new show on the dutchman

HAHAHA Hal, That is some of that information we keep telling CN that has been hashed and rehashed over many years on a few forums. The basic stuff about Waltz, what the mine looked like, etc etc etc are all things deeply ingrained in my head.

If I ever happen to be in the right place at the right time, and my leg drops through into the shaft, I firmly believe that with one look around, I would know if it was the LDM or not.

Humor me this one time. Please.

Mike, it would go a long way for those new to it (and those not so new to it) if you could explain to us why a mine would consist of a vertical shaft and a horizontal tunnel.

Thanks Mike!

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If you ask him politely he may give you an autographed copy of himself, Frank and Ryan checking each others pockets for facts.

He can hold up the award for best acting in a Fiction Dutchman Film.

You know the Dutchman Oscar?

A small Golden cigarette lighter.

Just a thought.

Yours is better though, it's from Italy.

the award for best acting in a non-Fiction Dutchman Film. ...I corrected that for you :)

View attachment 1139476

My understanding is both are Door Symbols. Ones open and the other closed. Could be for the Dutchman mine being an open pit and a sealed tunnel. The experience I have with hidden Gold mines tells me the Omega or open door symbol is in reality a symbol for a Horse shoe only seen from the right angle when approaching the hill or mountain. That trail would be the walkers trail marked with foot prints made of stone. The horse shoe will be in abstract as such. Only visible at the right time of day. The closed door symbol would be the mine hidden somewhere on the mountain or small hill in question.

Just my personal opinion many others have their own.

2 cents.

<img src=""/>

My understanding is both are Door Symbols. Ones open and the other closed. Could be for the Dutchman mine being an open pit and a sealed tunnel. The experience I have with hidden Gold mines tells me the Omega or open door symbol is in reality a symbol for a Horse shoe only seen from the right angle when approaching the hill or mountain. That trail would be the walkers trail marked with foot prints made of stone. The horse shoe will be in abstract as such. Only visible at the right time of day. The closed door symbol would be the mine hidden somewhere on the mountain or small hill in question.

Just my personal opinion many others have their own.

2 cents.

And my 2 cents is the horse shoe symbol is where you need to be, seen at anytime of day, to read the sun sign symbol the circle in a circle, and the triangle sign should be near by to give the direction of sight and travel, still used today in surveying 120 left 120 right.
That's probably why Waltz used the clue as a north trending canyon. Cause the triangle has no set direction of north south east or west .

Just a opinion that works real well for me in the field,


View attachment 1139476

My understanding is both are Door Symbols. Ones open and the other closed. Could be for the Dutchman mine being an open pit and a sealed tunnel. The experience I have with hidden Gold mines tells me the Omega or open door symbol is in reality a symbol for a Horse shoe only seen from the right angle when approaching the hill or mountain. That trail would be the walkers trail marked with foot prints made of stone. The horse shoe will be in abstract as such. Only visible at the right time of day. The closed door symbol would be the mine hidden somewhere on the mountain or small hill in question.

Just my personal opinion many others have their own.

2 cents.
Bill Riley,
I think that it's much more obvious than most people believe it to be. Gollum has a solid understand of how these symbols were used and it would make good sense to consider his post.

Fact is, we sometimes get in our own way.

There is an existing system. Apply it first, then work away if you must.
However, I wouldn't walk too far.
Did you see how Frank applied his own ideas about the symbols on his map? And how those ideas seemed to fit the locations they filmed? They went looking for a place to match his "idea" and found it over and over again, only it wasn't it.

The same mistake has been repeated many times using the stones.

"Keep it simple stupid" ...not you stupid, but everyone stupid.

And my 2 cents is the horse shoe symbol is where you need to be, seen at anytime of day, to read the sun sign symbol the circle in a circle, and the triangle sign should be near by to give the direction of sight and travel, still used today in surveying 120 left 120 right.
That's probably why Waltz used the clue as a north trending canyon. Cause the triangle has no set direction of north south east or west .

Just a opinion that works real well for me in the field,


I emailed you a copy of the Jesuit map collection

I emailed you a copy of the Jesuit map collection

Hey wrmickel1,
Is it safe to assume that you are Franks go to guy for map translations and various related research?
Just trying to understand his logic.


Hey wrmickel1,
Is it safe to assume that you are Franks go to guy for map translations and various related research?
Just trying to understand his logic.


No, we just share a common bond! He's a cop who spent his life chasing bad guys and I spent mine running from them! HaHa



HELL HAL! what's wrong with my "logic"


View attachment 1139476

My understanding is both are Door Symbols. Ones open and the other closed. Could be for the Dutchman mine being an open pit and a sealed tunnel. The experience I have with hidden Gold mines tells me the Omega or open door symbol is in reality a symbol for a Horse shoe only seen from the right angle when approaching the hill or mountain. That trail would be the walkers trail marked with foot prints made of stone. The horse shoe will be in abstract as such. Only visible at the right time of day. The closed door symbol would be the mine hidden somewhere on the mountain or small hill in question.

