new show on the dutchman

Unfortunately what you wrote is true. The majority of people who give it a shot walk away with a little less in their pockets and rounded shoulders. Personally, I think that it takes a set of balls to follow a dream in to the SWA. "There are those who do and those who read about how not so well other did". Now, do I disagree that there are many complicated theories out there? No.

I think that you nailed it on the head with people underestimating the difficulty involved. It can be a deadly game to test yourself there against the elements, the wildlife, and ones imagination. And the clock starts running with that first step. Everything you need to survive is jammed into a sack. At best, a man on his own is good for three days out there. Four if he is the shite. After five days, 98% of anyone in the range alone and unaided is a dead person. So all I would ask is that you remember that accessibility may just be the biggest problem. To do it correctly would mean pack animals, a good week, and about ten Gs of risk.

That's exactly my feelings!

And that my friends is why I hunt in southern, Az!

I tried to get a pack train going into the Sups once your right it's high cost, high risk.

The amount of extra kahuna's it takes just for exploring a few small hills by your base camp or one large mountain
is beyond the scope of most of us. Climbing up one canyon from your camp then back down and up another your pretty much wiped for the day. Good luck getting up the next day you'll be so sore you may have to take another day just too rest! There goes your stay in there three days in but only two days searching I've been down that road.

Do it in the heat with a back pack holding two twenty foot 3/8 chains, one come along, two stake bars or rod's, mini maul hammer, chisels, enough gallon's of water for at least three days, tent, sleeping bag, climbing gear, rope with harness, food, first aid, snake bite kit, camera, extra batteries, compass, GPS, extra clothes and a tooth brush with paste, razor, mirror, gloves, 45 Colt 1911, Gun Belt & Holster, Extra 45 Ammo, Large Binoculars, Rock Pick, Small Shovel, under wear, toilet paper, and a fresh edition of Hustler Magazine, small Map Gas lantern and cook stove, matches, lighter, and a pad for a suicide note just in case you don't make it! I almost forgot I brought a Metal Detector too!

Then climb straight up a steep rocky crumbling mountain 7800 feet with all that gear repel for your first time off a cliff into a cave and move a couple of huge boulders with your gear!

I almost freaken died!!

I had to turn around and get out of there not staying because I knew I was going to be so sore there was no way I was coming out the next day or maybe even the day after that!

I needed help up the stairs to my house!


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Janus Sun Temples

New Video for you to watch I also posted in Stone Maps Solar / Lunar


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HAHAHA Like my new reality show about men working on Shrimping Boats.

Its called PRAWN STARS!


Wyatt Westwood? Are you a pr0n star? :laughing9:


Tricky words there.

If I was this big and special "prOn" star would you think any less of me?

Only people there were me and my Horse midnight.

I'm of the Monacan Nation.

Please refer to the Disclaimer:

@Bill Riley

I am impressed by you! Its really tough work to sit there in front of a camera and narrate as well as you do! I couldn't ever do that!

@ Bill Riley,

Hey good job!

Eldo, I hate to tell you but the area you are looking at is a mine but not what you think it is (was not even a Gold Mine, if I remember right it was a uranium mine). Several years ago that mine was in the National Forest web page as a reclaimed mine. I had saved pictures on my last PC but it got rained on so I don't have the pics. I went and looked and it is no longer on their webpage but bet you can find some pics of it (maybe even here) which showed the forest service people on the stairs.
Eldo's Lost Dutchman Mine Side.webp

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Eldo, I hate to tell you but the area you are looking at is a mine but not what you think it is (was not even a Gold Mine, if I remember right it was a uranium mine). Several years ago that mine was in the National Forest web page as a reclaimed mine. I had saved pictures on my last PC but it got rained on so I don't have the pics. I went and looked and it is no longer on their webpage but bet you can find some pics of it (maybe even here) which showed the forest service people on the stairs.
View attachment 1142063

Curious to hear the response to your post Sailaway


Thats the only response I can muster.....

I guess that all I have found was only a string of 7 Uranium Mines, based on a Uranium Mine Map, carved in 5 stones, with the original Spanish Uranium Mines carved into 2 Stones that also show the same starting points from 100 years before hand.....


