New to MDing

---As a fellow newbie, I would also like to thank you all. This is a very informative site, and i hope to post quite a few finds in the near future.


Welcome Kayper!
Also a newbie here - kinda. I have been MDing for 3 months now but I have spent several hours almost every Sat and Sun on this hobby (thanks to the milder winter weather in SE Virginia) so I feel like I have been doing it forever!

I absolutely love it! This is such a great hobby. I get exercise and even finding a penny is exciting. The members on this forum are really helpful.

Welcome! I am also new to this site, although I have been detecting since 1974 ( The "golden age" of detecting ).

There is alot of experience here on this site, so don't hesitate to ask questions, that is how we all learned.


Welcome to the T-Net family! A lot of great people with great knowledge on many subjects. Don't be afraid to ask questions. We also want to see pics of your finds, so please post.

Don't worry about being a newbie, we all have to start somewhere. At least you have the Internet and TNet forum to ask questions. When many of us started there were no computers and all we had were lieing old men to tell us to dig pull tabs.

Take care don't make a mess of the grass.


Welcome aboard,

Glad to have all of you with us. This is a super site with super people. Don't worry about asking too many questions. The only dumb question is the one that is not asked. Have fun and fill in your holes.

Hey Kayper! Welcome to Tnet!


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