Just my personal opinion many others have their own.

2 cents.

The Omega a symbol relating to the exact shape the curved domed hill takes when you get to the end of the trail, where the first mine is located. 2, 3, and 4 are in the surrounding heart shaped canyon, 5 is on the ridge, 6 along the ridge further, and 7 is the highest mine of them all. THE Lost Dutchman

I havent located the number 8 mine if it far only 7 on the same mapped lines.

View attachment 1140428View attachment 1140429View attachment 1140430View attachment 1140431

Your arrows line up in the first pic, on the ridge line where i penciled in the arrow and the omega shaped dome. Across from the dome is where the #1 mine digs down, and is also entered from the rear of the shaded canyon, as your drawing shows......this one shaded canyon behind also has a strange face over the edge of the cliff.

View attachment 1140437

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Bill Riley,
I think that it's much more obvious than most people believe it to be. Gollum has a solid understand of how these symbols were used and it would make good sense to consider his post.

Fact is, we sometimes get in our own way.

There is an existing system. Apply it first, then work away if you must.
However, I wouldn't walk too far.
Did you see how Frank applied his own ideas about the symbols on his map? And how those ideas seemed to fit the locations they filmed? They went looking for a place to match his "idea" and found it over and over again, only it wasn't it.

The same mistake has been repeated many times using the stones.

"Keep it simple stupid" ...not you stupid, but everyone stupid.

Hal, Great response!

I've seem what others have written not any one person in particular. I was just speaking from what I found that's all. Each of us has our own findings to the stone maps. Mine just happens to be different but not illogical.

The shoe symbol just happens to be one of those symbols used on the parchment Mapa's and in the field. I don't like using heavy technical terms.

Seen as the Alpha a Horse Shoe symbol can also be the Omega. You see there's more than one Alpha and Omega in the system.

So lets just say you have a horse shoe start and a horse shoe finish to the mountain. Ok but now you have to find the Next Alpha.

Once that Alpha is located then you find the Next Omega. So on and so forth.

The shoe is one of the most common symbols. That photo of the mountain side I posted on another thread has at least three huge Horse Shoes up the front left with large numeral "7's" beside them symbol for Gold. Those are Alpha's which tell you that there is Three Gold Mines. Each one has a Horse Shoe at the Omega location. I found one. But the fact remains the Walkers trail is the only trail you can see the symbol from and it must be at the correct time of day for the time of year to view it.

Just my opinion there are many others.

I other words I found these places that matched each other finding one of the Omega's first then the Aplha's by dumb luck many leagues away.


Pretty simple conclusion really.

I solve all my problems utilizing Occam's Razor it never burns and keeps my skin silky smooth!

The Omega a symbol relating to the exact shape the curved domed hill takes when you get to the end of the trail, where the first mine is located. 2, 3, and 4 are in the surrounding heart shaped canyon, 5 is on the ridge, 6 along the ridge further, and 7 is the highest mine of them all. THE Lost Dutchman

I havent located the number 8 mine if it far only 7 on the same mapped lines.

View attachment 1140428View attachment 1140429View attachment 1140430View attachment 1140431

Your arrows line up in the first pic, on the ridge line where i penciled in the arrow and the omega shaped dome. Across from the dome is where the #1 mine digs down, and is also entered from the rear of the shaded canyon, as your drawing shows......this one shaded canyon behind also has a strange face over the edge of the cliff.

View attachment 1140437

Eldo, Good to meet you. I don't think we've spoke before.

That is some kick a.. work you did there! I'm going to need some time to study what you've done a little more....

Are those snap shots of actual site you've been at or is it Google Earth?

Don't get me wrong I love Google Earth!

Anyone that puts as much time and effort into the stones like you have earns my respect! There are so many ways to read them and so many layers of coding just in the Gematria alone it's a huge task!

Surface Mapping was one of their gift's they had master Survey Skills in the field only matched by today's GPS.

Great Work keep it up!

Bill you seem to be an honest and strightforward follow so here's some more info.....this is all tied into the Beale Codes and the Peralta Land Grab...

I will be coming out there to stake the claims to the mines with the Apache and rewriting a part of the history there as we Walk the Line to these mines

Also as an Independent Forensic Archaeologist, here's the work I have done in the research so far that is already making some press agents a little jittery with excitement.

