new show on the dutchman

I don't know CHLSBRNS But the avatar is definitely female?

I wouldn't expect a dude to have a lady avatar?

Know something I don't?


Since we all have the ability to see and read into things that others don't comprehend, I noticed the
image of the guy on the left looks to be in pain. With the K-bar in place, it appears that something
got cut off !.......


Although you do your share of gainsaying, over the time I have watched you post, you add to the conversation. You make salient points. Whether I agree with them or not, that's not what matters. When a troll acts like a troll, one can only call them what they are. CHLSBRNS has added nothing except arguments to the conversations he has barged into. When proven wrong, he tries to ignore that and use some minutiae to move the conversation away from his ineptitude. When someone doesn't add anything to a discussion. They can't admit when they are wrong (or refuse to). Only argue with people, one can only call that a TROLL!

He stated unequivocally that "IT'S A FACT!" that Jacob Waltz married a Hopi Woman and he knows his great grandchild. I find official documented proof that Waltz was single till his death and that the person that claims to be an offshoot of his has told others that Waltz didn't get his gold from any mine. That he got his gold by trading it with the people that lived underground in tunnels underneath the Supers. He then got embarrassed and claimed that wasn't the guy. Yeah, there are a ton of people claiming to be descended from Jacob Waltz and a Hopi woman. HAHAHA

He stated unequivocally that New Spain was not the New World. I provide links to show where he is wrong and he tries to divert attention away from his ignorance to some minutiae. Sad. A troll is a troll is a troll.

I don't use that term very often. But in this case, "If the shoe fits......................."

I think almost every single person on this forum can be considered a troll. People look on here for bits of info they think would pertain to their area. Nobody posts their best info. Why share what took years to figure out? Maybe theres one person on here that needed that key piece of info that was shared on here. The original poster wouldnt even know if it helped a person succeed. I could share info with you mike and you would really scratch your head. But if i did i would sit here wondering if you figured something else out and didnt share back with me. Worse yet maybe you share it with your group of people. So basically everyone on here posts little pieces of info that really dont pertain to anything. And on goes the circle of life on tnet.

Think about the effort that it world take to create a carved mountaintop top. The man power involved. Then think about the cost to support such an operation. Food, supplies, security, we are talking a small army of people. Not very low profile. A map on parchment would have been a much more logical way to record mines and the paths to and from them.

Will you provide the title of the book that you mentioned?

I don't disagree on the process that you are writing about only the scale which you describe. It is simply not realistic.

Hal, I thought about it and I believe I can show you the evidence you seek. At least in the Catalina Range I've seen the rubble piles. I have photo's from three mountain ranges were the evidence of Freemason drilling and sculpting is over whelming. In all locations that I've found you will strain yourself to find the tooling's marks in the rubble pile which I have no clue how those guys could do it but they did. If you dig deep in the rubble pile you can find shallow drill holes only a few inches deep that's all they needed as they would split huge rock outcrops and mountain tops with only chisels and hand drills by finding the grain of the rock. Drilling along those seams very shallow and hammering wood and rawhide into the holes. Then soak it in water and wait. In each case we're talking massive huge boulders and rock cliffs. At one site the pile looks natural like nature but after digging I found a few rocks with small split drill holes. Otherwise you would think it was erosion from ancient times. They may even hide their mine entrances under these rubble piles but digging in them might bury you alive they're so massive. So to answer your question about evidence why yes I believe I have it.

At the top of the Catalina Range and too the left of Roger Peak a huge heart shaped outcrop is visible. Right below the out crop is the rubble pile clearly seen through a long range telescope, Right above that and to the right is a heart shaped shadow cut in which you can also clearly see the rubble pile and both of these are a huge under taking.

And as for Trenching that's an easy one to explain as you simply just filled in behind you while trenching forward in the trench. You can find evidence of this same mining technique in ancient Roman mines that were discovered over seas by Geologists following the old back filled trenches to the mine which are only visible by satellite images. Same types of trenching satellite images visible all over every mountain range in Arizona.

They look natural from on the ground. So I don't think the books about this are needed I believe like Infinity itself the evidence is right there under our noses all we have to do is look closely. That is while it's slapping us in the face.

Manpower and food for these operations? Oxen, Horse's, Mules, Donkeys, Goats, Sheep, Buffalo, Deere.
Deforestation of our resources would have been common. The mountains in Arizona may have been covered with trees all used for charcoal mounds needed for smelting and fuel for fire rings while running these operations now long gone.

