new show on the dutchman

Did Wayne say old RW was killed off?

I may be mistaken, but I believe the "vast majority" of deaths in the Superstitions have been ruled "due to natural causes" - not suicides. Other than a few cases, I believe they are right.

And I believe you are right; one (I) definitely need to be as clear as possible so as not to misspeak around here. Ya'll are sharp as heck and quick to point out any perceived inaccuracies, which I believe is crucial when trying to deduce the truth...what I did mean was the "vast majority" on that death list that Mike posted, and should have included "due to natural causes" along with suicide...I agree with Hal as well, in that perhaps in moments of despair your best hope out becomes your pistola.:sadsmiley: It's nice to have friends, people you can trust to have your back and not shoot at it. And to Joe, Cubfan, Hal, always glad to read yous guyses input, knowledgable and informative.
Thanks for the responses,
Garrett (real name) :occasion14:

I didn't read the entire thread, pardon me if some one else mentioned this, but I remember reading about red and black hands as being cache signs of the Knights of the Golden Circle.

Black hand meaning simply a cache of weapons or bullion, red hands meaning booby trapped cache.:dontknow:

I think it means you have to beware of tall dudes with hand stencils and cans of red and black spray paint.
No telling what they might do to ya.
Seen a gal once, with two of them on her hiney. One on each side.
Wasn't me.....honest Injun !

Not very many if they don't find anything.

Besides if they knew where to find the Jesuits Treasures they would be riding bikes instead of hiking......walking is so highly overrated isnt it? :happysmiley:

Yeah, especially when you see a long traveled dirt road that was made by vehicles and they are walking a mile plus long on it or next to it!

And I believe you are right; one (I) definitely need to be as clear as possible so as not to misspeak around here. Ya'll are sharp as heck and quick to point out any perceived inaccuracies, which I believe is crucial when trying to deduce the truth...what I did mean was the "vast majority" on that death list that Mike posted, and should have included "due to natural causes" along with suicide...I agree with Hal as well, in that perhaps in moments of despair your best hope out becomes your pistola.:sadsmiley: It's nice to have friends, people you can trust to have your back and not shoot at it. And to Joe, Cubfan, Hal, always glad to read yous guyses input, knowledgable and informative.
Thanks for the responses,
Garrett (real name) :occasion14:

My favorite death by natural causes is the guy who was found tied or sown up in a
Blanket. That's a good one. We that's if I heard the story right.

That certainly gave me pause when Tuttle said that.

But hey, at least your death helped them "triangulate" and isolate the bat cave as the headquarters of those infernal cloak-wearing Jesuits who apparently walk around in sneakers, if I saw correctly. :tongue3:

The nearest mission the Jesuits had at any time to the Supes, was Xavier del Bac, almost 150 miles to the south and even then wasn't consistently administered until 1756 by Fr. Espinosa. Between singlehandedly building the church, baptizing, preaching, running a mission, and fending off the occasional Apache attack, I'm quite impressed he had the time to sneak in a 300 mile round trip up north via horseback, with the express purpose of booby-trapping a small cave with baling wire!

People in the know know that the definitive movie outing the Jesuits was made in the 70's in Prairie du Chien.

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. Notice at time stamp 0:50 ish "Holy Name Correction School"

The place is now a state prison :D

Don't ask me how I know about this movie or why I was there! Can you guess which one?

Hypothetical Question.
Is someone found a cave almost at the top of a mountain. A cave concealed by the natural contours of the mountain.
This cave being entrance obviously sealed.
What is the penalty if someone opened said gave to take a look.

Or if the entrance is partly opened. Would there be a penalty for squeezing inside.

Hypothetical Question.
Is someone found a cave almost at the top of a mountain. A cave concealed by the natural contours of the mountain.
This cave being entrance obviously sealed.
What is the penalty if someone opened said gave to take a look.

Or if the entrance is partly opened. Would there be a penalty for squeezing inside.



Hypothetical Question.
Is someone found a cave almost at the top of a mountain. A cave concealed by the natural contours of the mountain.
This cave being entrance obviously sealed.
What is the penalty if someone opened said gave to take a look.

Or if the entrance is partly opened. Would there be a penalty for squeezing inside.

It isn't opening it or going in it, but what you remove out of it! Especially if it is artifacts related! Dang graberment!

Hypothetical Question.
Is someone found a cave almost at the top of a mountain. A cave concealed by the natural contours of the mountain.
This cave being entrance obviously sealed.
What is the penalty if someone opened said gave to take a look.

Or if the entrance is partly opened. Would there be a penalty for squeezing inside.

if they catch you busting open a sealed cave your in trouble

Yeah, especially when you see a long traveled dirt road that was made by vehicles and they are walking a mile plus long on it or next to it!

Hello all,

Newbie here asking the same question. That was an old Jeep trail leading from the camp they left. Doesn't look to remote to me. And they left all their gear behind? They are sleeping on the ground
with just a sun fly over them? Leave for the day and leave your sleep bag on the ground. I don't think so unless you like cuddling with rattlers and scorpions. I think that is all staged for the show.
Who is going to pack that camera gear through those mountains. The last thing I am hauling is that heavy Winchester with me in that huge padded case. I have been poking around there the last couple of
months and a Colt 45 1911 on my hip and a collapsible light weight modern rifle in my pack. I like my folding AK-47 or AR CAR model. More then enough fire power. I also not happy with them shooting the snakes
on sight. Rattles don't bother me at all. They will warn you when they feel you coming unless you step on one not looking where your going. I bet I have moved 12 greens off of roads in just the last year. So they don't
get run over. They just head for cover. I grew up in the mid-west. Copper Heads, Cotton Mouths and Water Moccasins tend to bite first and ask questions later.

