New to the MX Sport help please!


Full Member
Jul 8, 2013
Detector(s) used
MX Sport
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All Treasure Hunting
Questions :)

Anyone hunting the MX Sport along someone with an MXT Pro?

Eric can't hunt less than 20-25+ feet away from me. I hunted only a few feet away from the Deus without interference. I tried all different frequencies and I can't seem to find the right frequency to hunt beside him. Can anyone tell me lol! If Eric is close to me the machine goes haywire.. I can't even try to change the frequency when he is close. He has to shut his off or walk 20 feet away.. I want to hunt along my man!! Not fun having to be 20-50 feet apart on a small cellar site.. :( help please!!

Another thing I need help.. Can someone tell me what setting they use and enjoy? With all the new settings in comparison to my MXT pro.. I am getting a bit frustrated. I don't like all the trashy ghostly one way high tones I get off of a nail site in coin and jewelry mode. I love the grunt of the MXT Pro in the nails.. I tried all metal mode and yikes! The pinpoint type signals is not something I am used to in trashy cellars and farm field. I may not have had the settings right.. Or is it just a different beast I need to get use to with time? I want to hear what others have to say! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Also I purchase my MX Sport before the upgrade. The upgrade is also something I am confused about as Whites mentioned it was up to the preference of the user? Was it a mistake or really a preference?

Thank you for any help possible!

I just figured out maybe the ghostly high one ways may have been hotrock? It may have been a high ground minerals with lower mineralization ground tracking errors.. Eric was just telling me the major hot rock that was in yesterday's site..

If you do not mind your MXS operating with less than complete performance then yes you can just keep it. The fix they have done seems to only be a partial fix and now some units are having to be returned a second time because of improper repair and very little exit (after repair) quality control. Something has slipped a gear in the Whites factory because this is out of the norm for them. They are soon going to be measuring the repair line and finding it very long and the refund will become short and the line of choice unless better care is given this situation. I believe the return for repair option was banking on a lot of new users thinking that "this is just how it is suppose to work" and not knowing any better. Our forums seen to have educated most so that option did not fly.

I am going to hold off on the repair awhile to see if things settle down. I own a number of detectors and certainly do not find it unusable out of the box so was mulling over whether to get the upgrade. I certainly won't be sending it in at this point until the dust settles.

The UPDATE was to basically up the Recovery Speed so if you hunt trashy sites like me a faster recovery helps.

How does the MXS compare to your mans MXT? Do you cross check targets?

Based on what I know now, I am fairly certain I would stick with an MXT unless I needed the waterproof feature of the MXS (which is why I got it). I plan on having an avid MXT user try my sport to see what he thinks. Also, it is not entirely clear to me from the OP if the interference is between a Deus and MXS or MXT and what detector is picking up the Interference. The way I read it is the MXS is interfering with the Deus. I have a Deus and MXS so will see if I have an issue.

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I have the original MXT and have hunted with a friend who has the M6. Cross talk interference is so bad that we have to stay well away from each other in order to operate normally.

I have the original MXT and have hunted with a friend who has the M6. Cross talk interference is so bad that we have to stay well away from each other in order to operate normally.

M6 = MX Sport?

Thank you! I use my machine on trashy sites and it was driving me nuts!! I figured I was just not setting the machine up properly. I hunted with the MXT pro for 5-6 years now.. All I wanted to do was run and steal it back from the hubby lol!

Agreed not to usable out of the box.. I will be calling whites today.

We have crossed referenced a few signals. What the MXT pro said was a good target, I did get similar readings to the MXS but bullets casings don't ring in as well on the MXS. It's really hard to say at this point.

Based on what I know now, I am fairly certain I would stick with an MXT unless I needed the waterproof feature of the MXS (which is why I got it). I plan on having an avid MXT user try my sSport to see what he thinks. Also, it is not entirely clear to me from the OP if the interference is between a Deus and MXS or MXT and what detector is picking up the Interference. The way I read it is the MXS is interfering with the Deus. I have a Deus and MXS so will see if I have an issue.

The two whites machines together was interfering even 20 ft apart. I hunted beside the XP Deus and didn't get any interference until I was 2 feet away.. The Deus was nice to hunt beside! Both the MXT Pro and MXS had no problem hunting beside the Deus.. But both whites machines was frustrating!

Called White's and I think I will wait until this winter to send mine in.. The issues I was having may not be related. I think I will purchase a small coil and continue to better understand this machine. Then once the season is done I will ship it in for the upgrade. It will give them time to get all the feedback from other users.

