(Data in metric tons of mercury content unless otherwise noted)1
Domestic Production and Use: Mercury has not been produced as a principal mineral commodity in the
United States since 1992, when the McDermitt Mine, in Humboldt County, NV, closed. In 2011, mercury
was recovered as a byproduct from processing gold-silver ore at several mines in Nevada; however,
these production data were not reported. Secondary, or recycled, mercury was recovered by retorting
end-of-use mercury-containing products that mainly included batteries, compact and traditional
fluorescent lamps, dental amalgam, medical devices, and thermostats, as well as
mercury-contaminated soils. The mercury was processed and refined for resale or exported. Secondary
mercury production data were not reported. Mercury use is not carefully tracked in the United
States; however, no more than 100 metric tons per year of mercury was consumed domestically. The
leading domestic end user of mercury was the chlorine-caustic soda industry. Owing to mercury
toxicity and concerns for the environment and human health, overall mercury use has declined in the
United States. Mercury has been released to the environment from mercury-containing car switches
when the automobile is scrapped for recycling, from coal-fired powerplant emissions, and from
incinerated mercury-containing medical devices. Mercury is no longer used in batteries and paints
manufactured in the United States. Mercury was imported, refined, and then exported for global use
in chlorine-caustic soda production, compact and traditional fluorescent lights, dental amalgam,
and neon lights; however, its primary use is for small-scale gold mining in many parts of the
world. Some button-type batteries, cleansers, fireworks, folk medicines, grandfather clocks,
pesticides, and some skin-lightening creams and soaps may contain mercury.
Salient Statistics—United States: 2007 2008
2009 2010 2011e
Mine (byproduct) NA NA
Secondary NA NA
NA NA NA Imports for consumption (gross weight), metal
67 155 206 294 160
Exports (gross weight), metal 84 732
753 459 200
Price, average value, dollars per flask, free market2 530 600
600 1,076 1,950 Net import reliance3 as a percentage of
apparent consumption E E
Recycling: In 2011, six companies in the United States accounted for the majority of secondary
mercury recycling and production. Mercury-containing automobile convenience switches, barometers,
computers, dental amalgam, fluorescent lamps, medical devices, thermostats, and some
mercury-containing toys were collected by as many as 50 smaller companies and then the
mercury-containing materials were shipped to larger companies for retorting and reclamation of the
mercury. The increased use of nonmercury substitutes has resulted in a shrinking reservoir of
mercury-containing products for recycling.
Import Sources (2007–10): Peru, 50%; Chile, 37%; Germany, 7%; Canada, 4%; and other, 2%.
Tariff: Item Number Normal Trade
Relations 12-31-11
Mercury 2805.40.0000 1.7% ad val.
Depletion Allowance: 22% (Domestic), 14% (Foreign).
Government Stockpile: An inventory of 4,436 tons of mercury was held at several sites in the United
States; however, the Defense Logistics Agency, DLA Strategic Materials has indicated that
consolidated storage is preferred. An additional 1,329 tons of mercury was held by the U.S.
Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN. Sales of mercury from the National Defense Stockpile remained
Stockpile Status—9-30-114
Uncommitted Authorized Disposal plan Disposals
Material inventory for disposal
FY 2011 FY 2011 Mercury 4,436
4,436 — —
Events, Trends, and Issues: The United States was a leading exporter of mercury in 2011, and the
principal export destinations included Canada, Guyana, and Vietnam. The average price of a flask of
domestic mercury was $1,950; however, by July, prices were reported in the $2,400-to-$2,600 range.
Mercury is used for small-scale gold mining in
Prepared by William E. Brooks [(703) 648-7791,
many parts of the world and the price of gold, rising to slightly more than $1,800 per troy ounce
in September, has influenced the global demand for mercury. In Colombia, the price of mercury in
the small-scale gold mining areas may be as much as $100 per kilogram; therefore, a flask may be
worth as much $3,450. Mercury prices were also affected by the European Union mercury export ban
that took place in March, as well as the impending United States export ban that will take place in
2013. Diminishing supplies of mercury reclaimed from end-of-use, mercury-containing products, and
the availability of mercury from China and Kyrgyzstan also affected mercury prices.