Regarding the search we saw the old Jeep trail near where they camped. Next week you can see the Apache Trail and the power lines from the dam. Earlier they drove close to the stone foundation in a trucks and hiked
only a short ways. Do you think that was First Water Road. Or do you think they were getting access from the outh or East? I have scouted out all the options from the Apache Trail and the Feds have just about everything
blocked off to hikers only. I did find a cool high clearance only forest service road that does get you farther south. I stock Jeep would be dragging and scarping over the big rock steps. Looks like someone poured rough
concrete to try and smooth the way. I have a big rig with plenty of lift so I had no issues. The trail led to another blocked off area you can hike in from. It is on an old range and there was water tanks and a collapsed windmill.
Google earth provides some pretty good images but it is much more rugged than it looks. Fish Creek is an area I have been scouting but you are not going in there from the lake. Brutally rugged. I think I could get better access from the spot I found but it would be a good hike. It is already starting to get hot hear. 90 by the weekend which is hot for this early in the season. I need to do some scouting from the South and East as I have read there is better access. I have been to the museum. George was working but I just recognized him from last night show. I will be going back this week to pick his brain a bit.

Been interesting the LDM since moving to AZ. I have a view from my land that goes from 4 peaks all the way to Weavers Needle. The mines are out there somewhere. If any locals want to go scouting around I am game. My wife thinks I am nuts and has no interest. I had a few friends that go with me when they are in town but that is far and few between. I have been poking around alone which is not too smart but I am pretty confident in my
abilities. That being said it is still really easy to twist an ankle out there if you try getting off the beaten path. I tried poking around Fish Creek area without my standard hiking gear and twisted and ankle in the rocks after less then a quarter mile. It was minor and not a big issue but enough to turn me around for the day. I really enjoy checking out the terrain and the remote areas as you never know what you will find. Some back up would be nice.

Ok I know I am rambling now but what is with these guys running away leaving their gear behind. If I was that afraid I would bring along a Navy Seal or two or at least a local guide/tracker. If someone was in there camp there would be tracks. Tracking can be hard with all the rock but I know a few guys that would not have a problem. Leave a guy behind to watch the camp from a nice hiding spot which there are thousands. Problem solved.
Still doing lots of reading and research on the subject. Lots of dead ends and false leads from what I see. I believe as long as you have some good target areas and a little luck your chances are is good as any ones. I think the key is get off the beaten path and look where it looks impossible to get to and hopefully no one has been for 100 years. Good luck out here guys and stay safe.

Taking that arrow head is a violation from what I know. It is suppose to me turned over from everything I learned hiking with my In-laws in MT. Not that anyone would know unless you put it on TV! We have found some great stuff in heavily traveled
areas. We were camping near Yellowstone on a spot people have been camping for hundreds of years. My Brother-in-Law found an unbroken obsidian knife blade laying right next to the fire pit barely covered up with dust. He does have a good eye for
such things. I also had a friend who got busted by the Feds for picking mushrooms in the mid-west. A spot he and his family have been picking for over 100 years. $500 fine and they kept the mushrooms to boot. We are lucky they even let us on our land.

The guy packing them in is named Sonny Tapia. He is a professional packer and hunting guide from Eastern Arizona. With him behind them, they don't have a whole lot to worry about.

That old Winchester is Wayne's personal weapon. It was either that or a VERY old Mauser that had been converted to 30.06. That Lever Gun is a feather compared to that old Mauser he has. One of the crew did have an AR15 back in Cali. I guess they decided on using Wayne's Winchester because it looks more Western.


The guy packing them in is named Sonny Tapia. He is a professional packer and hunting guide from Eastern Arizona. With him behind them, they don't have a whole lot to worry about.

That old Winchester is Wayne's personal weapon. It was either that or a VERY old Mauser that had been converted to 30.06. That Lever Gun is a feather compared to that old Mauser he has. One of the crew did have an AR15 back in Cali. I guess they decided on using Wayne's Winchester because it looks more Western.

That old Winchester is very capable in the right hands. My dad still owns a couple of vintage lever actions. The craftsmanship is superb!

Taking that arrow head is a violation from what I know. It is suppose to me turned over from everything I learned hiking with my In-laws in MT.

That is why it was new! See they can show the film and the arrow head that looked too clean and not like it was on the ground for 100 years. So they can get away with picking it up and taking it!

A lot of people are complaining about this show,because they know the players,the laws,and the terrain. This show is mainly for those across the nation who idea of wildlife is 4 inch grass. My sister loves this show. Its all the rave down south.
I dont know what is coming our way,but I have a feeling they will end it well.
Truly guys do we want frank,and wayne,woddy,and the history channel giving useable information. If they did that we would be complaining about all the idiots ruining our mountain. Nothing screws up land like a gold rush.

I think its a great show, love all the cast members. I look forward to watching it. id like all the naysayers to put up or shut up, if you can do better.

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