I did some more test today and the closet I can get with 3 coins in a straight line and still ID right is about 3"'s apart for each one. That is with AUDIOMOD on or off. So the Update did help but I thought the MXT had better recovery rates then that. Some of the Fisher f75 videos is insane with the Recovery rates they have.

I am thinking the elliptical coil for the MXS would help too.
And if you are hunting with REJVOL on you will hear a lot of beeps when hunting trashy areas. So if you have it ON I would shut it off and listen for NULLS instead if the noise/beeps bothers you. I am still thinking of getting a MXT all pro myself and selling this one.

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The recovery speed of the new machine iss what i have spoke about the entire time and have been told i knew nothing about this machine.....i do know that 3" is not good for a new detector.

Yup but before the FIX I couldn't even get 3 beeps on the coins at 3"'s apart just one when I swept the coil over them that was really sad.

The recovery speed of the new machine iss what i have spoke about the entire time and have been told i knew nothing about this machine.....i do know that 3" is not good for a new detector.

Yup but before the FIX I couldn't even get 3 beeps on the coins at 3"'s apart just one when I swept the coil over them that was really sad.

Yep I agree 100%......but I say that and I am called a hater.??? oh, well time will tell the story when everyone wishes they had their MXT's back....

The recovery speed of the new machine iss what i have spoke about the entire time and have been told i knew nothing about this machine.....i do know that 3" is not good for a new detector.

Just want to clear the air at least as far as I am concerned because you are speaking out as if your opinion has been dismissed on the MXS which comes across as somewhat accusatory. I won't presume you are pointing the finger my way, but will state my case anyway for the benefit of those who have not had a chance to follow all the various MXS threads on the forum. I don't recall a post where you were told you know nothing about the machine, I don't think that is a fair representation of the healthy debate that we have all engaged in regarding the MXS. It does not appear to have great recovery speed, but I have not been able to personally compare its performance to other machines in its mid-price range yet. i know it is definitely is not in the same league as my Deus (what is?) or my F75 in FA mode, but have not been able to run exhaustive tests per you nail/coin/nail recommendation. I have not noticed under real field conditions that the recovery speed has been unacceptable. So I don't think anyone is explicitly disagreeing with your specific assertion that the recovery speed is not top notch. I have tried to be balanced in my discussion regarding the MXS to point out pros and cons. You are focused on a single con and have condemned the detector to the scrap heap fairly quickly. That is obviously your right and there is no sense in you wasting your time with a machine that does not meet your personal expectations out of the box. I am trying to take my time with it to figure out if there are performance tradeoffs that justify less than state of the art recovery speed such as superior depth, good performance in adverse soil conditions, or rock solid ID's of deep targets. Legends such as the etrac make similar tradeoffs. I am unlikely to ever declare the MXS a legend, but I am also not about to condemn it either (yet) because of a singular flaw. Just because we disagree on whether the machine is complete junk does not mean your input has been dismissed, at least not by me. Since the machine does not fit your needs and may fit mine because my needs are different than yours, we are naturally going to disagree regarding whether the machine is a keeper, and there is nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree. It does not mean that I think you know nothing about the machine.

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Yep I agree 100%......but I say that and I am called a hater.??? oh, well time will tell the story when everyone wishes they had their MXT's back....

I don't own an MXT, but I think it is beginning to be apparent that the MXS is no wateroroof MXT. I have a hunting buddy who performs miracles with his MXT in that red VA clay that I am sure you are all too familiar with, DiggerinVA. I want to have him try out the MXS under those conditions to see if he shares your opinion of the MXS compared to the MXT. Will post what I find out next time we hit the fields together, perhaps in a few weeks.

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vferrari......I am not referring to or pointing fingers at you. It is someone else whom actually has called me a hater of Whites....a hater of minelab and a hater of first texas machines, simply because I have posted comments of myself having better luck with Garretts and Tesoros. But I think the MXT is a true champ, have owned an F75 ltd and a G2 (they were good machines) and I currently use a Sovereign GT for my beach hunting. I personally don't have a brand "preference" only detector "preferences". I don't care who makes it......

I don't think the MX sport is a total piece of junk.....I just think for $750.00 a person would be better off with a MXT all pro by far. And if waterproofing is needed I think that either of the Garrett AT machines would out perform the new Whites. The MX sport may be a shade deeper than the pro, but the lack of speed and target separation is where the AT pro will make up ground. I am sure the Gold will equal if not beat the Whites for depth. Also, I feel the iron audio is better on the Garrett machines....combine that with a good recovery speed and SOME HOURS ON THE MACHINE and you have two machines that will pull good targets out of iron infested areas better than anything I have seen short of a Deus.

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