cactusjumper said:
Let's say you
are off 30 Min. In your opinion, how will that, specifically, endanger your life?
Just curious.....
we timed it twice .you make it to the starting piont in one day easy. but you can not make it to the pit and back down in one day ...
there is out right no way . i came out of those mts after dark it is risking your life ,lol ....
i made that statement for two reasons for
1. to make it to the pit ,you have to travel light, no heavy clouths or back packs and as much water as you can possably carrie even to the piont of starting with to much and drinking as you go ...
we got to the starting piont and got out ,2 few hours after dark with less than a cup of water for two people guys dont get it ! thats why the dutchman had the caches . he could not make the pit in a trip less than 3 day, thats why the nephew and he had made the large cache togather , he most likely wanted to kill him days before he did .... but smart enough to let the nephew help him bring enough ore to the hiden camp frist ...i beleive it was a matter of time before he killed the nephew ...
togather they could pack out twice as much to the cache , all you got to do is think about what i am saying . i told you its hell . there is no way a old man even knowing where the pit is could brink out more than 10-20lbs lbs each trip and still carrie enough water to not risk his life ...
you know why they say Aw ful rough , because AW in indain means crazy .. you got to be totally crazy to even try this or will your self beyond your own fears of death ...and knowingly risk your life ...
being totally nuts would help ! lol
2. i have hiked some of the roughest places in the world . mt fuji in japan , medicne bow national frost . yellow stone . the black hills ...even death valliy...
those are level 7-9
this is a flat out right level 10 + or a 11
one missteak and your dead ...
my piont is if you miss step a foot off the path ,there is a real good chance they will never find your body !
i can only say it reminds me of being blind . when i was blind i walked threw my home thousands of times and never ran into anything after a few weeks went by ... thats what your looking at ... you cant make even the smallest mis judgement could steam roll into what could kill you ....
we have talked about this a few times . and the best chance would be to have 5 or 6 people make the trip ...but as i stated one misteak could send them all to their graves without a warning ...
IMHO thats why the dutchman worked the mine by him self , he didnt want to risk anyone elses life ...remeber what he told dick holmes . they show him the pit togather yet one man went up by him self and the dutchman shot the other two and than the last man ,when he came back ...
why would you level two men at camp and one man go by him self ... it was a matter of water ...and who knew the way...
if you ran out of water and had a real AW-full rough hike ahead of you, how long would you last ?