Global consumption of mercury was estimated to be 2,000 tons per year, and approximately 50% of
this consumption came from the use of mercury compounds to make vinyl monomer in China and Eastern
Europe. Use of nonmercury technology for chloralkali production and the ultimate closure of the
world’s mercury-cell chloralkali plants may put a large quantity of mercury on the global market
for recycling, sale, or, owing to export bans in Europe and the United States, storage. Only 4
mercury cell chlorine-caustic soda plants were in use in the United States in 2011, compared with 5
in 2008, and 14 in 1996. The Federal Government was trying to find storage sites for the Nation’s
excess mercury, and seven States—Colorado, Idaho, Missouri, Nevada, South Carolina, Texas, and
Washington—were being considered.
Byproduct mercury production is expected to continue from large-scale domestic and foreign
gold-silver mining and processing, as is secondary production of mercury from an ever-diminishing
supply of mercury-containing products, such as automobile convenience switches and thermostats.
However, the volume of byproduct mercury that enters the global supply from foreign gold-silver
processing may change dramatically from year to year; for example, mercury in Chile and Peru is
typically stockpiled until there is sufficient material for export. Mercury may also be recycled
from compact and traditional fluorescent lamps. Domestic mercury consumption will continue to
decline as nonmercury-containing products, such as digital thermometers, are substituted for those
containing mercury.
World Mine Production and Reserves:
Mine production Reserves5 2010 2011e
United States NA NA
Chile (byproduct) 176 100
China 1,600 1,400
Kyrgyzstan 250 250
Mexico (reclaimed) 21 15
Peru (byproduct) 102 35
Spain NA
NA NA Other countries
100 130 38,000 World total (rounded)
2,250 1,930 93,000
World Resources: China, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, and Ukraine have most of
the world’s estimated 600,000 tons of mercury resources. Mexico reclaims mercury from Spanish
Colonial silver mining waste. In Peru, mercury production from the Santa Barbara Mine
(Huancavelica) stopped in the 1990s; however, Peru continues to be an important source of byproduct
mercury imported into the United States. Spain, once a leading producer of mercury from its
centuries-old Almaden Mine, stopped mining in 2003. In the United States, there are mercury
occurrences in Alaska, Arkansas, California, Nevada, and Texas; however, mercury has not been mined
as a principal mineral commodity since 1992. The declining consumption of mercury, except for
small-scale gold mining, indicates that these resources are sufficient for another century or more
of use.
Substitutes: For aesthetic or human health concerns, natural-appearing ceramic composites
substitute for the dark- gray mercury-containing dental amalgam. “Galistan,” an alloy of gallium,
indium, and tin, or alternatively, digital thermometers, now replaces the mercury used in
traditional mercury thermometers. At chloralkali plants around the world, mercury-cell technology
is being replaced by newer diaphragm and membrane cell technology. Light-emitting diodes that
contain indium substitute for mercury-containing fluorescent lamps. Lithium, nickel-cadmium, and
zinc-air batteries replace mercury-zinc batteries in the United States; indium compounds substitute
for mercury in alkaline batteries; and organic compounds have been substituted for mercury
fungicides in latex paint.
eEstimated. E Net exporter. NA Not available. — Zero.
1Some international data and dealer prices are reported in flasks. One metric ton (1,000 kilograms)
= 29.0082 flasks, and 1 flask = 76 pounds, or
34.5 kilograms, or 0.035 ton.
2Platts Metals Week average mercury price quotation for the year. Actual prices may vary
significantly from quoted prices.
3Defined as imports – exports + adjustments for Government and industry stock changes.
4See Appendix B for definitions.
5See Appendix C for resource/reserve definitions and information concerning data sources.
U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, January 2012