No broken bones.... I think.


Gold Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Yarnell, AZ
Detector(s) used
Ace 250 (2), Ace 300, Gold Bug 2, Tesoro Cortes, Garrett Sea Hunter, Whites TDI SL SE, Fisher Impulse 8, Minelab Monster 1000, Minelab CTX3030, Falcon MD20, Garrett Pro-pointer, Calvin Bunker digger.
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Went down to the RV Thursday. Gerry (Supafly 123) and TimC were there. We went detecting on Fri or Sat (it's all a blur now). I was off by myself and saw this really nice bluff on the side of the wash... just begging to be detected. I started working up the side of the bluff. Before I knew it, I was 8 to 10 feet above the wash floor.... and the rocks underfoot started to move. I KNEW I was going to take a hit. I could not move. My only option was to try and look over my shoulder and try to pick the spot to land. The next instant, I was flying like an eagle... downward. BAM! I got up and spit sand out. My right elbow took a big hit. right pinky wasn't moving right. Left shoulder was also covered with open wounds. BUT.... no bones sticking out so I walked back to where Tim and Gerry were at. By that time, my right elbow "scratch" was now the size of a baseball. Pinky was black'n'blue. and I was HURTING! Morale of the story: DON"T DO IT! Stay away from those rock bluffs. Those stones and dirt have been in place for hundreds and thousands of years but that doesn't mean it will hold your weight. And don't go to such places alone. I was lucky to be able to walk out on my own. Lesson learned.... use your head for more than just bouncing it off of rocks! (and enjoy the flight till you hit bottom!) Incidently, thank you Fisher, for building a Gold Bug 2 that "flew" 10 feet and still works! TTC

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Drywall. I KNOW you're a bowler. I remember the Hammer. A brand of bowling ball. TTC

TerryC said:
Drywall. I KNOW you're a bowler. I remember the Hammer. A brand of bowling ball. TTC

That I am Terry
"Nothing hits like a Hammer"....
Except maybe the ground!

Good to hear you and your machine are ok. Thanks for the reminder to always be safe.

Glad to hear that your pride got hurt worse than you. No once the soreness is gone, you need to go back and detect the dirt and rock you moved. Could be your potatoe patch

I agree...everything happens for a reason...that NUGGET :goldbar: pushed you...didnt want to be found yet.
Get well and keep up the hunt.

Glad your upright. If only foresight could be as powerful as hindsight.

Glad you're okay. Just chalk it up as another story to tell around the campfire.

Yikes Terry! I'm glad you're still in one piece. I guess in that prospecting poker game you were in, the "bluff" packed more punch than the other cards you were holding. Don't be too hard on yourself, I've taken my share of wild rides over the years, and most of them involved situations where I was in the rodeo, just like you, before I knew they'd opened the chute!

All the best, and get all healed up--you've got a bunch more gold to find yet,


Yikes Terry! I'm glad you're still in one piece. I guess in that prospecting poker game you were in, the "bluff" packed more punch than the other cards you were holding. Don't be too hard on yourself, I've taken my share of wild rides over the years, and most of them involved situations where I was in the rodeo, just like you, before I knew they'd opened the chute!

All the best, and get all healed up--you've got a bunch more gold to find yet,

Tnx Lanny, and all. I hope I go out of this world yelling, "Damn, what a ride!" Just wasn't my turn, yet. TTC

Good to hear you're alright Terry. It must have been gold fever.... it made you hallucinate, thinking you were on flat ground...:dontknow:

Glad you made it back to tell us about it! You may be a bit sore for a couple of days, especially that elbow, but then it's game on again!

Hi Terry,
Glad you made the journey without excessive damage to the body, though the pride may have taken a big hit which means the wisdom quotient should have gone up some. Thank you for the share as "I hope" it will cause me to pause just a little when I am "out there" 'doing stuff' to make me just a bit more cautious. After all, there usually is not a phone booth close by to make that emergency call where I go. Mend quickly and completely..................63bkpkr/Herb

Can't believe I missed my chance....."Terrc C air tests his GB2...." the video you will never see on toutube..