It's a huge undertaking but they were conquering the world at the time and using the populations for slaves.

I'll post the photo's when I get back from another Gold Mining location today.

Best Regard's,


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You are 100% correct. My master's is in Spanish Borderlands and I teach it in college. You realize that you are the only one on this site that understands that the Jesuits did no mining, that the missions were poor and struggled throughout their existence and that legend has totally replaced fact in most people's minds. Great job partner...

The only person you're fooling here is chlsbrns and yourself.

I and a very few others who have been out in the mountains have seen otherwise, with our own eyes. We enjoy being out in such rugged beauty, experiencing adventure and wonders, and especially the very real thrill of discovery.

Not that I hold it against you to theorize that the world is still flat since it's very easy to develop academic conceit from the confines of a classroom on a typical campus insular from the outside world where the only people to challenge your ideas and beliefs are students half your age, who are dependent on your goodwill for their grades.

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You know waltz did not father a child? Is that really a i think or an i believe?

You know what waltz said to julia? Is that from the sworn affidavit that proves nothing? Do you have a time machine? In reality you know zero of what waltz said to julia nor do you know that they even spoke.

There is a saying I believe " from your neck of the woods " or something like that. I'm not from your neck of the woods as that saying goes. When I ever post information on T-net I'm telling everyone on T-net what I know as to be the truth as told to me by older people (80 years old +) that would know due to being close to the sources, and closer than person in the USA. I'm not on here looking for information, I have completed my research.
Like I said before Waltz did not have a child with any woman, ever. I will also tell you this. There is a mine a short distance below the Waltz mine.

Reading some of your earlier post on T-net I have no idea why your on T-net. This is a forum to share thoughts, not to be little people that you don't even know.

There is a saying I believe " from your neck of the woods " or something like that. I'm not from your neck of the woods as that saying goes. When I ever post information on T-net I'm telling everyone on T-net what I know as to be the truth as told to me by older people (80 years old +) that would know due to being close to the sources, and closer than person in the USA. I'm not on here looking for information, I have completed my research.
Like I said before Waltz did not have a child with any woman, ever. I will also tell you this. There is a mine a short distance below the Waltz mine.

Reading some of your earlier post on T-net I have no idea why your on T-net. This is a forum to share thoughts, not to be little people that you don't even know.
In all that I read ive never read anything
About annother mine. Is there somthing. Significant about the other mine. Thats if you can share.

In all that I read ive never read anything
About annother mine. Is there somthing. Significant about the other mine. Thats if you can share.

It's how you read into it. The LDM by some beliefs has two entrances. One the Funnel, and the other above ?
(All about the Military Trail)

The information I have provided shows heavy modern day motorized traffic within my Theory and of two others
of LDM placement.

The tracks you will see here I do not believe were for hunting, but for extraction. Further photo evidence within
that thread and modern published articles lead into Our Theory.

Post #84 ( )


I think almost every single person on this forum can be considered a troll. People look on here for bits of info they think would pertain to their area. Nobody posts their best info. Why share what took years to figure out? Maybe theres one person on here that needed that key piece of info that was shared on here. The original poster wouldnt even know if it helped a person succeed. I could share info with you mike and you would really scratch your head. But if i did i would sit here wondering if you figured something else out and didnt share back with me. Worse yet maybe you share it with your group of people. So basically everyone on here posts little pieces of info that really dont pertain to anything. And on goes the circle of life on tnet.

You never Read My Threads !

There's something to be said for the dynamite technique she is currently using ..... but in this case she would better serve her purpose by using the old crank telephone. All she has flushed out so far with the explosives are the bottom feeders who exist on the detritus found in old history books. My suggestion would be to ditch the stink bait and go for a flashy lure. :wink:


Seems strange and funny that you quote a post that says:

I'm telling everyone on T-net what I know as to be the truth as told to me by older people (80 years old +) that would know due to being close to the sources,

And then imply that old history books contain detritus. Lol!

80+ year olds dont lie? They remember better than historians of the time period?

Oh, I did speak to waltzs great grandson yesterday! He is a very nice man with info that backs up some of the waltz hearsay.

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Can I book you two for Mud Wrestlin ?

