UNESCO will never pay for anything in case of cleaning some shipwreck from dangerous material. They care only with nice words and useless contracts and agreements. They do everything possible to stop salvage companies to do the right job and recover the artifacts, but they do not care that this decision opens just the door to the international gangs of looters who really DO NOT care about the underwater environment. At least, I speak for the situation in the Dominican Republic. Any salvage company, of course, cares about their lease territory and they do generally everything possible not to leave any mess there. The TH companies I know they have been working in the Dominican Republic for last 15 years always did everything in favor to protect the ocean environment. The time, when Cousteau dynamited coral reefs in the Silver bank to get hands on some shipwrecks (which has been documented) back in the 80's, are long time gone.
Of course UNESCO "experts" know very well about the mercury cargo at least inside the shipwrecks of "Guadaloupe" and "Tolosa", both cases were widely documented in the past, but they look up to the sky, like nothing would happens....! If they would care at least a little about the underwater life conditions, coral damages and poisoned fish around these shipwrecks, they would ring the bells and spend whatever money to clean this mess. But on the contrary, they spend lot of money to send "experts" to determine if, by chance, Barry Clifford's team did not damage some coral during the excavations of this wreck, but where their money and people are needed, they never go.
Sorry, guys, if you are of different opinion, but this has been my long time personal experience.
Regards to all,