TerryC. Glad all is well. Where was your "BATTLEBUDDY". Anyway glad nothing serious. On a side topic I am currently looking to renew my CPR training and am looking to expand and get my Wilderness Survival first aid. I was wondering if anyone ever taken the class. Anyone ever used REI Outfitters classes? I'm looking to complete the class by end of march at latest. I got about 400 budgeted for class and transportation any info on classes in Nrthern california area will be helpfull/. I also hope more prospectors/miners take to heart what happened to TerryC As it is not a matter of if but when!!

Yes. VERY serious lesson to be learned hear, myself included. And like 63 said, no phonebooth... but I was thinking a place to change into the super suit! Climbing up on that embankment was as STUPID as walking into a 100 year old mine shaft. We all do it. Now I won't. TTC

Falling down is for the young and resilient.......

Some guy's will do anything for some attention :tongue3:

Glad you're OK Terry :icon_thumright:

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Glad it weren't to bad TC . Ye shall live to hunt again .

GoodGuy, as a follow on to your video there was another one posted about kids walking out on girders while being very high up and no safety ropes on them. The comment for the video was "this will make your hands sweat watching it" and this is what my PM was about but the video you posted is also insane though likely staged but it looked good.......63bkpkr

And again Terry glad you are mending but of course Pvilles comment was choice. Gee no Phone Booth maybe you will bring one along next time. lol Herb


We can't fly. I going to post my story as well. Mine happened on Wednesday 23rd. Just before your flight. Glad you turned out ok. Plus your GB is still working. So here's my story.

I was detecting a wash and found some good spots to dig and get cons. (Another trip). I decided to head out by, walking up gradually sloped rock to the top. Which stopped about 3' from edge. I stopped to look at something. My left foot slipped down the rock. Some loose sand on solid rock. Never good combo. My right ankle twisted uphill and my knee went downhill. It was about a 8' slide down the rock. In the meantime my foot twisted around and out as I came to the bottom. My retriever was in behind my back. Felt like I was stabbed. I wasn't thank god. I pulled it out and set it down. After about 5 minutes of heavy slow breathing. I turned over to stand up, with as much as I could stand. Hoping it was sprained and not broken. I treated it as such. My left side doesn't work as good as used to and now my right ankle/foot is not good to boot. I decided to crawl back up the 10' to the edge base. Then climb over the edge to the top and crawl back to road and to the truck. I decided that when I got on level ground (the road) I'd use my detector as a walking stick. It took me an hour and a half to get to the truck. The whole time thinking, be ready for a mountain lion or coyotes to come and get ya. Lol.
This happened about 30 minutes after my mom had left. I had left my phone in maricopa.
My detector took a beating, so it might not be waterproof anymore. But the sturdy shaft sure helped me out of a tight spot. Otherwise I wouldn't be here to type this.
Note to self: leave when your buddy does, because that's when you'll do something stupid and climb things instead of staying on relatively flat ground. After all, you walk like a drunk anyway. So why throw in slopes and river rock?

Finally saw dr at hospital two days later. Confirmed I broke it but wasn't sure if I didn't break it by the knee. So had to see ortho yesterday. Yippie!!! Only one break and a good one to boot. No cast!!! Just have to get used to the walking boot.

Also you married guys could appreciate this. As I laid in the wash. I had to ask myself, is it worth it now to go home? If I stay I die in piece. If I go home, I die with yelling and screaming. Lol

Of course chose the later and that hurt more. Mans pride is hard to swallow. Plus I had to tell her she was right. Should have left when my mom did.

On the plus side though. My mom finally took her truck four wheeling. Got to show her some scenery she'd never seen before. Both of us had a lot of fun. Even if it was for an hour. She had a dinner date. We found some stuff. I found only barb wire fence stuff. One small piece was in a crevice about six inches down. Man I thought I found a nugget. Plus I found a Big egg shaped quartz and granite rock. It gave me a solid tone. I'm going to break it up, but thought it'd be cool to sand and polish it. The colors would be cool. I do see some small gold in there to, so don't know which way to go.

So now it's only flat ground in about a couple weeks. Plus get used to walking in dang boot. No surgery though so that'll speed it up.
Was glad to survive it. Proved I could still get by when I had to. Wife thinks otherwise. Lol.

Terry, hopefully we can hook up. Might have to bring my mom with. She could babysit us both. That's why I wear headphones. LOL

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