There is a saying I believe " from your neck of the woods " or something like that. I'm not from your neck of the woods as that saying goes. When I ever post information on T-net I'm telling everyone on T-net what I know as to be the truth as told to me by older people (80 years old +) that would know due to being close to the sources, and closer than person in the USA.
What does that even mean in this neck of the woods?
I'm not on here looking for information, I have completed my research.
Like I said before Waltz did not have a child with any woman, ever. I will also tell you this.
eunuch? sterile? How can you be sure? It doesn't require documentation. In the most biological sense it doesn't even require consent and might not have taken much time.
There is a mine a short distance below the Waltz mine.

Reading some of your earlier post on T-net I have no idea why your on T-net. This is a forum to share thoughts, not to be little people that you don't even know.

You are a bit of a noob here to be going after those who have been here longer. Who are you an agent for anyway? What would we discover if we checked your IP? Have you been here before and been banned?

Bottom line, what you confess to is that you have no supporting documentation for anything and you present only hearsay and your beliefs. I am OK with you being honest in that regard. I understand the difference between entertainment and information. But please, if you ever decide to put something out that is verifiable give a heads up so we can be sure to take a closer look.


To answer your most recent question, no, I am not JudyH nor is she me. Read on, and you will find who I am.

I don't give a rats a$$ whether you are a man, woman, or other. When it comes to debating a subject, your gender should never enter into it. Doesn't matter. You could have been the Cartoonist Charles Burns or Charlise Burns. Seems that if you were certain enough of yourself, that you would share your identity. See, one of the big tells for Internet Trolls is that they like to insult and gainsay through the warm comfort of the anonymity of the internet. People that REALLY research a subject and wish to interact with others tend to not hide who they are. I have never made a secret that my name is Mike McChesney and I live in the Los Angeles area. Many people on this and other forums know me quite well, online and in person.

One thing Joe (Cactusjumper) always did right, is that he refused to have any meaningful reparte with ANYBODY until they let him know who they were (real name and email). With all the Internet Trolls and Nutjobs out there, that is a very good plan. Joe is another one that has never hidden his identity. Whether we agree or disagree, I ALWAYS have a LOT more respect for someone who has respect enough for those they are dealing with to identify themselves. Even as out there as Roger Snow is, I always have a level of respect for him because of the same reason. He doesn't hide behind an anonymous avatar. He tells people who he is, and doesn't care if they believe him or not.

Your feeble attempts to refute the Mining Rules book is yet again proof of your incompetence to enter a grownup discussion. If you prefer, I can get you a link to the original Spanish version, but I doubt you would be able to read it. Once again, what you provided is what one guy (Dr Bancroft) interpreted what he read. In the late 1800s, finding sources to reference was much more difficult than it is now. One of the reasons why History Books are rewritten is because new facts come to light. In 1888, there was no proof that anyone other than Columbus had made it to the New World before 1492. We now know that is incorrect, hence we have new history books. What we will know in future is still coming. We may eventually find proof positive that the Chinese and Phoenicians were here long before either Columbus or the Vikings.

What I provided was a translation of an official Edict from the King of Spain. In this edict, the King specifically makes mention that the already existing laws against any religious types working in the field of mining are being severely broken. He specifically mentions in this edict that the problem of religious types working mines is rampant, and that it is affecting the Royal Treasury. What I provided is not an opinion about what happened a long time ago. It is a translation of a statement by the King of Spain regarding the problem.

If you can't see the difference, then that again proves my point that you have no place in adult conversations.


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Judy always seems to show up to like his posts, disappears and then he shows up again. Ive never seen both online at the same time. Could be coincidence?

I am not sure about TN, but most forums specifically do not allow multiple ID's. It is unlikely the Moderators would allow such a thing unless they were complicit. So I doubt Mike has multiple ID's.

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Judy always seems to show up to like his posts, disappears and then he shows up again. Ive never seen both online at the same time. Could be coincidence?

They are NOT the same member. Mods can see every IP every member uses and can cross reference them.


I have always been who I say I am. I have NEVER used multiple identities. I have been on this forum since 2006 with only ONE name. I have also never been shy about giving my real name and place of residence.

Never had the need to do that. I stand behind every fact or theory that I have ever posted. I have never met Judy in person, but have corresponded with her several times.


If you have never seen us post at the same time, then your research on this subject (like your research on every other subject) is sorely lacking.


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