Good thing you told me, now I can just forget about it all right....?

That crack's me up.....

go to google earth, Sailaway, and grab the same shot I have, based on the general vicinity you remember the mine being located and I might second guess myself for a split second

probably not even that long

Eldo that is all you have for a response? You are so sure of yourself you would take the Film crew into a Uranium mine and expose them to Gama rays? I would suggest that you invest in a Geiger Counter before you go in there. However I do not know if there is any uranium left there as it was abandoned (my guess is because of death of the miners). The other thing is that it still may be a rich mine as back then they had no idea what heavy metals even were, that type of metal is associated with uranium. Next thing you need to know is that you can not file a new claim in the Wilderness area, I know because I have all the paperwork and was ready to file on my find and could not. Are you aware of what Heavy Metals are yourself? They have their own place on the periodic table. The atoms are very small and hard to spot. In fact they are so small that even a dust mask will not filter them out. I carry actual gas masks with high filtration filters for such things when I am out there. Another thing is if you do find a Jesuit cave, I would not go in without a modern gas mask (I hold confined spaces entry certification) as the Jesuits did things like spread Arsenic powder (yes it comes in rock form and can be ground into powder) to keep things out, like you. Read some of the stories of Jesuit treasure and you will find many deaths from going in after the treasures.

Heavy metal (chemistry) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hazards of heavy metal contamination
Hazards of heavy metal contamination

BTW: Eldo the coordinates are on your photos. I have done exactly what you are asking me to do with a photo that another member here posted from a whole different system than Google Earth. Would be very easy for me but I am not going to waste my time.

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So you have all the time in the world to tell me about how you can measure a metal in a charted format.......uploading a photo even

and you have no time to prove that there is a claim for a Uranium mine there to prove me wrong?


Thanks for the advice but you dont have to waste your time.......seriously

BTW: Eldo the coordinates are on your photos. I have done exactly what you are asking me to do with a photo that another member here posted from a whole different system than Google Earth. Would be very easy for me but I am not going to waste my time.

Yes you did it . I " bought " you with a wrong picture . In this game is good to know when have to bluffing .

Eric Deleel is the guest on Gold Radio Talk:Gold Prospecting Talk Show tonight (4/14/15) at 7PM EST. The show lasts about 1-2 hours. Eric is the member of the team on the"Legends of the Superstition Mountains" show that allegedly found the Jesuit cross in the bat cave! You can call up the show live and ask him questions!


Ever since I watched that show I'm now afraid of helicopters

Ok Eldo here is point of Law, now that you are aware of the situation and you still take a film crew in there without protection, and if even one of them end up sick, or dying you could be held Liable. Even end up in Prison, as that could be considered Negligible Homicide.

This thread is getting interesting :icon_thumright:

Hey Loke you ever finish panning that gold dirt I gave you?
Robert L Garman wrote Mystery Gold of the Superstitions. He searched with Robert G Tumlinson. Was into the stone maps and was well known amongst the old Dutchunters including Tom K. His main search area was the eastern Superstitions. With Tumlinsons assistance discovered the Garman stone in the same hole the Peralta stone maps were found. The stone is the keystone telling what the goal is. I attached a photo for your viewing pleasure. Garmans book is is available online and I suggest reading it. He did succeed where many others failed. I pay close attention to his history View attachment 1118672

These stones lead to the mines in NM.

These stones lead to the mines in NM.

I often thought that these were part of the trail, crafted as the path the Burro's naturally take through these areas as they migrate and graze.

There were some other markings that show they are also a trail from the old mission over the border south, up through the Dragoons, and through other parts of the Eastern valley of Phoenix

There is a very large Heart Shaped Stone near the Pima reservation to the south, and if this trail was a long trail, it would surely be a turning point from the trail to head through the easiest way to New Mexico

My guess (which others have said as well ) is that this is some sort of set of speaking stones that were crafted because of the magic looking similarities in the stones and the mountainous ranges.

Ones that were known to form in a certain shape from the original time when the earth was molten and electric, as these arcing bolts were the cause of the rivers and the formations that were seen to make the gold concentrate in certain areas, holding almost the same shape throughout most of the Southwest.

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