doing.
How many engineers that actually make them make comparison videos on youtube. Maybe a couple to promote certain ones they sell. Im curious now though, if you know of any engineers that do head to head tests please link the video.

Ok........Your of that crowd....Question have you tested the variables?......Historically the best detectors test out the best...How do I know this????? Because I have tested them....
I provide UNBIASED information on detector performance across brands...People can buy what they want....
AS FAR AS DRAGGING DETECTORS AROUND OVER THOUSANDS OF DIFFERENT TARGETS I will leave that up to you.I will be looking for your videos...

Do you think the Legend, equinox, and Deus II , will test out better than a ACE 400 (ARE BETTER THAN)????? EXACTLY....According to your logic we could not those detectors are better than an ACE 400 unless we drag them all around and check the SO CALLED variables...

Ok........Your of that crowd....Question have you tested the variables?......Historically the best detectors test out the best...How do I know this????? Because I have tested them....
I provide UNBIASED information on detector performance across brands...People can buy what they want....
AS FAR AS DRAGGING DETECTORS AROUND OVER THOUSANDS OF DIFFERENT TARGETS I will leave that up to you.I will be looking for your videos...

Do you think the Legend, equinox, and Deus II , will test out better than a ACE 400 (ARE BETTER THAN)????? EXACTLY....According to your logic we could not those detectors are better than an ACE 400 unless we drag them all around and check the SO CALLED variables...
First of all I’m not with any crowd.
Im not beholden to anyone or anything not even a political party.
But everything has to make sense all the way around.
Is a ace 250, 400 whatever on par with a equinox 800? Of course not but again i think your missing my point.
The ace 400 can perform different day to day as well in real world situations. Nothing is set in stone with any of them. This is not about comparing detectors its about testing methods and saying this is gospel with each one of them

OK ....I will be waiting on your videos showing your PROVEN test methods...How many targets do I need to dig in the wild before I can say one detector with alll certainty performs better than another? WHATS the number? I am headed out of town ..good luck on your next hunt..

OK ....I will be waiting on your videos showing your PROVEN test methods...How many targets do I need to dig in the wild before I can say one detector with alll certainty performs better than another? WHATS the number? I am headed out of town ..good luck on your next hunt..
I don’t know, I won’t do a video because i cant prove with certainty that two comparable detectors one is definitely going to always outperform the other and have consistent results without making a fool of myself.
Don’t wait for my videos.
Your better off watching press briefings and taking their word

I love how some people are in such denial.
The facts are the facts no amount of double talk will change that.

There are some people who consider one opinion as the ultimate fact.
Not me. It has nothing to do with denial.....just different results under different conditions.

Here is one of my favorite quotes from a professional detector user that has used/owned all three detectors=Equinox, Legend and Deus 2 (still owns the Equinox) and has no reason to plug one over the other two.....

"Long story short nobody needs to defend or hype any one of these machines. They are all very capable detectors. Anyone that can’t do well with with one of these models needs to go back to detecting school, rather than blame the detector. We are fortunate to have not one, but three great options to choose from, all delivering good top tier performance."

I am in the same camp.......all three are great detectors from my experience.

In iron trash I would still go with Deus 2 if I had the choice for relics and coins. Luckily I do at the moment.

For general modern trash detecting for coin and's a toss-up for me on turf or sand.

For shallower water hunting with no need for an antenna.....Legend.

For diving deep....Deus 2.

For small gold prospecting and micro gold jewelry....Equinox or Legend.

For overall depth where I detect.........fractions of an inch difference between the three.

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Some people like to try and defend indefensible positions.......I am headed to the Smokey Mountains...Catch yhall later..

There are some people who consider one opinion as the ultimate fact.
Not me. It has nothing to do with denial.....just different results under different conditions.

Here is one of my favorite quotes from a professional detector user that has used/owned all three detectors=Equinox, Legend and Deus 2 (still owns the Equinox) and has no reason to plug one over the other two.....

"Long story short nobody needs to defend or hype any one of these machines. They are all very capable detectors. Anyone that can’t do well with with one of these models needs to go back to detecting school, rather than blame the detector. We are fortunate to have not one, but three great options to choose from, all delivering good top tier performance."

I am in the same camp.......all three are great detectors from my experience.

In iron trash I would still go with Deus 2 if I had the choice for relics and coins. Luckily I do at the moment.

For general modern trash detecting for coin and's a toss-up for me on turf or sand.

For shallower water hunting with no need for an antenna.....Legend.

For diving deep....Deus 2.

For small gold prospecting and micro gold jewelry....Equinox or Legend.

For overall depth where I detect.........fractions of an inch difference between the three.
Very eloquently said.
I would love for some of these people to state such said “facts”
Anyone ?
Tell me some facts please.

A basic principle in science is that any law, theory, or otherwise can be disproven if new facts or evidence are presented

Why do scientists avoid the term fact? New evidence can change how claims are interpreted

I love how some people are in such denial.
The facts are the facts no amount of double talk will change that.
Please indulge some facts then. not to be confused with opinion and how you determine it fact.

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Some people like to try and defend indefensible positions.......I am headed to the Smokey Mountains...Catch yhall later..
Some people have a different experience than you CD. That is not discounting your experience or your conclusions for what detector fits you and your hunting the best.

If people can't accept others well founded opinions and honest experiences as valid, this hobby is in trouble.........

Some people have a different experience than you CD. That is not discounting your experience or your conclusions for what detector fits you and your hunting the best.

If people can't accept others well founded opinions and honest experiences as valid, this hobby is in trouble.........
Heck different soils, different emi, weather, moisture, manufacturing variables( no two of anything is always exactly the same)etc etc there is a long list that effects “tests”
Here is something to think about.
A fact is for a moment in time subject to change.

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