no end in site!


Bronze Member
Sep 2, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Well I was watching the weather this morning.Apparently someone didn't get my request for one decent day in march.I got to be reminded that two years ago today it was 83° Now todays temperature is going to top off at 40° Which I could deal with except for the 16"of snow.Oh well it could be worse.The high temp for this day in1986 was 2° Not bad an 85° temp swing.....mjm

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Last call, mjm! Batten down the hatches. We're only getting grazed, but Down East, uh-oh...

Brrrrr! It was blowing snow here today. I am in what I thought was the south?

After work today I went to the creek and was raking a sand bar in a bend with the wind blowing like crazy. I thought it was blowing the white flowers off the trees that are blooming until one landed on my face and was wet and cold so I looked up and it was snowing all over the place. Good thing is we're not expecting it to be much, maybe an inch. But I'm so ready for the warm weather! Oh I did find a shard in that sandy bend lol

Well its 17° this morning which is 21° warmer than yesterday.That's the only positive thing accept that we are only expecting 8" at the most....That's great because I have about a 10'x10' spot by my garage where I could actually see dirt.It has been my only hope and I was enjoying watching it getting bigger.....How pathetic is that?.......mjm

We did get some flurries yesterday but it didnt stick. If it had snowed last night it would of though it got to 27.

Only a dusting in RI, mjm. It's the wind. Hurricane force gusts on Cape Cod, 50 mile/hr. here. Extremely powerful Nor'easter, but we were both lucky it's further out to sea then it could have been. 100 mile an hour gusts heading for Nova Scotia.....

Good to hear Charl.Its about time the north got some of our weather.We've delt with their cold all winter.Let's hope to many folks don't lose their power.......mjm

Well things are looking up. Its staying for the most part on the coast.The weather man just lowered the amounts to 1 to 3" .This made me want to reach right in my t.v.and give him a hug.That's not enough to even bother getting the shovel out.More coming on Friday so we will see.....

I feel your pain. I have friends in Bangor. They said it was so bad this year they bought a condo in FLORIDA !

Well I believe we are gonna miss it.Bangor is getting wind gusts of over 5o MPH.I have heard the coast was getting gusts to 112 MPH.I'm staying in and keeping warm.Sure glad it stayed east....

How'd you make out charl? I can't believe it we didn't get a bit of snow....yes there is a god and he heard all my whining....40s by the weekend...mjm

We only got a dusting, mjm, and there's no sign of even that, now. All gone! Very lucky; they said it was every bit as strong as Sandy...

Wow that's good news Did your area recieve much wind damage?

We had very strong winds, but no damage here and no power loss. The Cape sticks out to the east so far that they did get hammered. I imagine much power loss on Cape Cod if anywhere...

Well that's good news.Now if we could heat things up a little.14,° this morning with about 25 MPH we got aways to go yet...mjm

Hate to say it but......going to be 63 today and sunny. Sure is a nice day. Still gets 30s at night so far. Spring is finally coming.

Enjoy it Rock.I really forget how much I enjoy this hobby until winter or when I go to water without my fishing pole.I've been asked to go gold panning or looking for gemstones.Not for me.I've bought two different metal detectors at garage sales used them twice.When the snow clears my buddy and I have a few places targeted.Including two fish weirs and a paleo chert mining site along with my old faithful spot.This place never let's me down and really gave up some awesome stuff last year......

Well if it makes you feel any better I think I got some sunburn today. I also got introduced to some beaver stumps on my shins. Those beavers leave them stumps sharp.

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