New to the MX Sport help please!

vferrari......I am not referring to or pointing fingers at you. It is someone else whom actually has called me a hater of Whites....a hater of minelab and a hater of first texas machines, simply because I have posted comments of myself having better luck with Garretts and Tesoros. But I think the MXT is a true champ, have owned an F75 ltd and a G2 (they were good machines) and I currently use a Sovereign GT for my beach hunting. I personally don't have a brand "preference" only detector "preferences". I don't care who makes it......

I don't think the MX sport is a total piece of junk.....I just think for $750.00 a person would be better off with a MXT all pro by far. And if waterproofing is needed I think that either of the Garrett AT machines would out perform the new Whites. The MX sport may be a shade deeper than the pro, but the lack of speed and target separation is where the AT pro will make up ground. I am sure the Gold will equal if not beat the Whites for depth. Also, I feel the iron audio is better on the Garrett machines....combine that with a good recovery speed and SOME HOURS ON THE MACHINE and you have two machines that will pull good targets out of iron infested areas better than anything I have seen short of a Deus.

Roger that. I will have my friend have a go with the MXS vs. the MXT but I think I know what the answer will be. Like I said, all of those who thought the MXS was going to be a waterproof MXT with updated features and performance are likely going to be disappointed. Fortunately, I don't know what I am missing so am still giving it a chance. Funny thing is, I am giving the MXT some serious consideration for relic hunting in VA based on my friend's' success with it. Though I am starting to really learn how to squeeze the most out of the Deus under adverse soil conditions and recently it has surpassed even my ATX PI machine for relic finds in the red dirt. Recent homebrew mods I've made to the Deus also make it just as waterproof as the MXS now. I need to downsize the collection and am thinking Deus, ATX, F75 and Excal are keepers. That leaves the MXS on the bubble. Need some more hours on it to make my final decision.

You're goin to have a hard time finding a better VLF relic machine than the Deus......maybe in the red dirt a Blisstool???

You're goin to have a hard time finding a better VLF relic machine than the Deus......maybe in the red dirt a Blisstool???

Thanks. Having tried the other VLFs under these conditions without much success, I am starting to really appreciate what the deus can do. But I guess I need to stop talking about it in the Whites forum. Lol.

Thanks! I will have to check it out and make sure it is off. :) I would much rather hear nuls I think. I will test it out. Thank you!

The recovery speed of the new machine iss what i have spoke about the entire time and have been told i knew nothing about this machine.....i do know that 3" is not good for a new detector.

I haven't tested three coins in a row, I tested it on my nail floor and it caught each individual nail even with the larger coil.. I will test out the coins and see. I want to make a seeded garden.. Including coins and nails in the same hole. See what happens.. I will also cross check each signal with the MXT pro.

Thanks for the info and experiences. I am still under the impression, I still don't fully understand this machine and it's a totally different beast.

When everyone talks about recovery speed.. What exactly do you mean? Do you mean how long it takes to pinpoint and retrieve the target?

Thanks for the info and experiences. I am still under the impression, I still don't fully understand this machine and it's a totally different beast.

When everyone talks about recovery speed.. What exactly do you mean? Do you mean how long it takes to pinpoint and retrieve the target?

Recovery speed is how long the detector's circuitry takes to reset once it has acquired a target such that it is ready to acquire the next target. A detector with slow recovery will tend to get overloaded processing the first target (especially strong junk targets such as a nail) such that it will not pick up an adjacent target during a single sweep of the coil at a normal sweep speed. Machines with good recovery performance can distinguish multiple targets that lie very close to each other without having to appreciably slow down the coil speed. The better the recovery speed the better able you will be able to "see" good targets that are hiding amongst the trash. Sometimes manufacturers make a trade off between recovery speed and depth detection. Higher end machines typically have good depth and recovery (Deus) or have selectable programs that empasize one or the other attribute (Fisher F75).

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And when you figure all that out try AUDIOMOD on I swear it does nothing at all except break up at the last inch of max depth lol.

Mine also picks up the nails in my Deck and when I put a coin in the line of nails it can still pick it up but just has a jumpy ID.
Same test with my CTX and it wouldn't pick up the coin in the line of nails. I didn't try with FAST on but I don't think it would of helped.

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A question regarding ground grab. The manual says that when you have achieved a successful ground grab, the display will read GRABBD or something like that. When I ground grab using the tracking button held down, I get the grounded display and it seems to settle down like I have achieved a sat ground grab but it never displays GRABBD. Does yours do that?

I noticed that too. Manual says it it suppose to say grabbd but mine doesn't. Also My quarters seem to ID as Dimes most of the time does yours do that?


A question regarding ground grab. The manual says that when you have achieved a successful ground grab, the display will read GRABBD or something like that. When I ground grab using the tracking button held down, I get the grounded display and it seems to settle down like I have achieved a sat ground grab but it never displays GRABBD. Does yours do that?

Yes I have seen clad quarters bounce between dimes and quarters or just read out as dimes. I want to see what a silver quarter registers vs. clad, but have not run that test.

Just tried a Silver dollar a Silver half and Silver quarter and they rang in the right way.
Thought I tried that before but with having to send it back maybe I didn't. So the modern quarter is the one ringing in as a dime.

MX Sport is for sure not a salt water machine, goes into overload as soon as it hits salt water........

What kind of things did you try salt water hunting with it?
Was hoping it would be decent for a backup to my CTX.

What kind of things did you try salt water hunting with it?
Was hoping it would be decent for a backup to my CTX.
It goes into overload as soon as it touches the salt water, this was on an updated whites version using the beach program. My hunting partner had to turn sensitivity to 3 to even get near stable and there was no depth on the test targets at 3...

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