Beale ciphers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look down the page to Latest Developments and Discoveries, thats all me.

i picked up a membership on this website one night in my shop. and found this all in 35 minutes.........!! the other related work came from months of baning codes around until I saw they were two similar tales in two parts of the country so thats when the light went on. In November 2014 I made the final discovery and took me 2 weeks to finalize the info enough to feel comfortable enough making headlines.

and we are filming this all very soon for the Discovery Channel, and will have no problem setting up some even better graphics and storylines then .....

My cousin lives there, I have been there numerous times myself, but as a younger hiker and climber, camping up around the Apache Lake areas, hiking the trails and MTB'ing the roads there across the valley.

This area is kinda an old stomping ground for me so its nice to return there soon....I AM TIRED OF VERMONT SNOW>>>>>LOL

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And here is my favorite......the Witch and Cross below the Lost Dutchman, the #7 mines

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The stone tells the tale of John C. Calhoun (notice the spot on the back of his hand) as he is symbolically finding the crosses, the map stones, and the heart in a sequence, using these threee, the three needed to find the Mines, and to find the Beale Troves they stole and buried in VA.

It says some stuff in Spanish and also in Latin in the Heart Stone......but on the Witch Stone to the right is the OMEGA and the Heart, which we walked by in the last photos, and in the Heart with the arrow is another hidden clue,,,,,follow the arrow up through the stone as if it were a trail following the line the A's make from the omega ridge....that is the path taken from the point where the arrow was drawn in your maps to get to the top mines...the #7

the 5 and 6 mines were charted on the Horse Stone....the stone is made from White Granite from a certain area near the Beale Codes in VA.

they mined the first set from the 1791 crosses they found when Reavis bought the old Peralta Ruins and made his mansion they opened 1,2,3, and 4, made the map stones, mined the second set and made the Horse Stone, bringing it back from VA with them, after depositing the first batch, and marking the number 5 and 6 on the stone

they had only sent ten out of thirty back each time, and when the first crew returned, the 5,6, and 7 mines were active, being higher up the line and developed while the men were travelling to St Louis and to VA

so the horse stone was made, and the Latin Heart was made with the amounts placed there for each person in VA using (I) for the forst drop, and ((I)) for the second drop, with each person getting their share listed in Roman numerals in pounds.

everyone thinks the Heart stone lines to AZ is actually a place in VA where they parked the two stashes

View attachment 1140465View attachment 1140466

Beale ciphers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now that explains everything.

And here is my favorite......the Witch and Cross below the Lost Dutchman, the #7 mines

<img src=""/><img src=""/>

The stone tells the tale of John C. Calhoun (notice the spot on the back of his hand) as he is symbolically finding the crosses, the map stones, and the heart in a sequence, using these threee, the three needed to find the Mines, and to find the Beale Troves they stole and buried in VA.

It says some stuff in Spanish and also in Latin in the Heart Stone......but on the Witch Stone to the right is the OMEGA and the Heart, which we walked by in the last photos, and in the Heart with the arrow is another hidden clue,,,,,follow the arrow up through the stone as if it were a trail following the line the A's make from the omega ridge....that is the path taken from the point where the arrow was drawn in your maps to get to the top mines...the #7

the 5 and 6 mines were charted on the Horse Stone....the stone is made from White Granite from a certain area near the Beale Codes in VA.

they mined the first set from the 1791 crosses they found when Reavis bought the old Peralta Ruins and made his mansion they opened 1,2,3, and 4, made the map stones, mined the second set and made the Horse Stone, bringing it back from VA with them, after depositing the first batch, and marking the number 5 and 6 on the stone

they had only sent ten out of thirty back each time, and when the first crew returned, the 5,6, and 7 mines were active, being higher up the line and developed while the men were travelling to St Louis and to VA

so the horse stone was made, and the Latin Heart was made with the amounts placed there for each person in VA using (I) for the forst drop, and ((I)) for the second drop, with each person getting their share listed in Roman numerals in pounds.

everyone thinks the Heart stone lines to AZ is actually a place in VA where they parked the two stashes

<img src=""/><img src=""/>

Beale ciphers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am a little confused. Are you saying the mines are in va. Or az. Also if in az where.

Never mind. I reread. I see what you are saying. Good work

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The Omega a symbol relating to the exact shape the curved domed hill takes when you get to the end of the trail, where the first mine is located. 2, 3, and 4 are in the surrounding heart shaped canyon, 5 is on the ridge, 6 along the ridge further, and 7 is the highest mine of them all. THE Lost Dutchman

I havent located the number 8 mine if it far only 7 on the same mapped lines.

<img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/>

Your arrows line up in the first pic, on the ridge line where i penciled in the arrow and the omega shaped dome. Across from the dome is where the #1 mine digs down, and is also entered from the rear of the shaded canyon, as your drawing shows......this one shaded canyon behind also has a strange face over the edge of the cliff.

<img src=""/>

In your mine count. Are you counting the one across the cayon from the stone house? The one that matches the trail map.

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